Author-'Caste, Conversion, a Colonial Conspiracy' - Now available in Asia Pac from &
Fellow Royal Asiatic Society
Feb 3, 2021 • 10 tweets • 8 min read
There is one great ancient indigenous civilisation still able to stand up after having been driven into the dirt by Abrahamic Colonisers, Bharat. The trouble for todays Colonisers is .. @PeteOlusoga@kehinde_andrews
.. they have to finish the job, ie remove the threat to their hegemony, in plain sight of the world ... because they know that the resurrection of Bharat that is India 🇮🇳 spells the end of their .. @SundayGuardian@pGurus1
Jan 21, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
1/5 The Inauguration was deeply troubling on many counts but most of all was the casual acceptance of the Christian framework and value system within which the ceremony was set. The appearance of diversity .. @dharmadispatch@__Interfaith__@IFNetUK@OpIndia_com@sankrant2/5 .. of appearance concealing the absence of diversity of identity trumpeted a milestone on the journey to make the US a Christian country.
There is the classic Macaulay quote, which clearly underlined his colonialist intentions, .. @SundayGuardian
Jan 18, 2021 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
1/5 Anglican missionaries have long leveraged "divide and rule" tribalism to create friction where harmony formerly existed and the greatest tribal difference available for creating "dischord to order" globally, is skin colour. Enter "white supremacy" @GeorgeMonbiot @HCI_London2/5 The Anglican mission and the spread of white supremacy are two wings of the same vulture, picking away at the very fabric of non white living vibrant indigenous civilisations.
"[W]e need to interrogate the relationship of White supremacy and Christian identity. @JohnSentamu