Not here anymore. Come join me in the other places!
Jul 21, 2022 • 32 tweets • 9 min read
Time for another Dicey Dungeons Reunion design thread! Up next, it's everyone's favourite contestant, the Witch:
Very early in development, I had a plan for a Witch episode that I assumed was going to be a slam dunk - so, I put that idea to one side and worked on some other episodes first.
Jul 12, 2022 • 25 tweets • 8 min read
Time for the second of my Dicey Dungeons Reunion episode threads! This time, it's the Jester:
Ok, so, as a starting point, I think I need to acknowledge that the vanilla Jester design is *weird*. (A designer friend of mine called them a "high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production".)
Jul 8, 2022 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
Hey! Now that Dicey Dungeons Reunion is out, I thought it'd be fun to go through the various episodes and talk about the design of them a bit. Here we go! Gonna start with the Thief!
In the new re-arranged Reunion ordering, the Thief appears first. He's the easiest of the six new episodes, and also the least complicated to play.
But, he was also probably the *most* work out of the six to make!
Sep 3, 2021 • 66 tweets • 14 min read
So I guess I should start a thread for my own #stopwaitingforgodot entry? I'm not starting until tomorrow morning, but I think I know what I want to make - I'm going to make a sequel to an old jam game, Copycat!
I suggested "make a sequel to an old jam game" as a throwaway idea in the jam description, without any plans to personally do that. But it did make me look at some of my old games, and think about what might be fun to make a sequel to.
Mar 22, 2021 • 198 tweets • 47 min read
Fun side project time; gonna see if I can make something small in Roblox! gonna update this thread as I go for anyone else out there interested in the process
Alright, step 1 to get warmed up, I have a dumb idea - I want to see if I can just create a custom t-shirt asset for my avatar. Specifically, this one: