Tessa Brown Profile picture
CEO and co-founder, @germnetwork ✨ everyone deserves safety 🌺 join germ for iOS at the link 🌿 editor of GRADUATE STUDENTS AT WORK 🦾 these tweets disappear
Nov 18, 2022 64 tweets 22 min read
The possible collapse of twitter has made me super sad and reflective about what this site has meant to me and how it shaped my work as a literacy researcher and educator and now as an early platform ceo.

i have 45 minutes and i'm about to tweet my guts out. i was thinking of pitching like a "eulogy for twitter" to @TeenVogue but i'm gonna tweet first instead, unroll it later, and see what i can do with it.

this is off the dome first draft material, we'll see what themes come out. stay with me.
Apr 7, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
This panel between @MalloryKnodel and @Riana_Crypto was so great I want to share a few key resources that are grounding my efforts to design an encrypted social media space that prioritizes Trust & Safety ⬇️ 1/ First, the @CenDemTech's report on "Content Moderation in E2E Encrypted Systems" is central in identifying the problem space and singling out user reporting and metadata analysis as major T&S interventions that protect users without breaking encryption 2/ cdt.org/insights/outsi…