The Viscount Bukit Panjang Profile picture
Back into the land of hotness and rain 🇸🇬. Undergraduate of NAFA-UAL. Uncle to two cats. he/him
Sep 19, 2022 38 tweets 11 min read
The Brits are still no.1 at pomp and pageantry it seems There's some magic seeing a bunch of young sailors, generals, admirals and oldies marching in step.
Aug 31, 2022 21 tweets 9 min read
I have to say, there's is something appealing about the rawness and chaos of this Hari Kebangsaan parade Also, they have a chef contingent??
Aug 21, 2022 54 tweets 19 min read
Okay PM Lee flexing his photography skills again #NDR22 "Shit that's why they gave us tickets to this show" #NDR22
Aug 21, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
377a may be officially on the cards for repeal from tonight, but National Day Rally announcements are merely signals from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on what the government will do for the foreseeable future.

So what's next? (1/idk) Section 377a is part of the Penal code, a body of text that is the backbone of Criminal law in Singapore.

Unlike India, where their supreme court repealed its own offending section, Singapore's repeal will have to go through parliament. (2/idk)
Aug 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Fuck me they finally have automated IPPT station at HTA Cb I'm in the last slot of people
Jan 6, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Would be weird that an art student would talk about this but here goes.

1. It is unprecedented that a YPDA Agong would resign. While provisions has made for such a situation, more often that not, either their 5 years ends or they pass away whist in office. 2. With the seat vacant, it is now up the Conference of Rulers (comprised of the rulers of all the Malay royal states) to meet and elect (Yes, elect) the next YPDA.

Normally, they elect the next in line on the order of seniority that was formed in 1957.