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Sep 23 20 tweets 6 min read
Recognize these faces?

2 owners of Twitter.

One is a workaholic. The other meditates in the Himalayas.

And they have 1 extraordinary difference in philosophy🧵
2006: Jack Dorsey co-founds Twitter.
2007: Elon Musk joins the platform.

Two tech visionaries were unknowingly on a collision course.

Dorsey tweets: "just setting up my twttr"
Musk's first tweet: "This is actually me"

Little did they know what was coming next...
Sep 18 16 tweets 6 min read
The year is 1997. Apple is just 90 days from bankruptcy.

Enter Steve Jobs.

With ONE move no-one saw coming, he brings Apple back to life. Apple stock explodes 7,000% over the next 14 years.

Here's the story: Image Let's rewind to 1985:

Steve Jobs, Apple's co-founder, is forced out of the company after a power struggle.

He goes on to found NeXT Computer and buy Pixar.

Meanwhile, Apple starts to decline. Fast forward to 1997:
Sep 15 21 tweets 7 min read
The greatest motivational speaker ever:

Jim Rohn.

He was Tony Robbins' mentor, gave 6,000 speeches in 39 countries and died with a net worth of $500M.

Here's his life-changing philosophy:
Jim Rohn was born on a small farm in Idaho.

He worked hard on the farm — but his financial struggles didn't end.

By 25, he was married with a family, working as a stock clerk, and drowning in debt.

Talk about the American Dream...
Sep 9 12 tweets 4 min read
This is the new CEO of Starbucks.

He'll get his own private jet and earn up to $30 Million a year...

While customers are paying $10 for a coffee.

It's driving the internet crazy — but after some digging, I found out exactly what's going on...🧵 Image Brian Niccol's contract includes:

• Up to $30M annual compensation
• Use of company jet for commuting
• A new office built in Newport Beach, CA

Why? He doesn't want to relocate to Seattle.

Instead, he'll commute 1,000 miles... by private jet.

The internet's reaction?
Sep 4 13 tweets 4 min read
This PhD biologist quit her $100,000 job...

To work $7/hour jobs instead.

She wanted to study whether poverty is just the result of poor choices.

What happened next will blow your mind: 🧵 Image In 1998, Barbara Ehrenreich made a decision that would change her life:

She left her comfortable career as a writer to work minimum wage jobs across America.

The idea?
Sep 3 15 tweets 4 min read
Peter Thiel just did a podcast with Joe Rogan.

He co-founded PayPal, recruited Elon Musk, and is one of the most unique thinkers of our time.

In the podcast, he shared some mind-bending theories and ideas.

Here are the 6 key takeaways: Image The Turing Test Milestone

Thiel calls passing the Turing Test (see clip) a "Holy Grail" achievement in AI. Why?

Because this test fundamentally changes how we interact with machines.

Think about it:
Sep 2 13 tweets 5 min read
The FBI is the top intelligence organization in the world.

This is their top negotiator.

He’s negotiated with 100s of terrorists, drug lords and kidnappers.

His 10 tips to master the art of negotiation and always get what you want: Image Listen More Than You Talk

Listening is critical in negotiation. It builds trust and increases deal velocity.

Listening is an advanced skill, more difficult than simply keeping quiet.

Master it.

@fbinegotiator shares:
Aug 29 17 tweets 6 min read
This man can predict the future.

He was an early investor in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Eight Sleep.

He just said, "Social media is about to become far, far more lucrative than people realize."

Balaji's 4 shocking predictions on the future of social media & wealth creation: Image 1. Influencers = Engineers

Balaji thinks we're not even CLOSE to the peak of social media's power.

In fact, we're just getting started.

And anyone who wants to build wealth needs to realize:
Aug 28 13 tweets 4 min read
This guy was expelled from school.

Dropped out of university after ONE DAY.

Now, he's worth $70 Million & the brightest minds wait for months just to speak on his podcast.

Here's his story: Image Steven grew up as a kid in an all-white area.

Due to his race and bizarre family, he felt inferior to his peers.

This fueled an obsessive desire to get rich and gain the validation he lacked.
Aug 27 18 tweets 5 min read
The visionary who scaled Facebook to 1 Billion users:

Chamath Palihapitiya.

Recently, he said “Social media is dead.”

His predictions about the future of social media are mind-boggling.

Here's what they are (and how you can make millions from them): Image The root problem affecting social networks isn't technical—it's psychological.

@chamath believes that people have lost belief in themselves, leading to a surge in anger and toxicity online.

What does this mean for social media?
Aug 23 14 tweets 5 min read
The man who can predict the future:

Keith Rabois.

He was an early investor in YouTube, Stripe and Palantir.

He recently said: "The internet is the ultimate equalizer. It levels the playing field for everyone."

5 predictions on the future of wealth creation (& why you should care):Image Before we dive in, let's set the stage:

The rules of wealth creation are changing.

The paths that worked for your parents? Outdated.

The advice from traditional finance gurus? Irrelevant.

The modern-day rules of wealth follow 5 principles:
Aug 20 16 tweets 5 min read
In 2018, Mark Zuckerberg was one of the most hated CEOs on the planet.

6 years later, he wears chains, surfs in tuxedos and fights Lex Fridman.

Everyone seems to love him.

It's the most brilliant PR transformation of the century and everyone needs to understand why it worked: 🧵Image
Remember this scrawny, awkward hacker?

Now, he’s a jacked CEO who fights Lex Fridman & wears chains.

Here’s what you missed about Zuck’s PR transformation:
Aug 16 13 tweets 4 min read
Recognize these faces?

2 owners of Twitter.

One is a workaholic. The other meditates in the Himalayas.

And they each have 1 extraordinary difference in philosophy: 🧵 Image You know Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey.

But you've never seen them compared like this.


Their contrasting philosophies reveal a shocking truth about how you'll approach work forever:
Aug 15 14 tweets 5 min read
The man who’s predicted the rise of EVERY social media:

Early investor in Facebook, Twitter and Slack.

And he just said “In 10 years, every company will be a media company”.

Gary Vee’s 5 predictions on the future of wealth creation (& why you should care): Image Prediction 1: The Attention Economy

Every second of your day is filled with companies bombarding you.

Attention is the new currency. And Gary's predicting a gold rush.

So much so that Gary's new catchphrase is 'I day trade attention'.

What does this mean for you?
Aug 14 15 tweets 5 min read
Facebook offered him $3 Billion for his company.

He turned them down.

Now, his company is worth 5x what Facebook offered.

5 lessons from the crazy story of Evan Spiegel: Image Imagine being 23 and turning down $3 billion.

Most would call you crazy. Your co-founders might even sue you.

But now, Snapchat's worth between $15-30B (based on its market cap this year).

The real story is wilder than you think...
Aug 9 15 tweets 5 min read
This guy faced a murder trial.

Now he’s the King of a $160M empire.

And you won't believe how much he's making from the Olympics...

Here’s the untold story of Snoop Dogg’s business success: Image It's the Olympics, and Snoop's everywhere.

• Touring the Louvre
• Commentating on equestrian events
• Getting swimming lessons from Michael Phelps

But this isn't just for fun. Snoop's got a massive deal with NBC.

How massive? Let's break it down...
Aug 2 15 tweets 5 min read
This man can predict the future.

He was an early investor in Uber, Twitter, and Notion.

And he just said "In 50 years, everyone will be working for themselves."

Naval Ravikant's 5 predictions on the future of wealth creation (and why you should care): Image 1. The Rise of Micro-Entrepreneurs

Naval says in 50-100 years, we'll all be working for ourselves.

Most of human history has operated in hierarchies: The idea of "working for someone else".

But the 'Information Age' is bringing a surprising trend:
Jul 30 17 tweets 5 min read
Elon Musk rebranded "Twitter" to 𝕏 and everyone thought it was doomed.

He was right. They were wrong.

It's the branding masterclass of the decade and every entrepreneur needs to understand why it worked: Image On July 23, 2023, Musk erased 15 years of brand recognition overnight.

The iconic blue bird & familiar 'Twitter' name — gone.

Most thought it was impulsive & self-centred.

But they were wrong.

To understand why, we need to go back to March 1999:
Jul 26 17 tweets 5 min read
I bet my life savings Khaby Lame will be a billionaire by 2029.

Not because he's the most followed person on TikTok with 162 Million followers.

Because he cracked the code of Gen Z attention (it's so simple, you'll laugh): Image In March 2020, Khaby was just another factory worker in Italy laid off due to the pandemic.

His TikTok career started with gaming & dancing vids.

Fast forward to today? He's a global sensation.

But the craziest bit:

How did he do it without saying a single word?
Jul 23 14 tweets 4 min read
This is crazy.

Japanese people never get sick & live to 100+ while:

• Barely exercising
• Drinking & smoking
• Eating tons of carbs

But when Americans do it? They get obese & burn out.

I had to find out the truth... 🧵
The differences in health are remarkable.


• Have a life expectancy ~8 years more than the US
• Spend around half as much on healthcare
• Are around 10x less obese

It's astounding.

But on the surface, they don't seem that healthy...

How do they do it? Image
Jul 18 21 tweets 6 min read
An MIT neurosurgeon has gone viral for quitting his job & going to the mountains alone.

He realized our health system isn't designed to help you get better.

It's only designed to exploit you for your money.

It's a devastating story — this is the shocking truth he discovered: Image 4 years at MIT.
6 years of neurosurgery training.
10 years as a practicing neurosurgeon.
20 years of his life dedicated to medicine.

Yet he walked away from it all last year.

What could be so bad you quit something you've devoted your life to?