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Singer:@SpinDoctorsBand, The Canoes, #Caturday. Booking: Cameo:
Apr 7, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
I never know the details of our gigs.

I get on a plane, someone picks me up, takes me to the hotel, I know when to be in the lobby, someone drives us to the show, I look for the stage, get on it and rock.

People are like, where’s the show? What time are you going on?

“Uh…”1 Remembering all those lyrics is hard enough.

I don’t make it any easier on myself with all the fancy Rosencrantz and Guildernstern bullshit I throw in there.

Memorizing all the lyrics it’s definitely the hardest part of the job for me.
Jul 8, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Here’s the thing.

The modern world is ordered in such away that to live a practicable life, one must participate in its destruction.

For example. Want to drink clean water? Go ahead. You’re going to leave a plastic bottle that will be around forever.
Enjoy a cheeseburger. Cows are belching our atmosphere into a climate crisis and living miserably.

Be a good person, work hard for a living. Oh, crap. Driving to work every day is going to fuck up the sky.

There is a dark absurdity to modern life I struggle for an answer.
Feb 1, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
My best friend growing up, Ben, had cats. I had a rough time at home so I spent a lot of time at his house. I tried to stay away from his cats but they were all over me. I would just sneeze my brains out. My eyes were super red. His mom thought I was high. 1/ When I got together with Lindsay, she had a cat named Gus. I liked Gus because I liked Lindsay. He liked me too. He was a big lout and we would kind of roughhouse. He was a long, big boned, gray striped tabby .2/ Image
Dec 24, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
Here’s the thing.

The “Republicans” said no to getting two thousand dollars out to the American people.

All that bullshit about foreign aid is a hustle.

It has nothing to do with Americans suffering right now. 👇🏼 I put “Republicans” in quotes because these aren’t the tough on Russia, fiscally conservative (not just when it fucked an opponents attempts to support Americans), uptight but true blue, party of Lincoln of bygone days.