th_l_t_d_ 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Moderate centrist Classical Liberal
3 subscribers
Dec 6, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
"We need migrants to pay for old people" has been debunked by countless studies. The overwhelming majority of migrants in the West make colossal net negative economic contributions. They cost Western countries billions of dollars per year, total financial sinkhole. Image
Not to mention the ethnic replacement, that they all hate White people and relentlessly attack Western history, the massive overrepresentation in all varieties of crime, the endless terrorist attacks, etc. We would, unequivocally, be better off burning billions of $ per year.
Nov 19, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
HBD is very useful but libtards could easily reconcile it with egalitarianism. You assume they sincerely believe in blank slatism; mostly untrue. "Black lives matter, Stop Asian hate, White people are the root of all evil but race isn't real, you chud." Please read short thread: Image Of course HBD debunks leftism, since leftism is based on farcical bogus arguments and junk science, which has been obvious to many since the dawn of leftism. If debunking leftism were enough to defeat leftism, leftism wouldn't exist to begin with.
Oct 20, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
This libtard's argument is definitely "slavery is unsustainable because it's immoral," but the UAE's demographic situation is obviously unsustainable. They Great Replaced themselves to an extent not seen in any Western country. Image Their citizenship laws are currently pretty strict, non-Arabs must live in the UAE for decades to become naturalized, but all of those South Asian migrants will squirm their way into the ruling class eventually.
Oct 18, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
India's long history is the opposite of eugenics; thousands of years of genetic decline via steady admixture with more primitive people. Still, the country is only semi-functional today because the elite attempted, quite poorly, to maintain some genetic separation. Avoiding reproduction with tribal primitives doesn't qualify as eugenics anyway. Eugenics is the active genetic improvement of a population, not attempting to maintain a population as is (which the Indo-Aryans failed to achieve).
Oct 16, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
East Asians have slightly higher avg IQ than Whites (confirmed by genetic testing), but East Asian countries are less innovative and of lower socioeconomic development than Western countries. China (population ~1.4 billion) is out-innovated by Denmark (population ~6 million). Image This study found East Asians are lower in psychological traits that lead to innovative behavior; inquisitiveness, psychological stability, individualism. It has also been theorized that East Asians have less variable IQ thus fewer genius outliers, but idk if this has been proven. Image
Oct 12, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Gay Vietnamese immigrant: "Importing violent low IQ third world migrants is good because White people historically migrated to other White countries, companies can use immigrant scab labor, and Orientals are obsessed with Western fashion." [1 million upvotes from libtards] Image His only evidence for Western culture being a product of "globalization" (imperialism) is Western Whites moving to other Western countries. What a retard.
Aug 3, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
So it's just globo without the homo? If it featured some women and gays, it would be indistinguishable from the average recruitment add in any libtard Western country.
Jul 9, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
Were these wolves "indoctrinated by nationalist propaganda" or is tribalistic behavior and in-group preference innate to most species on earth? Obviously the latter - I'll post studies on animal tribalism in this thread.
Image "In-group favoritism is widely observed in non-humans as well, ranging from primates to microbes." Red fire ants "kill others with different odor cues," side-blotched lizards with different morph colors engage in competitive mating.…
Jun 29, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I studied Roman racism to improve my craft. They saw Northern Europeans as fearsome, courageous, freedom-loving, and beautiful, but dumb. Contrast to their perception of Orientals: Fickle, perfidious, and effeminate, natural-born slaves destined to live under tyranny, but smart. Situated between Northern Europe and Asia, Romans believed themselves to be the best of both words. Here are some quotes. I also recommend Ptolemy's "Of the Familiarities between Countries and the Triplicities and Stars" which describes traits of various West Eurasian peoples. Image
Jun 26, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Some people misunderstand when I point out that libtards are often individualistic, psychopathic, Machiavellian, etc. Firstly, these traits *correlate* with leftism, so there is room for variation. Secondly, leftism results from a combination of traits, not singular traits. Individuals may exhibit certain traits that are disproportionately prevalent among leftists without being leftists themselves. Some typical "leftist" traits are adaptive when combined with characteristics that mitigate potential negative effects. For example...
Jun 25, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
If you are intelligent, competent, measured, are not prone to spergouts or causing optical disasters, you should get involved with mainstream politics to steer things in the right direction. The more we do now, the more power and influence we'll have in future. Image Forget LARPy "street protest" organizations, farcical startup parties with questionable branding, IRL "dissident" things in general. They'll ruin your life and you won't change a thing. Join a think tank, help with Trump 2024, Project 2025, etc.
Jun 11, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Libtards' claim that the White race was "invented" in the 18th C by colonialists to justify "racial oppression" is insanely dishonest. In the Middle Ages, people used "Japhetites" (Etymologiae 625 AD) and "Europeans" (Mozarabic Chronicle 754 AD) to collectively describe Whites.
In Antiquity there isn't much evidence for a unified White race concept but copious examples of Greeks and Romans contrasting populations of Europe, Asia, and Africa on a racial basis. They also grouped fair-pigmented "northern peoples" together; Celts, Germanics, Scythians, etc.
May 29, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Obviously not true. Wokeness waxed as WASPs waned, as you'd expect if "wokeness" is just dysgenics producing treasonous libtards who collaborate with hostile outgroups for personal gain. Consider the ideology of WASP-dominated Progressive Era before Ellis Islanders took over... white supremacism, eugenics, social hygiene, the most restrictive immigration laws in US history, etc. Is this more or less woke than the Judeo-Catholic-Afro-Latinx Biden administration? Nascent wokeness existed as feminism during the Progressive Era but, again, this is ...
May 19, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Ending your bloodline via miscegenation is a-okay but a 19 year old girl dating a 15 year old boy is the same as sexually abusing infants. Modern morality is insane.

Image Miscegenation: Fine
Sodomy: Fine
Polyandry: Fine
Perverts twerking in front of toddlers: Fine
Child genital mutilation: Fine
Minor age gap in teenage relationship? Jail immediately!
May 18, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
Catholics are more left-wing not just in America but in England and Australia too. Among White Trump voters, Catholics are more pro-immigrant than Protestants, who are more pro-immigrant than secular Trump voters.

Catholic Latin America is as pro-LGBT as "degenerate secular" Europe, Latinx in America are most likely to be LGBT, and Brazil has the highest percentage of transgender people worldwide (America's percentage is presumably inflated by Latinx immigrants).

May 16, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
"The Left can't meme" is a now-clichéd but observably true phrase. Differences in Left- and Right-Wing brain hemisphere bias, which coincidentally map to left and right brain hemisphere functions, may explain why Leftist memes suck. I will explain the theory in this thread... Image Lateralization of brain functions dates back to evolutionary prehistory. This image is a good summary. Each hemisphere produces different "visions" of the world. Left hemisphere = analytical, detailed-oriented perception, while right hemisphere = intuitive, holistic perception. Image
May 15, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Fuentes knows he can get away with lying by omission because his audience has an average IQ of 85.
Image Those darned BAPtist Jews are trying to swindle everyone into becoming Zionists by... saying Israel will become a footnote in history, questioning the official Holocaust narrative, posting anti-Semitic jokes, and exposing Jewish influence on anti-White DEI policies. Image
Apr 8, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
Chimps & bonobos are very genetically similar (can interbreed) but chimps are patriarchal, tribalistic, warlike, bonobos matriarchal, bisexual, pacifist, smaller, weaker. Bonobos have much lower infant mortality (~4.5% vs. ~20%) & much higher resource abundance. Ape dysgenics? Image Relaxed selection pressure turned bonobos into genetic libtards relative to their chimp cousins.

Some sources:…………
Apr 1, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
This guy is vaccinated so no surprise he downplays the scamdemic. Getting injected with dysfunctional experimental gene therapy is obviously worse judgement than saying "the scamdemic surveillance state may never disappear" after seeing elites talking about climate lockdowns etc.
Image I always said the scamdemic was part of a wider power grab related to Agenda 21, a push toward wealth retribution, digital identity, social credit, to cripple the middle class, etc. This was based what elites were saying at the time. Check my telegram, I haven't deleted anything.

Mar 28, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
A guy on Youtube analyzed Cheddar Man with his own phenotype predictor, which is definitely more accurate than HIrisPlex-S. Cheddar Man likely had hazel eyes, black hair, and olive to light brown skin. So, nothing like the deranged libtard reconstruction.
Image He analyzed 3 other WHG with similar results: Blue-hazel eyes, brown-black hair (except Loschbour w/ dark blond), olive to light brown skin.

Cheddar Man:

Loschbour Man:



Mar 17, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
"I stopped being racist because I moved to a White town that I found boring and Latinx might vote GOP in the future, so who cares about demographics? Now I post miscegenation fantasies on the 'stack." Groundbreaking stuff, definitely worth the conceited 20,000 word textwall.
Image At least he admitted that he's just a selfish geriatric. Terrible article, glad I didn't waste more than three minutes skimming it.