Angie Jones Profile picture
VP, DevRel 🥑 | International Keynote Speaker | Java Champion | GitHub Star | Inventor {27 patents} | Creating the impossible at @TBDDev/@blocks
🦾✝️🤳 Jesus needs a minute Profile picture Is Peter Schrager from the future? Profile picture 2 subscribed
Aug 26, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Someone asked for advice on how to navigate tech as a woman.

Here are my tips. Ladies, feel free to add more. 1. KNOW that you belong. Know it in the depths of your soul so that ANYONE telling you otherwise sounds absolutely ridiculous to you! Do the self-care work (affirmations, saving kudos) that it takes to get to this point.
Jun 4, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
I've been thinking all week - trying to figure out what was so controversial about that tweet that would warrant such a response.

I've figured it out. Many of the people who attacked me are friends with Cat. They saw Cat as someone who exhibits the behavior I described in that tweet. But they weren't *really* upset about that part, regardless of what they told themselves.
Mar 12, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Got a question today: "With all the information I’m learning what are some tips/best practices on how to retain it all?"

By building. 🧵 IMO, tutorials are to inform you of what's there and how one might apply it. That's the lesson. You've learned this thing exists and when/where/how it can be used.
Jul 29, 2020 33 tweets 7 min read
I have some really big personal news...I've totally redone my fashion game! Most of you had no idea that I developed an online fashion game that's been around since 2008.

The web was a much different time back then and as the years went on, my app became more dated with each passing year.
Dec 10, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
I really enjoy watching tech talks. Please share your favorite ones from this year.

I'll go first... I loved "How to Build a Magical Living Room" by @saronyitbarek. She talks about building safe and comfortable spaces for communities, which is particularly relevant for me as someone in DevRel. As a bonus, she is an excellent presenter!