Professor of Philosophy at CEU, Budapest and Vienna. Philosophy Editor at the TLS.
Jun 30, 2019 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
This is an amusing thread with some good points (and note his last tweet taking it back)... BUT like many commentators on UK politics, it way over-estimates the significance of Oxbridge. Johnson decided to ride a wave that had been rising for years, nothing to do with Oxbridge
Farage and his cronies have nothing to do with Oxbridge, neither has the lefty Brexitism. If anything, the recent paradigm Oxford politicians (Cameron, Blair, Clegg, even May) were not anti-EU at all
Oct 25, 2018 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
The press release by @CEU has emphasised the establishment of a new campus in Vienna and it might appear to the casual reader that this is a mere development of its academic activities. So I would like to just summarise the main points for those who have not followed the story
In April 2017 the Hungarian government introduced a law that required all foreign universities to have (i) an agreement between their home country and Hungary; and (ii) academic activities in their own country 1/?