Sam Padilla Profile picture
Co-founder @Eidon_AI, Contributor @ATXDAO, Co-Host @inter4pod • Prev. Web3 @Google • Deeply optimistic about the future of humanity • 🇨🇴
David Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 24, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
With everyone talking about the Oppenheimer movie, it felt like a timely stop to drive by the Los Alamos Monument on my way from Austin to Oregon.

One thing fascinated me about the history of this place that I haven’t heard anyone talk about yet.

Super quick 🧵

In 1862 president Lincoln pass the homesteading act.

It basically allowed any male to lay claim to any 160 acres of government-surveyed land.

If they build a well and farmed the land for 5 years, the land would become theirs.…
Jun 1, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
For several months, I've been working with @sunnydece and others at @MessariCrypto to advance the discussion of blockchain decentralization beyond @balajis's original Nakamoto Coefficient paper.

I am so excited to finally share this!

A quick 🧵
(1/12)… One of the key insights of @balajis's original paper that got lost in the echo chambers of Crypto Twitter was the idea of "essential subsystems".

In short, it referred to an area of a blockchain network for which to quantify decentralization.
