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Award-winning journalism for schools, including news, analysis, research reviews and teaching and learning guides.
Feb 2, 2021 30 tweets 8 min read
.@tes is following the @AppgCoronavirus on schools and Covid-19. Follow here for the latest updates #appgcoronavirus Caroline Lea says she was threatened with fines for taking her children out of school. "I felt very belittled by the whole process because I was being treated like a truant," she says.
Jan 15, 2021 44 tweets 19 min read
Given @GavinWilliamson failure to apologise this week for 'last-minute' decisions on schools policy during the pandemic, we thought it might be useful to put to together one handy thread of every U-turn from the @educationgovuk since April last year(1/43)🤓tes.com/news/covid-no-… Free school meals will come up a lot in this thread, but here is the first governmental U-turn before the Easter Holidays. (2/43) #FSM
Jan 13, 2021 28 tweets 13 min read
Education Secretary Gavin Williamson is due to face MPs shortly for the @CommonsEd hearing on the impact of Covid-19 on education and children’s services. There is so much to go at. Follow this thread for @tes updates The committee chairman @halfon4harlowMP asks @GavinWilliamson about the controversy over school food boxes. Mr Williamson says he was disgusted at the images of food parcels. He said its been made clear to the sector that this will not be tolerated. #edselctte
Jan 5, 2021 25 tweets 13 min read
How we got here, a thread (1/25) Before Christmas, owing to rising infection rates, Greenwich advised their schools to shut before the end of term – several councils later advised the same. (2/25)
Jan 4, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
Prime minister @BorisJohnson now speaking – expecting an announcement on #schoolsreopening "We need to do more, together, to bring this new variant under control" – Boris Johnson confirms that there will be a national lockdown
Jan 3, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Should pupils be sent to school tomorrow morning, Boris Johnson is asked by Andrew Marr on @BBCOne: “Yes, absolutely they should, in the areas where schools are open,” he replies. PM goes on to say any decision will not be political but entirely driven by public health considerations.
Dec 30, 2020 22 tweets 7 min read
Education secretary @GavinWilliamson now delivering a statement in the Commons on plans for bringing children back to school. Stay tuned for live updates. The government's response is proportionate to the risk at hand, @GavinWilliamson says.
Nov 5, 2019 26 tweets 19 min read
Today we are bringing you live updates from the @UCET_UK annual conference in Stratford-upon-Avon. First up is keynote speaker @MaryBoustedNEU, joint general secretary of @NEUnion @UCET_UK @MaryBoustedNEU @NEUnion Bousted begins by saying: "Teachers are the most valuable resource in any education system."
Oct 4, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Baroness Hale tells Association of State Girls’ Schools, ‘let’s hear it for the girly swots’ as she opens their leadership conference. And she says her number one piece of advice to young women is: ‘Don’t let the bastards get you down!’
May 21, 2019 34 tweets 15 min read
The @commonsed is holding its final hearing on SEND today with Ministers Nick @NickGibbUK and @nadhimzahawi taking questions. #edselctte Strong opening question from committee chairman @halfon4harlowMP : Everyone we have spoken to says the SEND system is not working. Do you agree? #edselctte