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Apr 25 32 tweets 5 min read
🧵 ⚠️ Lengthy seed oil rant warning — DO NOT READ ANY OF THIS 😁

I recently triggered the entire paleo/low carb/keto/carnivore community by expressing my opinion that magically replacing all of our seed oils with saturated fat might not improve outcomes. I dragged Dr. Eenfeldt down with me simply by association, as he was asking me audience questions on a Hava podcast at the time.

Subsequently we were invited to partake in a seed oil debate…
Mar 26, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Every week I meal prep a bunch of all-purpose protein that I can throw into anything — a salad, wrap, stir-fry, soup, scramble, or really anything else I want.

Blackened skinless chicken breast is a favorite.

Delicious, and look at those macros! 🤩

Here’s how I make it:

🧵… But first, the challenges.

Skinless chicken breast can be EXTREMELY unforgiving.

It is so lean that it is incredibly easy to overcook, and it dries out something awful. 🌵☀️

It is also a bit bland, so without the right seasoning you are left with only the taste of sadness. 🥹
Nov 25, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Photo today.

Final day of a week-long all-inclusive vacation, with amazing gourmet buffets three times a day.

Oh, and a Thanksgiving feast as a finale.

I ate a little bit of everything—but I’m not worried about fat gain thanks to a strategy I use for food events like this:

1. Prioritize higher satiety per calorie foods, eaten first and in larger quantity:


2. Then eat lower satiety per calorie foods in smaller amounts:


Oct 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Doing some CME and I will give you one guess as to the answer to this question — which diet is the least appropriate for a type 2 diabetic 😜

Yes you are correct, the Atkins diet, or at least as described (high fat, low carbohydrate) would be it. 😬
Sep 26, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
•Satiety Per Calorie• can be visualized using these three spectra:

1. PROTEIN vs ENERGY — protein improves long term satiety per calorie.

2. FIBER vs CARBS — fiber improves short term satiety per calorie.

3. WATER vs FAT — water improves intra-meal satiety per calorie.

Note that PROTEIN vs ENERGY spectrum is really just protein percentage of calories. Highest importance [which is why I wrote an entire book on Protein.Energy].

Also, WATER vs FAT is essentially synonymous with food energy density [~95% of which is simply water vs fat].
Jul 10, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
So it turns out that everyone is eating the same number of calories, and everybody is burning the same number of calories, more or less.

Which means that calories in calories out is doomed from the start.

But wait a minute…

1/12 If we take a closer look at one of these comparisons — western vs traditional Pima for example — we see that while energy intake and expenditure are basically the same for both groups, the traditional group is twice as active and has way lower BMI and body fat. 🤔

Jun 26, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
Satiation: occurs during an eating episode, terminating it.

Satiety: starts after eating, preventing hunger and further eating.

This chart is evidence-based, representing a huge amount of research, and is not the product of personal opinion.

What can we learn from this?

1/14 First and foremost, protein should be the highest priority for most eating episodes. Protein provides the highest fullness overall — which is why I wrote an entire book focusing primarily on the ratio of protein versus non-protein energy macros [ thePEdiet.com ].

Apr 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Ok here’s the deal — I personally created a new P:E recipe and it is AMAZING. 😁🔥

This is not in The P:E Diet book but it should be so here you go I will just give it to everyone for free — check it out!

Did I mention it was 40% protein?

Did I mention it had a super low energy density of 1.4 kcals/g??

Did I mention this recipe meal preps 15 servings with 41 grams of protein each???

Did I mention that it has an amazing SatietyPerCalorie.com score [shown below]????

Mar 2, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Low carb. 👊🏽

However there is huge room for individualization here.


Either low carb or low fat are perfectly VALID approaches: both will work.

But neither of them are NECESSARY.

You can do one, the other, or moderately both. My personal favorite, and one that I think works for a lot of people, is a moderate amount of both. Being a little bit low carb and a little bit low fat at the same time is easier and more flexible for some people than just either extreme low carb or extreme low fat all the time.
Feb 6, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I know nobody asked me, but my best guess would be choosing a diet that is evidence-based for having higher satiety per calorie: higher protein, fiber, water, weight, volume, and micronutrients—while having lower glycemic carbs, fat, alcohol, energy density, and processing. This will necessarily involve either a reduction in refined carbohydrates or an improvement in carbohydrate quality (less refined, higher fiber, higher micronutrients, or any of the other properties listed above).

And directionally, the advice from the low-carb world is great.
Feb 4, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Popcorn is a fascinating case study in satiety per calorie and passive overconsumption of fat.🍿

1 cup air-popped contains:

• 30 cals
• 1 g PRO
• 6 g CHO
• 1 g fiber
• 0.3 g fat

1 cup of THEATER popcorn identical except for 63 extra cals from an additional 7 g of fat. 👀 You will eat more cups of theater popcorn vs. air-popped because it is so much more delicious [trifecta effect] — plus triple the calories per cup.

I know we are supposed to blame everything on carbs, but in reality half of the cals from the obesity epidemic came from added fat.
Jan 23, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
There are a lot of really nice people on Twitter, and then a few mean people. Nice people don’t feel inadequate. Mean people do.
Jan 16, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read

Ok, Dr. Pontzer didn’t really lie to you. 😁

Actually, Dr. Pontzer is awesome and everyone should read his great book, ‘Burn’. 🔥

But the real reason Americans and the Hadza have the same metabolic rate?




To lose weight, you really want to change your DIET.

But to KEEP WEIGHT OFF, you are going to have to EXPEND MORE ENERGY.

There are a number of things you can do to help:
Jan 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
No question as to which protein is the cheapest one on earth, by a 2x margin:


Unfortunately to get all of my protein from chickpeas I would have to consume an extra 800 cal of carbs per day.

And I would die as it is an incomplete protein (lacks methionine/cysteine). You can add complementary foods to chickpeas to create a complete protein and personally I think chickpeas pair nicely with a lovely filet mignon 🥩😜👍🏽
Dec 31, 2021 8 tweets 9 min read
@winfinancial @comebackking1 @screenack @BiggestComeback Oh wow man ok how do I best explain this? 🤔

Here’s a try. 🧵

Picture one of my patients who is superobese and horribly diabetic. Like, I have patients who are 400+ pounds and have blood sugar of 300+ 24 hours a day.

But how much glucose is actually inside their entire body? @winfinancial @comebackking1 @screenack @BiggestComeback You have maybe 15 grams of glucose total in their entire circulatory system, giving them the glucose of 300 mg/dL. And then maybe 100 grams of glucose in their liver, which is fully saturated with glucose. Then maybe 300 grams of glucose total in all of their muscles.

415 grams.
Jul 23, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
You know that protein percentage is a huge factor when it comes to satiety per calorie.

But what is the next largest factor?

⚡️ E N E R G Y D E N S I T Y ⚡️

This is a hugely important concept that a lot of low carbers miss.

Most humans eat 4-5 pounds of food a day, somewhat independent of the calories present.

The ‘Potato Hack’ monodiet? Potatoes are only 0.9 kcals per gram, so four pounds of potatoes are only 1,600 calories.
Mar 20, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read


‘INSULIN RESISTANCE’ has nothing whatsoever to do with ‘HYPERINSULINEMIA’.

‘HYPERINSULINEMIA’ is the energy toxicity or overfatness that results from chronically choosing foods with low satiety per calorie—typically high density carbs AND fats.

… ‘INSULIN RESISTANCE’ used to be nearly synonymous with hyperinsulinemia in the medical literature, but now we all understand the major distinction between the two.

In the absence of elevated insulin, this insulin resistance is perhaps better named ‘adaptive glucose sparing’.

Feb 4, 2020 8 tweets 7 min read
@KevinH_PhD @DoctorTro I am literally referring to adipocyte diameter and the physical and mechanical spillover of fat from subcutaneous adipocytes to visceral adipocytes and finally to ectopic fat and elevated fuels in the bloodstream due to no more places to easily store fat. @KevinH_PhD @DoctorTro My model is basically looking at lipotoxicity as a physical overfilling of adipose storage. ImageImageImageImage