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Citizen Journalist 🇺🇸 Movie Critic 🎥 Bird Nerd 🦅 Redheaded Stepchild👨‍🦰TCB⚡
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May 28 4 tweets 2 min read
Police gave the Wayne State University Encampment until 6:30 PM to dismantle the encampment. However, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib is there at the encampment and wants the Wayne State Board of Regents to meet with the students. Is she willing to get arrested with the students to make a point? It does look like the university backed down, and a crowd came out to see the congresswoman. Esa and Lexi were also asking for students and community members to show up.
May 27 6 tweets 4 min read
Roua Daas, a dual PHD candidate in Psychology and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Penn State University spoke at the People's Conference for Palestine this weekend.

I found her speech to be deeply radical as she preached for revolution, that the student movement was guided by the resistance in Gaza, and encouraged her fellow students to spill into the streets this summer. Daas often says the quiet part out loud.

First she admitted that the student movement and the encampments existed to "agitate our campuses."

Daas states that divestment wasn't about saving lives, but to "weaken the state of Israel" and to expose the "non-democracy" that is the United States' international agenda.

She also admits that many student direct actions and disruptions were purposely designed "to capture public attention and then force the state and police to repress us in full public view."

She concludes by discussing how the university has created this "moral crisis" by siding with "the empire" and focusing on profits instead of living up to "humanistic values."

"Student Organizers have encouraged other students on their campus and the general public to question or outright turn against the state. Students have brought the war home."
May 18 10 tweets 7 min read
York Centre 4 Palestine & York-South Weston 4 Palestine hosted Community Safety and the Policing of Palestinian Solidarity Movements. This teach-in promoted terrorism, radical militancy, the escalation of tactics, and the abolition of the police.

Movement Defense Committee, Walls Down Collective, and Samidoun Toronto spoke at this teach-in, but today we will be focusing on Samidoun since their presentation was the most radical and endorsed violence, terrorism, and lawlessness. The unnamed Samidoun representative discussed "Badjacketing" which is accusing someone or planting doubt on the authenticity of an individual's identity. Historically, this has meant accusing someone of being a federal agent or a police officer.

However, the Samidoun rep is concerned activists are now policing one another and accusing militant activists of being outside agitators.

"We even saw the just grave consequences of badjacketing in the uprisings against racist police violence in 2020 and it again it really has some severe consequences. One example was of someone who got badjacketed is Isaiah Willoughy. So he's actually pictured here, he's a black man who was arrested and sentenced to 2 years in prison for allegedly lighting a fire outside an abandoned police precinct in Seattle. And then the other person pictured here is this white woman Christina Beverlin and she actually blasted out a photo of Isaiah when the fire happened and she tweeted out that Isaiah "just tried to start a fire at the abandoned precinct" and called on everyone to "retweet the photo" of this man and she was alleging that he was an outside agitator trying to make peaceful protesters like herself look bad."

"She deputized, self- deputized herself as peace police to discipline his militancy." [SIC]
Apr 29 5 tweets 3 min read
Virginia Tech's Dr. Bikrum Gill was arrested tonight at the Virginia Tech Encampment. I have been a long time critic of his and feel this is someone connected to legitimate terrorist organizations.

I aim to not editorialize until the end of my threads, but it is tough when I see this man rooting for Iran and North Korea to use military power against Israel and America. In November of last year, he spoke with Charlotte Kates of Samidoun and Nerdeen Kiswani of Within Our Lifetime at a DSA event. Kates and Kiswani were both speakers at the Resistance 101 event at Columbia University which led to the suspension of multiple students for its connection to terrorism. Their suspension would go on to partially inspire the Columbia Encampment.

Cas Holloway, the COO of Columbia even admitted that Samidoun is in fact a terrorist organization.

Full Youtube of Kates, Kiswani, and Gill

Columbia's Resistance 101 Full Event

Apr 29 5 tweets 2 min read
Updates from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Activists from UNC SJP gave speeches today at a massive rally by Polk Place. This particular student activist shamed the Democrats for sending aid to Israel.

"Last week, 47 out of 50 Democrats in the Senate, and 176 out of 213 House Democrats voted in favor of sending Israel 26 Billion dollars in military aid." The rally was quite large. This is the first I have seen of a truly composite time lapse used by activists to document their rallies.
Apr 28 6 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: The Encampment at Virginia Tech has been told that they will be arrested if they don't disperse. They are pleading with the administration to not arrest anyone because children are present.

"Do our children scare you?" One of the student activists feels President @VTSandsman has done nothing to recognize the Palestinian Students at Virginia Tech. She discusses how upset she is and doesn't understand why President Sands won't come to the Encampment and negotiate.

"We have children on these lawns."
Apr 26 22 tweets 17 min read
Today we will be looking at Dr. Mohamed Abdou's presentation at a recent CUNY 4 Palestine Teach-in.

Dr. Abdou has been at the center of a lot of debates of late regarding free speech and academic expression at Columbia University. It seemed he no longer worked there according to President Shafik's testimony before Congress, but he has been seen teaching at the Gaza Solidarity Encampment.

Regardless, here are the Anarcho-Islamic philosophies of Dr. Abdou that clearly inspired the Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia. Dr. Abdou opens his talk with a prayer and apologies to the audience if any of his students are present because this will be a talk familiar to them. He admits that this speech is similar to the one he gave at the Socialism Conference. He invokes Einstein's famous quote, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Abdou states, "I will embrace the madness and the hopes that it alter a change."

A militant group that will be referenced many times throughout the talk is the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. This is a terrorist group that controls much of Chiapas, Mexico and has been at war with the Mexican government since 1994.
Apr 24 5 tweets 2 min read
Update on Rice University's Encampment

It appears to be a fairly small affair, but it is day one. However, being Texas, I'm not sure how much support it will receive. Lots of arts and crafts so far!
Apr 19 4 tweets 3 min read
I just love watching @goACTA webinars!

@PoliakoffACTA asks Nadine Strossen, a former ACLU President, "When a group of students call out Intifada now, Globalize the Intifada on a college campus where Jews are walking and going about their business, how different is it from saying let's have a pogrom or how about a lynch mob?"

Strossen points out "I want to set the record straight. You are allowed to do that under the First Amendment if the only element of the distress is the message and let me be very precise about this. This is not a radical proposition under First Amendment law. Way back in 1969, the United States Supreme Court unanimously issued a decision that not a single justice has disagreed with since then, despite the many other differences among them, where they said even advocacy of violent or lawless conduct is constitutionally protected the line is crossed only when it's not just advocacy but it's incitement and moreover intentional incitement to imminent violence which is likely to happen imminently."

Strossen then pointed out, "The line has been crossed on so many campuses and I'm being precise. I'm referring to detailed complaints that I have read that have been brought by Jewish students and organizations against a number of campuses including Columbia and Harvard and we're talking complaints that are almost 100 pages long with hundreds of specific allegations that it's not just chanting odious slogans in the middle of the campus, it's deliberately targeting and sometimes following Jewish students. it's invading classrooms, it's confronting physically with menacing gestures students who are perceived to be Jewish or Israeli." Strossen detailed how "even the strongest champions of free speech" would consider many of these infamous viral incidents we have seen not to be protected speech due to it posing "an emergency by directly causing or imminently threatening certain specific serious harm."

Strossen details what this would look like: reasonable fear that you're going to be subject to an immediate attack, intimidation, targeted harassment, and violating content neutral time, place and manner restrictions
Apr 18 11 tweets 8 min read
Middle East Critique held a recent teach-in called Syria, Palestine and Anti-Imperialism with Dr. Bikrum Gill, a professor at Virginia Tech.

Marxist Professors like Gill frame terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Ansar Allah as "anti-imperialist" movements. This is one gets a tad overly intellectual, but is well worth a watch if you want to understand the Fifth Column in High-Education. Gill's arguments are inspired by Samir Amin, a Marxist Economist, and Frantz Fanon, a Marxist political philosopher and psychologist.

Amin argues that Imperialism walks on two legs, one economic and the other militaristic.

"My view, it's the military leg, that is first very essential and predominant in establishing these relationships and this is through the application of what Frantz Fanon calls a greater force, a greater violence. So as capitalist powers experience these contradictions or as the capitalist system is in motion, the necessity to use military force to establish sovereign power over the flow of capital into and out of a territory this imperative intensifies." [SIC]
Apr 13 19 tweets 12 min read
You may have seen the trending video this week calling for an Economic Blockade for Palestine to occur on April 15th. It was made by a group called A15 Economic Blockades for a Free Palestine. I decided to sit in on an Instagram Live hosted by this group to better understand their radical ideology.

What I saw was the blending of radical politics with religion, culture, and lifestyle. In other words, a cult. This Instagram Live was titled Before & After Care and featured...

Dr Ayesha Khan (IG: WokeScientist)
Keyanna Jones (IG: k.michelle_atl)
Ashley Fairbanks (IG and X: ziibiing)
Basseema from Red Star TX ☭ (IG: redstar_tx)

The event was moderated by Hay Sha Wiya (IG: redhornwoman)

The topic of before and after care was to ensure "the movement" had sustainability and that people didn't burn out.

Khan: "We have to contend with the reality that we are living under a capitalist colonialist system. We are living under individualism. We are living under systems that have severed us from the community and land."

Khan: "I can start with that and kind of push the boundaries of Direct Action a little bit...instead of asking either people or institutions of power for permission, and ya know, begging politicians or trying to vote, right, trying to use mainstream channels that oppressive systems of power created that we know are the Master's Tools that are not going to be the tools of change to circumventing that and essentially living as though, to the best of our ability that we are free today."

Khan wraps up discussing how Direct Action could include building intimacy between people and eating together as a community.
Apr 6 19 tweets 11 min read
Buckle up for Part IV of Let's Talk Palestine (For 12 Hours Straight) which was hosted by National Students for Justice in Palestine and Gen-Z for Change.

Today we will be looking at how National SJP influences groups on campuses and what they really stand for... Once again we are back with Soha Khatib and Zoe Shipley.

Khatib is a student activist at University of Illinois Chicago. She has filed civil rights complaints against UIC alleging censorship and discrimination.

Shipley is at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She was once working on a project called the Boomer Bible which would "educate your community about what conservative politicians have done."

They are joined by Sarah and Rama from National Students for Justice in Palestine.
Apr 2 17 tweets 10 min read
On March 19th, the Bell Collective for Critical Race Theory at Harvard Law School hosted Censorship on the Harvard Law Review featuring Tascha Shahriari-Parsa and Hina Uddin. Nathan Poland moderated the discussion.

Fair Warning, this is a bit inside baseball but quite interesting to be a fly on the wall at Harvard Law 🪰 The Discussion centered around Rabea Eghbariah's The Ongoing Nakba: Towards a Legal Framework for Palestine which was not published by Harvard Law Review, but was featured in The Nation and other publications.

Eghbariah is a human rights attorney completing his doctoral studies at Harvard Law School. He was featured the next day at an event where he said "Honestly, honestly, who even reads the Harvard Law Review? Seriously bro!"
Mar 30 18 tweets 8 min read
On March 20th, Rutgers hosted Palestine is a Feminist and Queer Anti-Imperialist Abolition Struggle with the University of Illinois at Chicago's Nadine Naber and Rutgers' Maya Mikdashi.

"Our vision if we're thinking of a Free Palestine or Dismantling the US or abolishing prisons, we are going to need to talk about what we want..." Maya Mikdashi introduces herself and Nadine Naber. Mikdashi shares the sponsors of this event which include the Department of American Studies, Gender Studies, and the Afterlives of Liberation Mellon Sawyer Seminar (Part of the @MellonFdn )

It is unfortunate that a deceased Secretary of the Treasury's wealth is paying for professors to call for the destruction of America. Either the Mellon Foundation blindly signs off on things without looking or it is being run by ideologically evil people.
Mar 26 21 tweets 11 min read
Resistance 101 🧵

This event was hosted by Columbia University Apartheid Divest. It was originally going to be at the Barnard Center for Research on Women but was moved last minute to Columbia.

This event featured the following speakers

Nerdeen Kiswani the Chair of Within Our Lifetime and co-founder of CUNY4Palestine
Charlotte Kates, the International Coordinator of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Network
Khaled Barakat, Palestinian writer and member of the Executive Committee of the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement Michael a local organizer with Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Network NY/NJ
Sean Eren, a member of the National Students for Justice in Palestine Steering Committee and head editor of The Written Resistance. Since I released the full video of this event, I am skipping intros and getting to the meat and potatoes of this radical teach-in.

Khaled Barakat states, "It's really important to see how the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation have liberated the Palestinian inner-strength outside. The new generations that today are getting involved in the struggle and so visible in the US, Canada, and elsewhere." [SIC]

Barakat seems to think the death of 1,139 Israelis and foreign nationals, including 764 civilians and the capture of 248 hostages is something to draw strength from.

This is not viewpoint diversity in high-education but war crime and terrorist apologetics.
Feb 7 26 tweets 10 min read
On Sunday, the Bronx Anti War Coalition and Samidoun held a teach-in called How to Defend Palestinian Resistance.

This teach-in was 2 hours of Charlotte Kates and Khaled Barakat pushing their anti-Semitic propaganda that justified violence to an audience of Western progressives The teach-in was bookended with propaganda videos. These are tough to watch.

"One of these days, you will film me while I stomp on their necks in the occupied lands. Just like they stomped on October 7th when they killed the soldiers of the Occupation. Spoils!"
Jan 27 17 tweets 7 min read
On Thursday, the University of Texas at Austin hosted Noura Erakat. Erakat is a professor at Rutgers University 🧵

"More Palestinians now support Hamas than ever. Hamas' popularity has grown in the Arab world. Hamas' popularity according to this study has also grown globally." UT Austin's Jeremi Suri was present to have "dialogue" with Erakat. After going 25 minutes over her allotted time for presenting, Erakat evaded Suri's questions and attacked him and Israel like here where she says, "Richard Spencer, a white supremacist in the United States has exalted Israel as a model of the future of European Supremacy."
Jan 26 17 tweets 7 min read
Last night the Pomona Student Union hosted Linda Sarsour. This public event was free and a virtual stream was made available.

Buckle up for Sarsour's thoughts on "From the River to the Sea", Columbia University, Joe Biden, the Houthis, and her advice to young activists!🧵 Sarsour explains her origin story as an activist and how she got started. It was after 9-11 and she was able to use her knowledge of Arabic to help translate for those in her community.

"Who is gonna fight for your people if you don't fight for your own people. That was my why."
Jan 22 13 tweets 6 min read
What in the world is going on at Rutgers University? 🧵

"Even if you aren't Muslim, if you say these chants, you are resisting on behalf of the Palestinians. Dying as a Martyr, dying as a Hero is one of the greatest sacrifices you can do as a Palestinian and as a Muslim." Today we will be looking at the speeches and chants from Thursday's Protest for Divestment at Rutgers University. Many chants called for Jews to leave campus and leave Israel.

"Hey hey ho ho, Israel has got to go. Say it loud, say it clear. We don't want Zionists here."
Jan 17 13 tweets 5 min read
Today I attended the Press Conference held by Students for Justice in Palestine at Rutgers New Brunswick celebrating their reinstatement and listing their demands for the University and President Holloway 🧵 The Big News today was that SJP Rutgers-NB was reinstated as a campus organization due to the success of their "We are all SJP" campaign. However, they are on probation until December 2024.
Jan 7 20 tweets 7 min read
Laney College's Ethnic Studies Department recently held a Gaza Solidarity Teach-In 🧵

"I'm speaking specifically about people who have come from Europe who have weaponized the trauma and all of the devastating things that have happened through the Holocaust." Sharif Zakout spoke first about how Israel is an ethno-state. He claims there are laws making it illegal to speak Arabic.

Fact Check: Most Hebrew schools teach Arabic starting in Seventh grade and students can take it until Senior Year. Arabic is used in government documents and in the public life. It is protected under Israeli law and affirmed by their Supreme Court.

Zakout appears not to know what a Nation-State is.