thebaldgeek Profile picture
If ADSC, ACARS, or Satcom are your thing, you have found the right guy. #osint #avgeeks decoding L & C-Band, HF, VHF ACARS messages.
Jul 14 10 tweets 4 min read
Iridium update.
I'm going to try (and hopefully fail) and keep a lid on my excitement for this thread.

Because of the work on @thenewarea51 'AT1.' decode question it was very fresh in my mind as I was working on the site.
I noticed the same 'AT1.' ACARS messages on Iridium.
@thenewarea51 It was a case of 'cant see the trees for the forest'.
The AT1. messages had been there since day zero, but it had not 'clicked' in anyone's minds eye what they were.
They are arinc622 encoded messages, just like in the VDL2 feeds.
libacars is the right tool to decode them.
Jul 12 12 tweets 4 min read
Deep breath. Sorry up front if this is long and hard to follow. Consider it a work in progress. Input more than welcome.
@thenewarea51 asked (commented? complained? ) about the lack of .AT1. messages sent via VDL on the website 48 hour search.
I _love_ feedback like this. It was open ended enough that I felt compelled to dig in and understand what was being described.
First up, TNA51 rightly makes the distinction between satcom and VDL AT1 ACARS. This is tightly coupled with the remark that "the most interesting traffic I find is from AT1 messages". 'Interesting' can be subjective, but regardless, lets stick to VHF vs satcom for a sec
Oct 10, 2023 13 tweets 6 min read
For better or worse, I am going to 'live' X this.
Got the Middle East geofence ACARS limping.
So lets do this. Lets roll it out to the site in real time.
Here is the box. I had @GuardedDon help me position it, so if you don't like it, tag him! <grin> Image Right, so lets look at the @NodeRED flow that makes this work.
We get the aircraft every 10 minutes from an API call (via the yellow 'http request' node).
Then we have to split up the ADSB / ADSC aircraft into separate database calls. Then we look up each ICAO of what's inside the box.
Jun 25, 2023 28 tweets 10 min read
Iridium Mega Thread.
Lets start by looking at a bit of history, what it is, how it works (very roughly) and then focus on ACARS via this 'new' mode. The original satellites had large antennas and reflected sunlight like crazy. Fun to watch for sure, but not something you want in the night sky.
The new satellites have reduced this 'flare' effect dramatically.