Matthew Cooke Profile picture
Oscar nominated filmmaker. Writer. Actor. Social media artist. Former guest host for Larry King.
VC Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
A few months ago I was reading about immigration and the basic history missing from most contemporary conversations. How Mexico outlawed slavery 1/3 of a century before we did... That the Mexican president who abolished slavery was the first President in the Americas with African heritage. That the tiny United States took 1/3 of Mexico's land just prior to our civil war - including Texas - controversial because it was a slave state...
Mar 13, 2020 17 tweets 3 min read
The corona virus is an opportunity to heal from two national disorders...

Tweet 1 of 17... Narcissistic Personality Disorder

• Entire world view revolves around the self
• Exaggerated self-importance and authority (without expertise)
• Ongoing demand for delusional admiration
• Expectation of special favors and total compliance
