Tex Profile picture
Full-time equities investor & trader. Capitalist. Texan. Stoic. Nothing here is a recommendation to buy/sell.
HERO Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Well y’all. I’m human and just realized today that in my own book, I needed to close all equity positions EOM last month — I wrote about it in this thread. It happens so rarely that I forgot, even though I have it written on my process summary doc.

So today, I did that. That means I’m currently holding no individual equities in my active book. I should have done this end of April (was focused on things other than my own trading book). If you wanted proof I’m an actual human, there you go.

Closed today: $MOH $TSLA $CHD $RIO $STE $CMS $STLD
Mar 28, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Few more days to EOM. Notice that, right now, monthly MACD for $SPX has flipped into ‘decelerating’ momentum — joining NASDAQ, which did so a few months back. No guarantee we end the month here, but if we do it carries implications.

Very quick thread about this follows.

1/x Image I love monthly MACD on indices. It’s why it’s on my charts. Does a great job of capturing ebb & flow of markets over longer time frames — and usually does a good job of keeping me in the right “mode.”

Markets run, contract, run, contract. Pattern as old as time.

Aug 6, 2021 19 tweets 3 min read
Some free wealth advice from a guy who started out poor, retired at 40 & is now 46 (a small thread): My net worth has more than tripled in 6 years. Nearly all of that came in the last 24 months, when I stopped “trading” & started using TA to be patient & trade less.
Mar 3, 2020 19 tweets 5 min read
While everyone tries to guess what comes next, figured I'd take a little bit of time here to discuss why, as a weekly/monthly trader & investor, I'm sidelined and the concept of a "circuit break exit" that got me out last week, and why it matters to me. I've written before but for me, generally, when $SPX closes < 60wk EMA after starting the week above both the 30 and 60wk EMAs, while 30 > 60: that's a "get out" signal.

I'll exit investments, and exit any trading book holdings that are < 30wk EMA when that happens.
Feb 23, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Had someone ask via PM what it would take for me to get “bearish.” I’ll take that to mean what would have me exit my positions: here’s a brief guide, and it’s not complex (took me years to get comfortable with simplicity).... When trading, I use weekly charts mostly. Buy either breakouts or cheats. Sell when weekly close is <30EMA, or sometimes I’ll use <60EMA. Exception: parabolic moves.

Yes, that’s it. My process is directly rooted in Stan Weinstein’s trading philosophy, with some CANSLIM.