Terry O'Neill Profile picture
Head of Scouting Operations @ScoutsScotland. Chair @RosythScouts. Love the outdoors and responsible citizenship. Tweets are my own views.
Sep 16, 2020 7 tweets 6 min read
As a child, my school didn't provide residential trips but as a 6yo i found @ScoutsScotland (well, my parents did!) that began an adventure I've lived for the last 37 years. A big part of that was going to and then taking young people on residential trips #SaveYourOutdoorCentres My best life was lived as a Scout staying away from home with my friends. On residentials, I learned skills that would set me up for life, i was part of a team, i was a leader, i was confident, i appreciated the environment and the world around me #SaveYourOutdoorCentres