Phil 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Geek, gamer and argumentative non-specific critic. Anything else, I keep well away from twitter. Usually. He/him.
Jun 28, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Listening to an actual play, and it highlights what - for me - is a huge issue with D&D.

It portrays itself as a heroic fantasy game. But there's no game mechanical incentive to be heroic, and lots of game mechanical incentive to be a murderer.

A classic situation: you defeat some bandits, a bunch of whom surrender, and uncover a clue to a bigger evil that hired the bandits. You want to go off chasing the Big Evil, but you've got a bunch of bandits to deal with. In all honesty, the "sensible" thing to do here is execute them. They're real baddies.
Mar 4, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
Ok, I'm not going to write a #Runequest Basic for 2 reasons:

1. Chaosium OGL is pretty clear you can't do it.
2. The RQG Quick Start is actually pretty close to what RQ Basic should be. However, I would change a few things, just to really simplify it...

Firstly, Skills. I would remove them

Controversial! Back in the day, skills was one of the key differences of RQ vs D&D. Well, hear me out

The skill list is really long. A lot of them are very niche and have a very low chance of success. For a lite game, that's just baggage
