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Think School
The School that we deserved, but never had. We teach what colleges should but don’t!
4 subscribers
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Apr 29, 2024
17 tweets
5 min read
13 LAKH Students.
That's the amount of money INDIAN STUDENTS spent on INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION.
And guess what? This is a GOLDMINE for businesses (and investors).
A breakdown 🧵 In 2023, India broke ALL RECORDS.
20% of the ENTIRE International students - came from INDIA.
And their spending?
At $47 BILLION. Growing at 48.9%
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Feb 4, 2024
12 tweets
5 min read
The West's NEW strategy to KILL INDIA?
Credit Ratings.
Even though India is the FASTEST GROWING MAJOR ECONOMY -
It still has one of the WORST credit RATINGS.
THREAD: How they're secretly limiting India's growth with this strategy:
Money is an essential component of every government.
To grow the economy, we need to spend more - on roads, infra, and health.
But to spend more - we need to BORROW more.
For people like us, Banks or Credit Card agencies would provide those simple loans of 5-10 lacs.
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Jan 21, 2024
14 tweets
4 min read
Can you imagine paying 0% tax in India?
Stop imagining, because it's true!
THREAD: How GIFT City can compete with SINGAPORE AND DUBAI to make India a preferred destination for businesses
Zoom back to early 2010's.
India was one of the world's most lucrative business destinations.
Growing affluent class, rising per capita income, and a lot of demand for goods.
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Jan 17, 2024
36 tweets
12 min read
they did not fulfil all their promises.
THREAD: A comprehensive analysis of their 'claims' and whether they were fulfilled or not
(backed by DATA)
Firstly, we are NOT sponsored by ANY POLITICAL PARTY.
This thread is simply an analysis from a neutral point of view to understand BJPs claims and fulfilment.
To identify their claims, we've referred to their official 'Sankalp Patra' released by them in 2019.
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Jan 9, 2024
19 tweets
6 min read
🧵 ↓
On 22nd December, Ola announced something HUGE.
No, not another EV, but it's a plan to go IPO!
And this IPO - was one of the MOST AWAITED IPOs in the Indian industry
Because it primarily deals with ELECTRIC VEHICLES - the hot new product in town -
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Jan 2, 2024
15 tweets
5 min read
Can the Red Sea attacks be the start of a RECESSION?
(a business and geopolitical case study ↓ 🧵 )
The Red Sea is one of the MOST IMPORTANT shipping routes in the world.
It handles:
• $1 TRILLION worth of trade per year.
• 30% of container traffic
• 7-10% of crude oil shipments
• 8% of LNG shipments.
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Dec 26, 2023
16 tweets
4 min read
Gujarat was every investor's NIGHTMARE in 2002.
• Slow & CORRUPTED Gov. clearances.
• Poor & Broken Infrastructure
• Energy & Water Shortage
• Social Unrest
But then... Gujarat grew by a whopping 15% for 20 YEARS!
Here's how Gujarat cracked the code for development ↓ 🧵
Zoom back to 2002.
Gujarat was facing one of its worst times in history:
• People didn't have water to drink.
• They were afraid to go out (2002 riots).
• Massive earthquake in Bhuj in 2001 killed 13,000+ people.
And not just that,
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Dec 23, 2023
17 tweets
4 min read
Byju's is the ONLY company, where BOTH, the employees AND customers, hate it.
Here's how Byju's dug its own grave:
In 2004, Byju Raveendran broke ALL RECORDS.
He got the 100 %ile in the CAT exam 𝟐 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐰.
But... he had other interests, which was - Teaching.
With ample money from investors, he with his company aimed for the moon.
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Dec 3, 2023
16 tweets
5 min read
While we were busy focusing on Elections,
China was focusing on capturing the next global wave.
Here's how China captured the EV market in the world (and what India is doing now)
EVs are amazing, right?
Low running cost. Good for the environment*, and a cool car.
But there's a problem. China.
They have the ENTIRE EV chain in their fists. From Mining to Refining, to Application.
You name it. They control it.
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Nov 17, 2023
13 tweets
3 min read
Sanjiv Mehta is the MD & CEO of Hindustan Unilever, a $67 BILLION company.
His 10 values for success (that you'll not get in ANY book)
Sensemaking: Unlocking the Power of Understanding.
Why bother with a self-help book if you can't make sense of it?
Whether it's crunching data, analyzing code, or decoding analytics, being able to truly understand puts you miles ahead of your competition.
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Nov 3, 2023
12 tweets
3 min read
The Indian Ocean is one of the most important oceans.
• 2/3rd of the World's Oil Shipments
• 1/3rd of the Bulk Cargo
• HALF of the World's container shipments pass through it.
And India could just have lost control over it.
Thanks to Maldives... and ↓ On 4th October 2023, India got a huge shock.
Maldives got a new president. Well, an anti-Indian president to be exact.
As soon as Mohamad Muizzu got to power, he commanded the Indian military to leave Maldives immediately!
And this is a HUGE problem for India.
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Oct 21, 2023
14 tweets
3 min read
Swami Vivekananda could remember a WHOLE book by reading it ONCE.
Through these secret Ancient Indian techniques
(Use them to never fail your exam again!)
Avadhana - Training your mind to learn new things.
Okay, Multi-tasking is WIDELY denounced today - for its ability to LOWER our productivity.
But, if used correctly, and after training, multi-tasking can make you a GENIUS.
The key word is - TRAINING.
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Oct 17, 2023
12 tweets
3 min read
Despite taking a debt of ₹3.48 LAKH Cr, only 23% of the BharatMala project is finished.
At this rate... forget the principal, NHAI won't be able to cover the loan's INTEREST!
With funds running dry, how will NHAI complete BharatMala and reduce its debt burden?
A few answers↓ In the past 8 years, the debt of NHAI has increased by EIGHT TIMES!
NHAI's main source of revenue - toll payments - is less than SIX TIMES the interest payments.
And... given the rate at which NHAI is borrowing money...
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Oct 13, 2023
13 tweets
4 min read
While every media house is covering WHY the Isarel-Hamas conflict started...
No one covered the consequences of it on the global economy.
Here are 5 consequences of this war that can CHOKE the world economy:
Oil Wars
Exactly 50 years ago, Palestine attacked Israel.
In support of Israel, the US gave arms to it, which got the Arabs angry.
They got so angry, that they QUADRUPLED the price of oil!
And what followed - was a RECESSION throughout the world.
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Sep 15, 2023
12 tweets
3 min read
Can Airtel beat Jio?
Here's the secret strategy Airtel is using
(which no one will tell you!)
Targeting the Premium customers ONLY.
If you see the chart below, merely 45 Million (or 15%) of the users pay for OTT.
Airtel aims to ELIMINATE low-income customers and only acquire such customers who have the MONEY to pay for its premium plans.
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Sep 2, 2023
16 tweets
4 min read
America spent $19,500,000,000 on space travel.
China spent $11,000,000,000.
And Russia $3,300,00,000.
The question - why is EVERY country RUSHING to the space?
Here's why:
Remember Operation Shakti?
In 1995, our nuclear weapons testing was HAMPERED because of US espionage.
And how did they spy on us?
Through their space satellite.
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Aug 15, 2023
13 tweets
3 min read
Decathlon earns MORE revenue than
• Adidas
• Nike
• Reebok
Here's their secret formula to DOMINATE the Indian market:
Experience Centres
Decathlon merely doesn't open stores. They open an experience center.
Want a cycle? You can ride it throughout the store.
Want some dumbells? Lift 'em before you buy.
Wanna test out a TT table? Play on them.
Feel before you buy.
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Jul 27, 2023
8 tweets
3 min read
IIM-A costs 24.6 LAKH RUPEES
But these courses provided by IIMs are completely FREE of cost:
(and will get you a plush IIM CERTIFICATE!)
Digital Transformation: Theory and Applications.
How are companies adapting to the new wave of technology?
How can it affect you as an investor/employee?
Is there a need for it?
All questions answered, in this superb course:…
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Jul 26, 2023
7 tweets
3 min read
Forget Excel, Word, and Docs, because AI just took over:
Here are the FREE AI alternatives to these popular tools YOU CANNOT MISS:
(you'll kick yourself for not knowing #4 tool before)
Dump Excel, because in comes Rows.
No need to login, or spend $$$ purchasing the subscription,
Because with this FREE tool, you can supercharge your spreadsheet with AI;
It also has an inbuilt AI ANALYST!
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Jul 19, 2023
19 tweets
5 min read
While the US was criticizing OTHER countries for importing fuel from Russia,
It was IMPORTING more than a BILLIONS worth of nuclear fuel from it.
Because without it, the US could face a severe ENERGY crisis:
Read on to know more about US's Dependancy on RUSSIA: Today, more than 20% of the ENTIRE electricity generated by the US, comes from nuclear fuel.
Now here's the fun part,
The US imports more than 50% of its nuclear fuel from RUSSIA.
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Jun 24, 2023
8 tweets
3 min read
ChatGPT can be your FREE personal tutor.
Here's how to use it to master your English skills:
(copy and paste the prompts!)
Pronounce effectively with the help of your native language.
The prompt is in the "description" of the image.