Kristin Reed says free Palestine Profile picture
Much-lamented "special interest group." My special interests: labor & public education. Member @VCUworkers & @RichmondForAll. (she/her)
Feb 9, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
Last night a group of people identifying as "007 parents" descended on the Chesterfield School Board threatening legal action against Board members in response to, in part, masking policy. They are fueled by a national campaign designed to target and harass public officials. ImageImageImageImage The scam they're involved in is called "Bonds for the Win" and is based on a relatively convoluted argument that any individual citizen can serve any elected official claims against surety bonds designed to create financial protection for the public. Image
Feb 8, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
If you're one of the many Virginians who use social media regularly, you're probably suddenly seeing pro charterization advertisements. Linked here is the 990 of one of the organizations sponsoring these ads. Let's talk about it.… The "American Culture Project" is run by John Tillman, who expends large amounts of private funds to reduce public services nationally. He is based in Chicago. He wants to charterize Virginia Schools.…
Feb 8, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
The "informational" union website constructed by @REI is live at: Themes include "Dues! Dues! Have you heard about dues?!"

Just to flag: this is why we can't tiptoe around dues. If we don't talk to our coworkers about dues, our bosses will.
Jan 19, 2021 21 tweets 6 min read
The 1776 Commission Report has landed, and scholars with a range of areas of speciality are weighing in this week. I've been studying this curriculum since it launched in September. Here are some thoughts, with a focus on neoliberalism in preK-12 curriculum and policy. I have taught in higher ed general education since 2001, full time since 2009. That's my area of formal expertise, but I have an additional interest in privatization in preK-12 public ed policy. You *cannot* study privatization without understanding white supremacy in education.
Dec 1, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
I'm watching the GreenCity press conference. This site was purchased by the county in 2011 with the intent to use it as a government center. The site was literally flagged for public use, and will now be sold to developers.… "This particular story begins in the spring of 2020. After an attempt to locate in the city of Richmond, my office was asked if Henrico had a site suitable for such a unique economic development opportunity."

Lol to "unique." 😂
Jun 21, 2020 18 tweets 5 min read
In anticipation of our court date Tuesday, RPS has sent me some teacher retention data.

What did I get, what didn't I get, and what does it mean? A thread: In March of this year I took RPS to court over their refusal to fulfill a FOIA request for district retention rates. That data is part of the assessments for our strategic plan; I had requested it twice in 2019 to no avail. RPS didn't show in court.
Oct 19, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
Oh man, I know it's a Saturday night y'all, but the answers to the #NavyHillRVA questions submitted last session are DOOZIES. Will there be Project Labor Agreements guaranteeing rights and fair pay to workers as part of these deals?


Oct 19, 2019 63 tweets 17 min read
Good morning! It's another Saturday morning, which means that we're out at the Police Academy for the second meeting of the #NavyHillRVA commission. We're out in force but this morning I'm posting a different kind of picture: a screenshot of November 12th's City Council agenda. Yup! You read that right. The coliseum is currently scheduled for a vote for November 12th. This is likely a continuance, and will be continued again. Currently @ParkerCAgelasto has proposed the Commission present its findings to council early January.
Oct 5, 2019 61 tweets 13 min read
Aaaaaaaand we’re off. The first session of the NH corporation Coliseum is launching. @ChelseaWiseRVA @MrLegacyJones and @lewrennie are in the house. Thread: We're starting by meeting the commission members. Members and bios are here:
Jun 21, 2019 44 tweets 6 min read
Okay we are ending public comment. This is a concluding thread that will he precisely as long as my battery. I’m sorry these are getting a little frenetic. I’m exhausted. #NoCPS I can’t believe the extent to which @VirginiaDEQ is, in all seriousness, treating what sounds like two newspaper ads as community outreach. It is also clear that no Af Am outreach was made at all.
Jun 21, 2019 47 tweets 9 min read
Afternoon! We’re back at the state Air Board meeting in review of the proposed permit for a fracked-gas pose plant in Charles City Va. My two morning threads are quoted below. I’ll keep tweeting as long as I have battery. We’re about to launch public comment. #NoCPS If you’re just joining us, “Bob” is super bummed about my tweets, and is interested in hearing more nuance from me. Alas.
Jun 21, 2019 53 tweets 11 min read
Morning! We’ve got great turnout today at the VA DEQ board meeting in support of the people of Charles City, who are opposing the construction of a fracked gas power plant. Today’s meeting is held at a private country club next to a gated community on the north side of Richmond. Not ideal for public engagement and not great for the people of Charles City who traveled to be here today.