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May 10, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Tesla vs Alameda
Nature of the Action (Thread)

1. As local officials scrambled to protect Californians, the state stepped in to ensure the response was clear, uniform, and coordinated using state-wide regulations

Sometimes meant setting a baseline, sometimes setting THE policy 2. When the governor issued the “Stay at Home” order it said the statewide policy would be that federal “critical infrastructure” like the Tesla factory would be allowed to continue operating.

3. This was not a baseline, it was meant to keep essential functions running.
Mar 30, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
the Gordian knot story goes like this:

In 333 BC, Alexander the Great marched into Gordium, a capital city in what is now Turkey.

When he arrived there was a ancient wagon, tied up with some insane tangled knot.

Oracles said the man who could unravel the knot would rule Asia Nobody had been able to untie the knot for hundreds of years. When Alexander tried, he didn’t have much luck at first.

But then he has a bright idea 💡

He drew his sword and just cut the knot in half. Problem solved.
Feb 7, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
There's a FUD story going around that Tesla is taking Autopilot and FSD away from peoples cars. Not true. Here's what happened:

Someone bought a Model S with FSD, but they returned it because of a yellow border around the screen

Tesla then resold the car at auction with no FSD The person who bought it at auction was a dealership. They sold it to a customer telling them it had FSD. But at the time they gave it to the customer, FSD had actually been deactivated but they told the customer it was just "a glitch", showing them the original Monroney sticker
Jan 30, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Listen up short sellers. Here’s how it gets worse.

Model Y ships this quarter. It costs the same as a Model 3 to produce (due to improvements in manufacturing) but Tesla sells it for around $3,000 more.

It’s selling into a market that’s 2.5x larger than the sedan market. Gross margins will be boosted by the extra price of the Model Y, which will likely see more sales than S, 3, and X combined.

What’s more, because only performance and dual motor will be sold at first it will boost platform mix, raise ASPs, and further boost gross margins
Jan 27, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
This isn’t the first electric vehicle revolution. The EV was invented almost 200 years ago.

100 years ago, you could buy this Detroit Electric with 80 miles of range (over 200 in some tests!)

Oil interests slammed it as slow, expensive, and low range until it was gone. For a long time, electric vehicles were gone... Until one day, California mandated car companies start producing EVs again

GM got to work and produced the EV1. With a range of 100 miles, customers loved it passionately