Jeff Thompson Profile picture
Product guy. Investor for right team, then idea. I comment on CCaaS, Enterprise Software and Politics. Opinions are solely my own.
Oct 6, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
NB Liberals, if elected, promise to overhaul NB property tax system in about 6 months or June 2025 to be ready for the 2026 tax year.

One of many “quick” fixes that shows a lack of understanding or the complexity and inevitability a broken campaign promise. #nbpoli + 🧵 Image Remember folks, the provincial government doesn’t determine the amount of tax you pay: it’s your municipality. Mine has seen a pretty good year over year increase and yes, they have also seen increased costs from inflation and population growth demanding more services. #nbpoli + Image
Oct 5, 2024 12 tweets 6 min read
NB Liberals claim they aren’t double counting over $1-Billion in revenue projections in their platform. Claim their figures are government own figures, presented in the 2024-5 budget speech.

I had to dig in. #nbpoli🧵 Image Their projections includes important revenue assumptions that must hold true until April 2029. They also ignored economic growth forecasts by private sector economists. Let’s bump it up to make it all balance, their approach it seems. All in fine print, folks. #nbpoli + Image
Dec 18, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
The horse racing folks are campaigning to take control of NBEX board in an attempt to keep a race track in downtown #Fredericton and putting at risk the redevelopment plans for this property. + If this group “seize” the race track, it means the loss of 800 to 1,200 dwelling units that includes affordable housing with mixed-income housing accessible to low income residents and the development of 1.1-million sqft. #Fredericton +