F e l l a Historian 🌻 @thisuserisdumb.bsky.social Profile picture
🌻Bonks idiots that don't know shit from apple butter 🌻Enjoys making children's books into memes https://t.co/HEh8EjzowE
Jan 23, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Hey Fellas
I just saw the news that George Galloway's event was cancelled. He inspired me to make a new #NAFOmeme. I also made a special alternate version just for George (its the 2nd part of this thread)
I encourage you to share this meme with U.S. tankies who wear red hats
1/🧵 Here is the meme I made just for George Galloway. Unfortunately, George blocked me a couple weeks ago, so maybe another Fella can share it with @georgegalloway
Nov 15, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Hey #NAFO Moms,
The live tweeting from the monthly PTA meeting has begun!
October's mtg lasted 2 hours 8 minutes, hopefully we can get done faster tonight!
One mom is showing photos of her toddler. Everyone is gushing, I am avoiding that group. I don't want to lie.
🧵/1 8:10 elections for next year's PTA board

There is some Karen drama already!

Karen has withdrawn her nomination for PTA secretary! (And her name really is Karen LOL)
