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building @SST_dev @terminaldotshop @tomorrow_fm
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Oct 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
i’ve been using solid every day for the past two years

something has happened in the last few months where it feels like the ecosystem has hit a threshold and is producing some extremely high quality stuff

some highlights in the thread kobalte is the absolute best ui toolkit i’ve ever used in any framework

it’s unstyled so make it look like whatever you want, the APIs are fantastic and i’ve never ran into any limitations so far, excellent typesafety and accessibility

Aug 8, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
this was a question about implementing multi-tenancy in a single database

basically even though you have many customers, you want to pretend like each customer has their own database

most products get this wrong and then end up missing some useful features

read below https://t.co/vKrIPm2Ph6twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
one way to implement this is to specify a column in every single table - in this case `workspace_id`

every single query you do on behalf of a customer will be filtered `where workspace_id = xxx`

from their point of view it's like only their own data exists in the db
May 24, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
lot of you talking about lambda function warming but i don’t remember authorizing any of you to comment on this

come to papa i’ll lay it out for you

here’s another thread to shove into your empty brains sorry @lizisraad we’re talking about cold starts again

if you engineer for serverless you select minimal dependencies and keep your code small

these are good practices in general and if you do them in serverless architectures you don’t really have to worry about cold starts
May 1, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
alright i can’t resist

everyone is covering the technical details of the @vercel announcement so not gonna comment there

but today marks a major shift in how they’re positioned strategically

have some thoughts

threadboi time vercel has had a brilliant strategy that makes them different than other hosting providers

they don’t run infra

all of their own bills are usage based

they’re only charged when they’re charging you

and so they don’t have to be over provisioned just in case your app goes viral
Apr 30, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
all this auth talk with @ClerkDev surprised no one has brought this up

say you're using github login

one of the best features in clerk is not having to configure a new github app for each one of your development environments

but i have some concerns with the implementation when logging in you can see that you're not authorizing your app specifically - you're authorizing Clerk as a whole Image
Apr 27, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
lots of talk about auth being easy to roll yourself

i’ve tried to use every managed auth provider i could find and i always ended up doing my own thing

and it has nothing to do with it being easier or even cost

there’s an entirely different problem

thread boi time when you look at these auth solutions they typically will handle three things

1. handshakes with third party IDPs (login with google, etc)
2. session management
3. user storage

1+2 are boring and i’m 100% down to offload it to someone else

the problem is #3
Jan 16, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
keep seeing a certain doomed product being built over and over


it's a funny mix of getting certain things absolutely right while missing something a bit obvious

1/x the product I'm talking about is visual drag and drop tools to build up your infrastructure

we've seen it with Stackery (dead), AWS Application Composer (doa), Massdriver (tbd) to name a few

the idea starts with "why can't I just ship my high level architecture diagrams?"

May 19, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
It's easy to make the same old jokes about NoSQL but there's a much more important lesson to learn of how it tragically became a punchline in the first place.

Story time... Back in the early 2010s a PAAS company called 10gen decided to pivot. They were going to narrow their focus and develop a new kind of database that they named MongoDB
Jun 20, 2019 14 tweets 4 min read
Here's a thread putting frameworks like #reactjs in context of why they exist and thinking about where to go next Start by forgetting React and writing a simple UI with vanilla JS like a troglodyte. This is as performant as can be as it only mutates the element that needs to be changed Image
Feb 9, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Imagine a world with 100 people who each produce and consume one apple every year. If someone invents a way to double output and takes half of everyone's second apple they become obscenely wealthy (50 apples a year). Still, everyone is much better off

This is wealth creation Now that it's easier to produce the one apple needed, everyone can spend a portion of their time working on something else. Maybe even faster apple production methods or something unrelated to apples, like medicine or entertainment

This is how wealth creation compounds
Jan 4, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
With all the talk about regulating Facebook, it's a good time to consider the difference between horizontal and vertical regulation

Thread 👇 Regulation tends to be horizontal. It identifies specific effects of the company, i.e. privacy violations, and attempts to create rules horizontally for the entire market
Jul 25, 2018 15 tweets 1 min read
Things I've learned engineering at startups: Complexity is a permanent part of the world. Technology claiming to eliminate complexity is actually shifting it elsewhere.