Terje Helland Profile picture
Passionate debater. Generous with compliments. Dedicated to helping others. Consultant & adviser. Communication. Rhetoric. 🇺🇸,🇺🇦,🇬🇪. Politics. Media.
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Sep 15 17 tweets 6 min read
🇬🇪 Recent claims by Georgia's pro-Russian oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili that Georgia initiated the 2008 war are a dangerous distortion of history.
🧵Let’s dive into the facts to understand the true nature of Russia's invasion.
1/17Image 📖 The roots of the conflict trace back to the early 1990s when Russia supported separatist movements in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. This strategy aimed to maintain Moscow's influence over its "near abroad" following the Soviet collapse.
Sep 12 25 tweets 9 min read
🇬🇪For over a century, Russia has systematically oppressed and interfered in Georgia, from Stalin’s brutal reign through today’s Trojan Horse, Georgian Dream (GD).
🧵Let’s expose how GD’s mission has always been to ensure Georgia never escapes Russia’s control and influence.
1/25 Image 📅 After the Russian Revolution, Georgia briefly declared its independence in 1918, becoming the Democratic Republic of Georgia.
However, this independence was short-lived as the Red Army invaded in 1921, forcing Georgia back under Soviet control.
Sep 5 25 tweets 8 min read
🇬🇪As the Georgian parliamentary elections approach, we’re witnessing Georgian Dream (GD) becoming more and more and more unhinged and aggressive in its rhetoric against the opposition.
🧵They try to demoralize voters and lay the groundwork for potential election rigging.
1/25Image Europe probably hasn’t seen rhetoric this extreme since the interwar period in Germany. It’s no less detached from reality than the infamous reports from Baghdad Bob (google him) during the Iraq War, and as wild as North Korean state broadcasts. 😠📉
2/25 Image
Aug 27 22 tweets 7 min read
🇬🇪 In 2024, Georgia is still influenced by a feudal system masked as democracy. Local elites, handpicked by Bidzina Ivanishvili’s Georgian Dream, control everything. These candidates are modern-day feudal lords disguised as MPs.
🧵Here is a feudal lord corruption thread.
1/21 🏰 Image 💼 These so-called delegates are not just politicians; they are powerful business elites tied to their regions. They control state licenses, procurements, and public tenders, siphoning public funds into their private coffers while feeding their political patrons.
2/21 💸
Aug 23 6 tweets 2 min read
🇬🇪🚨 Warning: Georgia’s democracy is on the brink of collapse. Georgian Dream’s plan to ban all opposition parties is a dangerous power grab that echoes autocratic regimes like Belarus and North Korea.
🧵This isn’t democracy—it’s the death of political pluralism.
1/5Image The implications of this move are devastating. A ban on opposition parties will create a one-party state, silencing the voice of millions of Georgians and dismantling the democratic foundations the country has fought so hard to build.
Aug 22 22 tweets 8 min read
🇺🇸The GOP has a major communication problem. It's not enough to point out negative qualities in opponents when the comparison to their own nominee is so unfavorable.
🧵Here is a thread about why the GOP's attacks on Harris-Walz struggle to land and they will loose big time.
1/22Image 🏚️ Republicans renominated a candidate who introduced himself to the political scene through the "birther" conspiracy, a movement driven by racism, ignorance, and outright falsehoods. This tarnished his credibility from the start.
Aug 20 16 tweets 4 min read
🇬🇪 Georgia's democracy is under threat. The ruling Georgian Dream party is pushing for a constitutional majority—not to govern, but to eliminate political opposition. A new statement is chilling.
Here's why it's crucial for the Georgian people to stop them on October 26th.
1/16Image ⚠️ The party’s statement almost certainly guarantees that under Georgian Dream’s rule, Georgia will never restore normal relations with the US 🇺🇸 and will effectively shut the door on any chance of becoming a member of the EU 🇪🇺.
Aug 17 24 tweets 7 min read
🇬🇪Georgian PM Irakli Kobakhidze recently claimed that Georgia is ahead of Ukraine and Moldova in the EU🇪🇺 accession process. This is factually incorrect.
🧵Here’s the truth about why Georgia is left behind. 1/24Image ❗️Kobakhidze knows that what he’s saying is false. This makes him a demagogue, but it’s worse than that—it reveals Georgian Dream's @GeorgianDream41 cynical misinformation campaign designed to falsely position the party as pro-European.
Aug 15 23 tweets 6 min read
🇬🇪Inside Georgian Dream's disinformation machine, powered by Russian 🇷🇺 digital experts. How fake news, fake accounts, and cross-platform manipulation keep a pro-Russian agenda alive in Georgia.
🧵Let's dive in this breaking news.
1/23Image 👥 Georgian Dream @GeorgianDream41 has been linked to a sophisticated network of Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior (CIB) backed by Russian marketing firms like IMA Digital, which flood social media with fake accounts and misleading content.
Aug 10 20 tweets 5 min read
🇺🇸Donald Trump's lying and the media's failure to effectively fact-check him in real time is both annoying and troublesome.
But what about his use of unknown sources for praise and questionable statements? 🤔
🧵Why isn’t anyone asking, 'Who the hell are they?!'
1/20Image Trump frequently uses vague references to anonymous praise, adding a veneer of credibility to his claims without ever providing evidence. 🧐
🗞️Let’s dive into some examples and ask the questions the media often doesn’t.
Aug 7 23 tweets 7 min read
🇬🇪 Georgian Dream (GD) is ramping up legislative measures and harsh punishments, all while framing dissidents as dangerous and treasonous.
🧵Let's dive into how this impacts political freedom and civil society in Georgia.
1/24 Image 📜 One of the most controversial laws is the "Transparency of Foreign Influence" act. This law targets non-commercial legal entities and media receiving over 20% of their funding from foreign sources.
2/24 edition.cnn.com/2024/05/14/eur…
Aug 3 25 tweets 8 min read
🇬🇪The Georgian Dream party claims "neutrality" regarding the Ukraine war. They justify this stance by arguing that avoiding involvement prevents Georgia from becoming a "second front" However, evidence suggests that Georgia's actions are not neutral.
🧵on Georgia helping Russia🇷🇺 Image Bidzina Ivanishvili, the de facto leader of GD, has deep-seated connections with Russia. A billionaire with significant assets in the country, his business background and political ascent are tightly interwoven with Russian economic and political spheres.
Jul 27 23 tweets 8 min read
🇬🇪As Georgia approaches its crucial October 2024 elections, Georgian Dream's propaganda machine is in full swing. Let's examine how they think and how to expose them.
🧵Here is a thread on Georgian Dream's alternative reality and how bad they are at govern.
1/23 Image Georgian Dream @GeorgianDream41 seems to have a strategy of using alternative facts, groundless labelling of opposition parties, maximizing fear and inventing imaginary threats like the "Global War Party." 🚨
Jul 19 25 tweets 7 min read
🇬🇪Georgia has been a beacon of democracy, aligning closely with the West. However, under Bidzina Ivanishvili, a businessman with deep ties to Russia, the nation has drifted into Russia’s sphere of influence.
🧵a thread inspired by the research and reporting by @Beefeater_Fella Image The pro-Russian and increasingly autocratic ruling party, Georgian Dream, is transforming Georgia into a safe haven for Russian business and investment.
2/24 Image
Jul 13 23 tweets 6 min read
Next week, Donald Trump will be nominated for president again. The NY Times Editorial Board argues he’s unfit for office.
🧵Let's dive into the many reasons why Joe Biden is the best choice for America.
1/23 #USPolitics Image ❌ Trump's character and values starkly oppose what has made America great. Biden, on the other hand, exemplifies the integrity and moral fitness required for the presidency.
2/23 #TrumpIsNotFitToBePresident
Jul 11 5 tweets 2 min read
The GOP is set to nominate Trump again, prioritizing one man over principles. His presidency revealed a disregard for the Constitution, rule of law, and American values. His re-election poses a serious threat to national integrity and security.
nytimes.com/interactive/20… NYT: Trump lacks moral fitness for the presidency. His tenure was marked by lies, divisiveness, and a disregard for democracy. His actions, especially on Jan 6, show a dangerous hunger for power, threatening America's democratic foundations.
2/5 Image
Jul 7 25 tweets 9 min read
🇺🇸The media has become numb and impotent in handling the worst candidate in the history of US elections.
It’s time for the media to step up and do their job.
🧵that question why the media isn’t demanding Donald Trump to drop out!?
1/25Image Trump's character is marred by a history of narcissism, deceit, and disrespect. His derogatory comments about women, minorities, and even his opponents reflect a personality unfit for leadership.
Why is not any major news outlets or pundits asking him to drop out? 🤔
Jul 5 24 tweets 7 min read
🇺🇸Amidst the media's focus on Joe Biden's age and debate performance, we must confront a stark irony.
Despite Biden's long list of achievements, the spotlight often ignores Donald Trump's numerous scandals, narcissistic behavior, and autocratic tendencies.
🧵on #USPolitics
1/24 Image American voters and people around the world should be concerned. Not about Joe Biden's age, but about how the US media is completely failing to do its job. Trump is still a candidate, not because he is a good alternative, but because the media is impotent in how they treat him. Image
Jun 30 14 tweets 5 min read
🇳🇴Norway and 🇺🇦Ukraine:
A closer look at Norway's support to Ukraine reveals a troubling trend. Despite Norway's massive financial strength, our contributions lag behind nations like Sweden and Denmark.
🧵 Let's dive into the numbers. ⬇️
(1/11) Image 💰 Norway has reaped massive financial benefits from the war in Ukraine, with increased gas prices (and sales) leading to over 1500 billion NOK ($143 billion) in additional revenue for ´22 and ´23 alone.
Yet, our support to Ukraine is far less than what our financial strength allows.
Jun 28 25 tweets 8 min read
🇬🇪 There are interesting historical parallels between the 1920 Treaty of Moscow, which led to the establishment of the Georgian Communist Party and the eventual Soviet takeover, AND the establishment of the Georgian Dream party in 2012.
🧵... on the Georgian Nightmare.
/25 Image Historical parallels often reveal much about current political landscapes. Let's explore how past Russian tactics in Georgia resonate today through the actions of the Georgian Dream party.
#History #Georgia
Jun 25 24 tweets 6 min read
🇬🇪 As long as Georgian Dream (GD) governs Georgia, the country will never be a member of the EU 🇪🇺.
Not in 2030, not ever.
🧵Here is why Georgian Dream's continued power will be a tragedy for the Georgian people and why we have to expose their demagoguery.
1/25 Image GD claims to support EU path, as seen in Ivanishvili's April 29 speech and PM Kobakhidze's various deceiving statements. However, their actions reveal demagoguery aimed at comforting the people with false assurances. GD does not want to become part of EU.