The Fricky! Profile picture
Venezuelan Internet Jedi and Web Developer. They call me geek, I don't know why. I talk about a lot of stuff in both Spanish and English.
Jan 26, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
There's something people who all can see in the transition process going on in Venezuela is "USA intervention" seems to overlook: Guaido presidency is *temporary* and the Constitution demands elections once the rule of law is recovered. So hold your horses a bit Also worth to mention that *he was elected to the Parlament* He's what in USA would be the speaker of the House, he's not just any random guy came to this, so far he's fulfilling his Constitutional duty.
Jan 25, 2019 11 tweets 2 min read
People in the left, automatic solidarity towards Maduro is not in your best interest.
Not just that Maduro isn't a "leftist" but what happened yesterday in Venezuela isn't a coupe, far from that.
As what you'd call "a leftist" myself, let me try to explain myself Let start by saying that I've been a true leftist all my life, started as a communist when I was 15yo and now, at 47yo more around social-democracy, yesm that AOC and Bernie social-democracy