River Pilgrim Profile picture
Gestating the world that wants to be • Feeding the world-soul, world-heart, world-body, world-mind • Starving the gods of control & convenience https://t.co/00oTvUzIHX
May 27, 2024 23 tweets 5 min read
Iain McGilchrist writes on the ways Left & Right Hemispheres of the brain see the world, and his work is often misunderstood, mischaracterized, & 'um-akshully'-ed

At the beginning of The Matter with Things, he lists 20 robust, well-recognized differences between LH & RH... Image In this section, he more or less says "these differences are well-studied and well-understood, they aren't controversial.

But when we look at them as a whole, instead of as unrelated pieces -- connecting the dots gets controversial for some reason"

I'm just going to list the 20 differences he lays out, and you can look for yourself -- does it seem like there are dots to connect? do the left and right hemispheres seem to have different, recognizable modes of attending to the world?

(note: this isn't "the right hemisphere likes art, the left likes math" pablum or anything -- both hemispheres do everything; but the WAY they do them, the WAY they approach life, that's what we're looking at)
Aug 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I’ve noticed that my work with Somatic Resonance and mythopoetics / dreaming

are my attempt to shore up the aspects of wholeness that go missing again and again and again in this cultural moment Archetypes like the Generative Nurturing Adult and the Sage/Innocent… I’m not so worried about those

there are plentiful examples, a lot of people putting out a lot of different versions of the positive qualities there: heartfelt thinking, equanimity, perspective, etc…
Aug 21, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
basically: tpot is missing Dark Muse Soul Guide energy, and it leads to an overgrowth of escapist spiritual materialism and its cousins


they just don’t post much or put themselves into this community a lot

which seems unfortunate, but a structural element of the (inward-facing, very not-extroverted or proselytize-y) soul guide archetype
Aug 21, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
in my “oh, so Plotkin’s framework explains a lot of tpot dynamics” arc @JoshAFairhead Example: the inner wounded child needs the presence of the Nurturing Generative Adult to hold space for it so it can heal. —healing the shadow requires a strong sense of one’s Innocent/Sage so there’s enough perspective and equanimity to not get mired in shadow material. Etc […]
Aug 15, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
There’s nothing you can’t use as a tool to obstruct, harm, defeat, and belittle yourself, from meditation to crying to hiking,

and there’s basically nothing that can’t open you up, bring about healing, sink you into Life more deeply,

it depends entirely on your approach/stance eg- if your implicit, background subconscious stance is in the neighborhood of

“I need to Do This Correctly. Am I messing up? If I can just *focus* and *work* enough and *get better* at it,

I can get my experience to match up with how other people’s good experiences sound…
Aug 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Plotkin’s map of the soul might clarify what I mean about it being a continuation of IFS, or a movement past it or something

The inner layer is sub-personalities, the outer layer is aspects of Self

[…] Image Most of what goes around for IFS tends towards dealing with the inner layer, the sub-personalities.

These are parts of us that are generally not fully matured, that are using old childhood strategies to manage our lives,,

And often keep us stuck by relying on those strategies
May 2, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
This might be the best advice I’ve ever given honestly This should really be my pinned tweet
May 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Every cat in Istanbul is like this, they just hang out on street corners and want love This guy and a couple of his buddies just wandered the Starbucks
May 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
(My toxic trait is that I’ve seen enough local art travelling in a couple dozen countries that I’m pretty unconvinced by the “no the ancient Greeks would have painted them more tastefully” arguments in the replies Actual folk art takes no pains to adhere to our projected notions of “tastefulness”

Which, those notions are enormously inflected by the fact that our culture finds archaism “tasteful” and has built beauty standards around the side effects of things aging, fading, muting, etc)
Apr 30, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Gotta make room for both:

- contentment and bliss at the simple experience of What Is

- hunger and drive to explore What Calls Your Soul People vary quite a bit on which one they need to master first,,

But where almost everyone converges is in a tribal insistence on the one they mastered is The Right One,,

And miss the opportunity to integrate the complementarities
Apr 30, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I should mention that “rent is 500 bucks” is like, for apartments I would be fine living in if I were single.

But I’m a finicky bitch.

If you don’t mind living in like, a small room with one window on the outskirts of town, that price drops appreciably Currently, me and my partner split a 2 bedroom place in downtown that’s around 600/month,, so I pay like 300/month in rent. Closer to 350 w utilities.

You could probably honestly find a way to rent for like 150 or 200 here,,, like I definitely wouldn’t, but it feels possible
Apr 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
how all those old statues were actually colorful & carnivalesque & gaudy

But once that knowledge was lost and they eroded down to white marble

The re-discoverers were like “yes, the simplicity and purity is the highest aesthetic, as the ancients show us!” Image There’s like 40 different lessons about psycho-cultural dynamics in there
Apr 30, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
just remembered a travel buddy in Laos,

She was uniquely frustrating
A) latched onto me cuz she wanted an intimidating male around
B) treated me in a way that constantly assumed I wanted to get w her & she wanted to Nope that

& I was v not into her, which made it annoying Very offputting experience to have someone you only kinda tolerate latch onto you, but then also put tons of energy into pushing you off as if you were juuuuust about to hit on them at any moment
Apr 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
“Chill out, bro”

“The thing to do w a testable hypothesis is to test it, so last time someone said this I drew a cold bath and soaked until my body temperature had chilled appreciably. My mood was, if anything, more irritable than had previously been the case” The follow up is hilarious to me,

Cuz it seems like he literally just did the thing, “touch grass”

I picture him walking outside, bending at the waist, brushing his hand across the grass a few times, giving a tug or two,

Standing up, assessing his mood, and shaking his head Image
Apr 30, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
of the major world religions, islam has the most beautiful art and architecture,

and I’m not sure who comes in second, but whoever it is is a pretty distant second I mean, be honest,, ImageImage
Apr 29, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
I cannot emphasize enough how much I want all you artists and philosophers and monks and explorers to come move to Albania w me

Imagine the dope art you’d make if rent was like 500 bucks and food was half-priced

You can make that happen like tomorrow All that specialized weird music equipment you can’t justify purchasing?

It starts to look like an option
Mar 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
i feel like i missed a thing;;

i travelled around asia for my twenties,

but i had no money the whole time, so anything that wasn’t free or close to it was off-limits

which pretty much kept me to goenka retreats and self-education i didn’t get to do any longer or deeper retreats, or weird ceremonies or emotional processing containers or things like that

seems like it would’ve been nice to do one of those like, multiple-month training things that people pay 3-7k for, y’know?
Mar 24, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵 Barbell Art-About-Art thread,,

I want to get the ABSOLUTE BEST and the ABSOLUTE WORST pieces of art that are *about making that art*

movies about movies, books about books, music about music, etc

give me whatever you’ve got in the replies, I need this I’m going to cheat immediately by doing movies-about-making-plays, so feel free to cheat as well

One of the best is of course: Synecdoche, New York

The worst-but-in-a-good-way: Hamlet 2

The actually worse: The Greatest Showman
Mar 24, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I’d really really love it if this wave of economic anxiety over AI resulted in more focus on the fact that our humanity is economically contingent, and that this is really really fucked up

Seems like a big opportunity that isn’t getting taken advantage of yet I am, unfortunately, seeing more in the opposite direction,

Stuff that rhymes with “anyone who can move swiftly with the future and keep finding ways to sell things is gonna be fine. If you can’t do it you can whine I guess lol”

Which is… built on layers n layers of fucked up
Mar 23, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
ManiFestival begins with our first 3 entries on future-bending, the art of shaping the future with whatever you have at hand

Vol. 1 starts with my introduction, followed by
@tasshinfogleman’s “You Can Just Do Things”
@LaurenUba’s “The Cosmic Dancer”
my “Future-Gardening (i)” Future-Bending Group Manifesto

Mar 23, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Tasseography is out!, take a tour through some of my favorite tpot people & sayings

Vol. 1
@VividVoid_ on “You are not inferior to anyone”
@m_ashcroft on “You can only respond to what you notice”
@tasshinfogleman on “Dare to let love be the answer”
@rosaclewis on “Here we are” Right now it’s here on spotify; gonna try to get it up more places when I have a sec
