Tèinyé Boyle Profile picture
Jun 27, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
What every Dependent husband needs to know before #JAPA (A thread) Hey folks, i’m back again with another long read; something worthwhile for every husband or soon-to-be husband who intends to #Japa with a student wife.

I decided to shed more light in this direction as i will find that many people are sold faux believes.
Apr 30, 2023 24 tweets 6 min read
#JAPA - my side of the story (A thread)

My name is Teinye Boyle, a creative writer, classical musician, Events and Tv producer now pursuing a career in Filmmaking in England, United Kingdom.

For as long as i remember myself, i had been Pro-Nigeria / Anti-Japa up until 2020…. Image I believed relocating from Nigeria would truncate my destiny as i felt all people do abroad was just pick shifts and pack sh*t - i wanted to be more, i wanted a life of purpose and impact, i wanted to leave a mark and touch lives as many possible