timethief Canadian foreveršŸšŸ¦« Profile picture
šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ progressive, humanist, vocalist, fact-based critical thinker, pro-science, pro-choice, pro-T&R, pro-human rights šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸŖ¶ šŸŸ ally #cdnpoli #bcpoli
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Dec 8, 2024 ā€¢ 22 tweets ā€¢ 8 min read
#Poilievreā€™s approach to #nationalsecurity is ā€˜complete nonsense,ā€™ says expert. #securityclearance. ipolitics.ca/news/poilievreā€¦ via @iPoliticsCA Wesley Wark, who has advised Liberal and Conservative governments on national security, said Tory Leader Pierre Poilievre is ā€˜playing with Canadiansā€™ by refusing to get a top-level security clearance and receive classified briefings on foreign interference. Published Oct 18, 2024 at 2:01pm Why won't Trudeau release classified names ā€” and why won't #Poilievre get a #securityclearance? Trudeau told public inquiry that some Conservative politicians are involved in #foreigninterference cbc.ca/news/politics/ā€¦
"The decision of the leader of the Conservative Party to not receive the necessary clearance to get those names and protect the integrity of his party is bewildering to me and entirely lacks common sense," Trudeau added.
Dec 7, 2024 ā€¢ 15 tweets ā€¢ 9 min read
This is a BOGUS initiative. Every year at this time of the year we hear from those who allege Christmas has been cancelled when that's not true and pose as being persecuted when they aren't.

Christofascism is on the rise in Canada. The ultimate goal of #Christofascism is to incorporate the religious into the political.

Significant portions of German Christians understood Nazism as a Christian political movement that would build a Christian state, and many prominent Nazis understood their party to be a Christian party - as if!

If we Canadians don't want history to repeat itself under the guise of fake religious persecution we have to recognize that it was Christian communities that provided the active acquiescence and support (theological, material, and institutional) that was essential in helping fascists capture and wield power.

The insidious authoritarian political infiltration into our democracy by a minority conservative Christian elitists, primarily evangelicals, who aim to establish a theocracy, by posing as fake victims of persecution that doesn't exist in Canada, needs to be called out.

To you and your base of Pseudo-Christians I say: I see you for who you really are. Unsurprisingly at this time of the year we read about the #sevenmountainmandate (7-M) or the seven mountain prophecy which is not Biblical is a strategy for evangelizing the modern world and enlarging Christ's kingdom popularized by Lance Wallnau and Bill Johnson in their 2013 book Invading Babylon.

It holds that there are seven aspects of society that believers seek to influence or dominate: family, religion, education, media, arts and entertainment, business, and government.(7-M) believers say in a "God-given authority" to "take over the world" but that's contradicting scripture.

Itā€™s an insidious, sneaky, tangential teaching rooted in #dominionism Ā which is seen reflected in phrases like ā€œtaking our nation back for Godā€. Jesus' teaching hadĀ nothingĀ to do with engaging cultural mountains.Ā 

It was about being salt and light. Transformative. Not legislative. Community influence from the inside out, not cultural domination from the top down.

How a conservative Christian movement became an important part of Trump's political strategy cbc.ca/radio/day6/mrnā€¦ And now we have an example of an off-base conservative Christian movement an important part of Trump's political strategy, creeping over the Canadian border.
Aug 24, 2024 ā€¢ 12 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
#cdnpoli Poilievre and Trump, like many cons, all populists and fascists profess #antiintellectualism. For Poilievre it may come from taking 10 yrs to complete a 3 yr University degree program. Or perhaps it's just populist rhetoric that fits into his common people narrative. Image Also in Poilievre's case consider who his mentors are.
Apr 12, 2024 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
One of the main reasons for the #skilledtradesshortage in Canada is the demographic shift that has been occurring in recent years. Many skilled tradespeople are reaching retirement age, and there are not enough younger workers to fill the gap.

So, whatā€™s causing this looming #tradespersonshortage? Here are some of the main contributory factors:

1. An ageing workforce in the skilled trades;
2. Lack of diversity in the sector (there arenā€™t anywhere near enough women qualified to perform trade jobs);
3. Lack of workers with the right qualification to meet labour demand in growing industries like retrofitting homes and green new building construction.

The same can be said for other countries as well.

Europe is also facing a future where over a quarter of all people will be past retirement age, while education and training systems have not focused on the skills which are needed to replace retiring workers. European countries are facing particularly severe shortages of skilled workers for in trades and construction such as bricklayers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, welders, and sheet metal workers.

In the UK there are a growing number of vacancies for builders and other skilled tradespeople, combined with a shortage of the right qualifications, this is causing a skilled trades shortfall. It's estimated the UK needs nearly a million new recruits in trades and construction over the next decade. At the same time demand is soaring, creating a perfect storm which threatens homeowners, businesses and the national economy.

Ireland: same issues on a different scale. Just like the UK, cost managers are in particular demand while in the trades, bricklayers, plasterers, and decorators are in short supply. Semi-skilled workers like steel fixers, concrete workers, and dry liners are also scarce.
A new report highlighted the current lack of skilled tradespeople and labourers to retrofit exiting homes and build new homes. More than 60pc of construction firms are experiencing difficulties recruiting machine operators and skilled tradespeople.

Scotland facing skilled labour shortage. The labour market in Scotland remains tight, posing recruitment difficulties for 40% of the firms this quarter, and labour costs continue to impact seven in 10 businesses. Over four in ten (41%) of establishments with vacancies reported at least one vacancy that was hard to fill due to a skill-shortage issue. This equates to 10% of all establishments in Scotland, and a total of 36,800 SSV s. statista.com/topics/11864/lā€¦
internationalaccountingbulletin.com/news/scotland-ā€¦ Apologies for the 'split' thread . Read the rest here
Apr 7, 2024 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
Although the Constitution grants the provinces authority over housing policy and programs, all levels of government in Canada are involved in housing. The obligation to ensure the right to housing under international law applies not only to the federal government but also to provincial, territorial and municipal governments, and to all public administrators, tribunals and inter-governmental bodies in Canada.

Until the 1990s, Ottawa did build and maintain social housing. Now, its main role is limited to providing funding to provincial and municipal governments for affordable housing and for programs that address homelessness. The federal government is also responsible for on-reserve housing.

The National Housing Act # NHA is the primary federal law concerning housing in Canada. More specifically, it is intended to promote the construction of new houses, the repair and modernization of existing houses, and the improvement of housing and living conditions.

Local govt municipal authority and jurisdiction flows downward from Provincial statutes and it's the local govt at the municipal level that provides zoning for housing or not.

n 2018, federal, provincial and territorial ministers agreed to a multilateral Housing Partnership Framework which outlines ā€œa shared vision for housing and sets the foundation for bilateral agreements on the delivery of key National Housing Strategy initiatives.ā€ housingrightscanada.com/wp-content/uplā€¦
cmhc-schl.gc.ca/nhs/federal-prā€¦ #HousingAcceleratorFund
10 Housing Accelerator Fund best practices

1. End exclusionary zoning
ā–¶ļøStop low-density zoning and regulation that excludes housing types such as affordable and social housing in residential areas.
ā–¶ļøEncourage high density by allowing mixed-use development and high-density residential as-of-right within proximity to urban cores and transit corridors.
ā–¶ļøThis includes adopting by-laws to adopt more as-of-right zoning measures, from the number of units to storeys.

2. Make municipally owned lands available for housing through strategies such as disposition, acquisition and/or pre-development.

3. Increase process efficiency by implementing new technologies or software to speed up development approvals, such as e-permitting.

4. Prioritized/enhanced development approval process for rental and affordable housing.

5. Comprehensive review of development charges and fee schedules including waivers, with a focus on permits associated with affordable housing.

6. Reduce or eliminate parking standards to increase project viability, density and reduce carbon footprint.

7. Eliminate restrictions related to height, setbacks, building floor area and others to allow a greater variety in housing types, including accessory dwelling units.

8. Develop affordable housing community improvement plans or strategies/plans for the rapid deployment of affordable housing.

9. Design and implement guidelines or pre-approved building plans for missing middle housing or specific accessory dwelling unit types such as laneway housing or garden suites.

10. Develop grant programs encouraging the development of housing types that align with the Housing Accelerator Fund such as missing middle, row homes, purpose-built rental and/or that promote new/innovative construction techniques (modular, pre-fab, mass timber construction, etc.).cmhc-schl.gc.ca/professionals/ā€¦
Apr 4, 2024 ā€¢ 33 tweets ā€¢ 14 min read
Olive oil, coffee and even potatoes are among the dozens of crops also facing serious climate risks. Scientists have previously said that global heating drives a higher risk of simultaneous harvest failures across major crop-producing regions, threatening global food security. Researchers are scouring the planet for hardier varieties of common staples. Spain is the world's largest producer, manufacturing almost half of the world's olive oil. At first glance, Italy is often thought to be the world's largest producer of olive oil. But the reality is that Spain leads its production. Spain produces more than 1.5 million tons of olive oil each year, representing about 40% of world production. On the other hand, production in Italy represents 20%.

Climate change-related drought, heat, and wildfires across much of Mediterranean Europe have resulted in shortages of olive oil in stores, with an influx of fake products filling the vacuum.
Why olive oil prices are soaring and what to do about itbbc.com/travel/articleā€¦
Mar 26, 2024 ā€¢ 15 tweets ā€¢ 8 min read
#Carbonpricing is about recognizing the cost of pollution and accounting for those costs in our daily decisions. Taking action to reduce emissions by choosing less carbon-intensive options for energy production, home heating and transportation means Canadians will save money too. Feb 14, 2024

The #carbontax, also known as a price on carbon, came into effect at $20 per tonne in 2019. It has steadily climbed in the years since and is scheduled to rise from $65 per tonne to $80 on April 1. It is scheduled to go up another $15 each year until 2030, when it reaches $170 a tonne. Provinces and territories of Canada are allowed to create their own system of #carbonpricing as long as they comply with the minimum requirements set by the federal government; individual provinces and territories thus may have a higher tax than the federally mandated one but not a lower one.

Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR) The Canada Carbon Rebate (formerly known as the Climate action incentive payment (CAIP)) is a tax-free amount to help eligible individuals and families offset the cost of the federal pollution pricing. It consists of a basic amount and a supplement for residents of small and rural communities.

Virtually everybody who lives in the eight provinces where the federal carbon tax applies is eligible for the rebates. British Columbia and Quebec are excluded because they have their own carbon-pricing systems. The territories also have different systems when it comes to carbon pricing and rebates.canada.ca/en/revenue-ageā€¦https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/cai-payment/who-eligible.html
Mar 22, 2024 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read

Canada's #climatepolicies are #reducingemissions, report finds. As the Liberals survive a Conservative non-confidence vote to topple the government over the #carbontax, a new report from the Canadian Climate Institute shows that the price on carbon is actually working to reduce emissions. #cdnpoli #cdnpoliticscbc.ca/player/play/1.ā€¦ Based on modelling by Navius Research, the analysis found that, by 2030, all existing climate policies in Canada combined will prevent 226 megatonnes of carbon pollutionā€”roughly equal to the total annual emissions of Ontario and Quebec. March 21/24
Mar 14, 2024 ā€¢ 19 tweets ā€¢ 11 min read

How does #climatchange affect #insurance in Canada?
Global pricing no longer made sense, and some countries with less risk of severe weather pushed back on the cost of their premiums. The result was a major repricing that hit some Canadian insurers with increases in reinsurance premiums of at least 20 per cent in 2023. (Dec 1, 2023)

Climate change is making insurance more expensive and more limited ā€“ and itā€™s only going to get worse.

Disaster claims in Canada have more than quadrupled over the past 15 years, and Canadians are bracing themselves to deal with continuing rising premiums.theglobeandmail.com/business/articā€¦ In March 2022, the Government of Canada introduced Canada's #2030EmissionsReductionPlan, which provides a roadmap for the Canadian economy to achieve 40-45% emissions reductions below 2005 levels by 2030, building upon the actions outlined in Canada's previous climate plans. (Feb 2, 2024).

2030 Emissions Reduction Plan: Clean Air, Strong Economy - canada.ca/en/services/enā€¦
Mar 8, 2024 ā€¢ 23 tweets ā€¢ 8 min read
Barely Breaking Ground:
The Slow Stride of Progress for Women in
Business Leadership and Entrepreneurship
March 2024
bdl-lde.ca/wp-content/uplā€¦ International Context Canadaā€™s share of women managers is behind almost half of all OECD countries. Image
Mar 6, 2024 ā€¢ 14 tweets ā€¢ 13 min read
I have always been a feminist. My paternal grandmother was a religious zealot who had very little contact with me and next to no influence over me. My maternal grandmother was a "flapper" who pushed barriers to economic, political, and sexual freedom for women. And it was she who I emulated.

During World War I, women like my grandmother entered the workforce in large numbers, receiving higher wages that many working women were not inclined to give up during peacetime.

Milestones for Women 1900- 1945

Serving their country in the military and at home during WWII empowered women like my mother to fight for the right to work in nontraditional jobs for equal pay and for equal rights. And the 1950s also initiated the women's liberation movement.

Virginia Slims used women's liberation slogans from 1968 through to the 1980s. So I've heard the "we've come a long way, baby" applied to the advancement of women since my teens, when I became a political activist.

During the 70's I sang along with Helen Reddy "I am woman, hear me roar". During the 80's women were choosing paid employment over full-time childcare, families were got smaller and equality legislation ensured that women could return to work after maternity leave.

In the 1990's daughters of second-wave feminism came of age and chose new paths assuming independence and identities outside of the home.

Today I'm a senior citizen aware the gender wage gap still exists, equality doesn't and I'm rankled by it, though I do recognize advancement.

Canadian women are protected from #discrimination on the grounds of gender, age, marital status and more by the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. #womensrights

A brief history of womenā€™s rights in Canada

Canada was one of the first countries to sign and ratify the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against WomenĀ (CEDAW). The convention set international standards for eliminating #genderdiscrimination.

Canada is a global leader in advancing #genderequality and the empowerment of women and girls. In 2021-22, 99 per cent of Canadaā€™s bilateral international assistance either targeted or integrated gender equality.
Also the Womenā€™s Voice and Leadership program has supported more than 1500 local womenā€™s rights organizations in over 30 countries and regions.

The #economicempowerment of women is one of the most fundamental components of achieving gender equality and women's empowerment more broadly. The latest estimate by the World Bank shows that #GDP per capita would be almost 20% higher if all gender employment gaps were to be closed.

Gender equality in education, labour market participation and a more balanced sharing of unpaid work between women and men is linked to higher fertility rates, which would lead to a larger population and an increase in long-term labour supply.

PM Justin Trudeau acted on his promise for #genderequality by appointing a cabinet is 50 per cent women. Six Supreme Court of Canada appointments by Trudeau resulted in more women than men on the court for the first time in Canadian history.

Just the facts: Intersectional perspective on the Canadian #genderwagegap

Canadian-born women earned 9.2% less than their male counterparts in 2022 down from 15.0% in 2007. Immigrant women landing as children narrowed their gap with Canadian-born men by 4.2 percentage points from 14.7% in 2007 to 10.5% in 2022.

Women and Gender Equality Canada

Federal gender equality laws in Canada
the Employment Equity Act
the Pay Equity Act
the Canadian Gender Budgeting Act
the Canada Labour Code

What has PM Justin Trudeau's government done for Canadian women and their families?

1. Extended EI Maternity Leave.
2. Parental Sharing Benefit ( an extra five weeks of EI benefits to families when both parents, in a two-parent family, agree to take time off with their new child).
3. Canada Child Benefit (In 2024, the children from the ages of 1 to 6 will have 522 CAD per month from the CCB and the children age group of 7 to 18 will have 619 CAD per month).
4. $10 a day childcare.
5. Child Dental Benefit (Families with an annual adjusted net income that is less than $90,000 and without private dental insurance would receive direct, up-front tax-free payments: $650 for each eligible child if the family's adjusted net income is under $70,000.)edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/socstuā€¦
international.gc.ca/trade-commerceā€¦Women in Canadian History: A Timeline https://women-gender-equality.canada.ca/en/commemorations-celebrations/womens-history-month/women-history-canada-timeline.html via @FT
Democracy by Margaret Atwood | Democracy 2024. In a year in which more than half the world goes to the polls, acclaimed novelist Margaret Atwood asks whether democracy is fragile and easily destroyed or flexible and resilient. This animated monologue is the first of four films examining the state of government, representation, rights and freedomft.com/video/bd19b92fā€¦
Feb 8, 2024 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
True. In British Columbia full-time doctors will receive about $385,000 per year under the new model, up from $250,000. The new doctors were offered nearly $300,000 in the first year ā€” $295,457 ā€” plus a $25,000 signing bonus and debt forgiveness for medical training of up to $50,000 in the initial year and up to $20,000 a year over the next four years. That increase is expected to make a significant difference, since doctors in B.C. must find and lease their own space, hire their own staff and source their own equipment. news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2022Hā€¦ The new payment model includes three elements:
the number of patients a physician sees in a day;
the size and complexity of the physicianā€™s patient panel; and the time a physician spends providing direct clinical care, indirect clinical care (such as reviewing lab results or co-ordinating specialist referrals);
and on clinical administrative tasks (such as maintaining an accurate and up-to-date list of patients on an electronic medical record).

This means family physicians will be compensated for spending extra time with patients, especially those with complex needs, such as patients with mental-health conditions, and seniors. news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2023Hā€¦
Jan 17, 2024 ā€¢ 36 tweets ā€¢ 14 min read
Podcast: The Church Must Gather: Anticipating the Rise of the Canadian Christian Right. Unmaking Saskatchewan. Evangelical Christians have impacted the social and political fabric of Saskatchewan for over a century, from fur-trade era missionaries to the temperance movement to the anti-trans "parent's rights" legislation. At the same time, the movement in Canada has tended towards moderation in comparison to their counterparts in the U.S. This episode examines the history of evangelicals in Saskatchewan and Canada and how the rise of Trump and the COVID era has put new energy into Canada's #Christianright.spreaker.com/episode/the-chā€¦ How Canadian #evangelicalism is reinventing purity culture asĀ ā€˜pro-womenā€™. #Purityculture has both specific and broad meanings. It directly refers to a 1990s wave of practices of ā€œextreme abstinence,ā€ mainly directed at women. But it also incorporates decades of broader evangelical teachings restricting sexuality to within heterosexual marriage.theconversation.com/how-canadian-eā€¦
Jan 2, 2024 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Here's an example of the rhetoric of those #ChristianNationalists #DomininistChristians, who adhere to the non-biblical #sevenmountainmandate, or #sevenmountainprophecy. The #7mountainmandate is a strategy for cultural engagement popularized by Lance Wallnau and Bill Johnson in their 2013 book Invading Babylon. Since its advent, the perspective has gained popularity, especially among charismatic and Pentecostal Christians.
The movement is growing in Canada too, mores's the pity. How a conservative Christian movement became an important part of Trump's political strategy. cbc.ca/radio/day6/mrnā€¦
Jan 1, 2024 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
FOLLOWERS: What's new in 2024? Twitter has become infested with paid trolls. My time is precious and I will not be responding in any of my followers posts where I am faced with having to waste my time blocking trolls. If you allow 'everyone' to respond to your posts know that I will most likely stop following your account.

Also know that if I do search a timeline aiming to block an account and discover your account is listed under 'followers you know' then I will most likely unfollow your account.

You can create a PRIVATE list and add accounts you want to read but do not want engage with, without following the accounts. Only you can see private lists. The default setting for your List is public (anyone can follow the List). To make the List only accessible to you, tap the checkbox next to Keep private. Tap Save. When you add people to this private list, they won't get a notification telling them that they'd been added to a list.https://twitter.com/timethief/status/1729350650390257867 I don't believe many people on twitter discussing #cdnpoli #cdnpolitics are undecided. I've set myself free from worrying that some may need to be educated by doing research for them and presenting them with facts. https://twitter.com/timethief/status/1729350650390257867
Dec 16, 2023 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
Forbes released the annual World's Billionaires List for 2023 and there are quite a few Canadian billionaires with staggering net worths. If you're wondering how many billionaires are in Canada, there are 63 billionaires from this country and their fortunes range from $1 billion to $54.4 billion! (Oct 27, 2023)narcity.com/forbes-billionā€¦ Who is the wealthiest family in Canada?
The top-25 wealthiest billionaires in Canada as of March 2, 2023, in USD:
Oct 29, 2023 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
How Government Helped Create the #traditionalfamily. Since the mid-nineteenth century, many labor regulations in the US have been crafted with the express purpose of strengthening the male-breadwinner family. daily.jstor.org/how-governmentā€¦ The male breadwinner nuclear family is not the ā€˜traditionalā€™ human family, and promotion of this myth may have adverse health consequences. A more accurate picture of the human family is one of flexibility #traditionalfamily #nuclearfamily #malebreadwinner
Oct 25, 2023 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
I don't believe the CPC's bill to ban #vaccinemandates reflects our reality when viewed through the lens of science. I believe the bill is intended to appease their supporters in the so-called Freedom Convoy at the risk of endangering the health of all Canadians.

WHO's Health Emergencies Programme (WHE) is working with member states to help them prepare for large-scale outbreaks and pandemics. Pandemics can cause economic damage through multiple channels, including short-term fiscal shocks and longer-term negative shocks to economic growth.

Risk of extreme pandemics like COVID-19 could increase threefold in coming decades. In fact researchers estimate we currently face a 2% chance of a COVID-19-like pandemic in any given year. And, #climatechange is increasing this risk.

Thirty-eight percent of medical professionalsĀ told Becker's they believe the next pandemic may be less than five years away, according to the results of a June LinkedIn poll. Thirty-six percent said it could be more than 10 years away. The remaining 26 percent fell in the middle.

#Globalwarming can alter animal habitats, bringing them more into contact with people and increasing the risk of #zoonoticdiseases. Scientists do expect more zoonosis passing from animals to humans. Over 60 per cent of infectious diseases that we get are zoonotic, and 75 per cent of new, "emerging" infectious diseases are zoonotic.

#Climatechange will result in thousands of new viruses spread among animal species by 2070 ā€” and thatā€™s likely to increase the risk of emerging infectious diseases jumping from animals to humans. Among other things, as global warming progresses, we will see new #viruses that we have no immunity against.

Future pandemics might be caused by bacteria and not viruse by #bacterialdiseases such as the bubonic plague, cholera, Legionnaires' disease and meningococcal disease.

What do you think?

Is banning vaccine mandates in Canada under the label of #bodilyautonomy a wise way to prepare for the next pandemic?

#vaccinemandates #cdnpoli #cdpnpolitics #sciencebaseddecisonmaking #bodilyautonomy #C278 44th Parliament, 1st session November 22, 2021, to present. An Act to prevent the imposition by the federal government of vaccination mandates for employment and travel parl.ca/legisinfo/en/bā€¦
Sep 21, 2023 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Have you discussed #genderidenity in Canadian schools with your children, grandchildren, neighbours?

Last night I had a discussion with my neighbors and we were all on the same page. We recognize a strong trend is moving the world away from #homophobicrepression. And, we are proud that Canada is among the countries that embodies human rights for all and doesn't discriminate on the basis of #genderidentity.

We approved of the fact that Canada is a multicultural diverse country where everyone's human rights including the human rights of children are respected. #childrensrights Non-discrimination (Article 2)

We know education is provincial/territorial jurisdiction and that citizens have a role in determining school curriculum. We are clear that teachers do not impose gender identity on their students nor are they spies for #transphobic, #biphobic or #homophobic parents.

Children independently choosing how to be addressed in public schools by selecting the pronouns to be used when referring to them recognizes that only the individual determines their gender identity.

We observed that Canadian parents who don't approve of Canada's inclusive non-discriminatory public school curriculum are free to remove their children from that system and register them in an exclusive discriminatory school system or home school them.

Alternatively, if they determine that their families don't belong in a diverse and multicultural Canada, then they are free to emigrate to one of the remaining 67 countries that are #homophobic #biphobic #transphobic.

We are aware a minority of Canadians think they can cover up their bigotry and hatred by using the term 'parents rights' ie. so-called rights that don't exist in law. And, we unanimously agreed that any attempt to phrase hatred and bigotry in such terms is despicable.

It was reassuring to know that my neighbors love Canada as I do, and are able to detect bigotry and hatred no matter what terminology is applied in an attempt to cloak it.

If you haven't discussed #genderidenity in Canadian schools with your children, grandchildren, and neighbours maybe now is the time to do it.
Image A systematic review of the relationship between religion and attitudes toward transgender and gender variant people. Keywords: #Prejudice, #Religiousaffiliation, #Religiosity, #SexualPrejudice, #Transphobia, #Transprejudice A systematic review of the relationship between religion and attitudes toward transgender and gender-variant people https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6830999/
Sep 17, 2023 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
#cdnpoli Queen of the Grift? #LichBarberTrial
Crown prosecutor Tim Radcliffe in his opening statement, said the two organizers didn't just ā€œhold the line,ā€ they ā€œcrossed the lineā€ into criminal activity by encouraging people to stay in Ottawa as police had ordered the protesters to leave.

According to 'Freedom Convoy' defence. 'Hold the line,' means different things to different people.

Transport Canada estimates as much as $3.9 billion in trade activity was halted because of the so-called #FreedomConvoy border blockades.

Estimates range from $44 million to $200 million in sales, wage losses to Ottawa businesses. Nabatian, a decades-long retail analyst who's conducted several studies and collected years of sales data from downtown businesses, estimates businesses collectively lost about $900,000 per day, while Rideau Centre shops lost about $2.3 million a day ā€” altogether around a $73 million loss of revenue in the 23 days.

The GoFundMe crowdfunding efforts Tamara Lich led raised nearly $10.1 million from 120,000 donors before donations were suspended. The website used to raise that money then returned most of those funds to the original donors as of Feb. 5, 2022, the company said.

Almost $8M of 'Freedom Convoy' donations still unaccounted for, documents show. Some money raised sits in escrow, some was returned to donors or spent, and some is unaccounted for.

It's not clear where most of theĀ money raised through GiveSendGoĀ has gone. Fundraisers launched on the U.S.-based site raised more than $12 million.

Court documents show $4.25 million is being held by a payment processing company, but theĀ remaining $7.75 million is unaccounted for.

Tamara Lich an organizer of the convoy's #OttawaOccupation stands accused of mischief, counseling to commit mischief, obstructing police, counseling to obstruct police, counseling intimidation and intimidation by blocking and obstructing one or more highways and violating bail conditions.

The unprecedented behaviours of the #rightwingfringecult of #FreedomConvoy organizers and accomplices ie. #traitors one and all, who tried to overthrow our duly elected government and replace it with a pseudo-government comprised of honking bouncy castle incompetents is evidenced in their MEMORANDUM of UNDERSTANDING authored by James Bauder

To me 'Hold the line' means remain steady, do not fall back, What does it mean to you?

To discourage similar acts of #domesticterrorism, I want the judge(s) to bring the hammer down on all of the #FreedomConvoy organizers.

I want to see Chris Barber and Tamara Lich convicted and sentenced to time behind bars.

What do you want to see?cbc.ca/news/canada/otā€¦
Trial by social media: Court struggles under weight of 'Freedom Convoy' evidence. The second week of the criminal trial for two of the convoy's most prominent organizers has been slow-rolled by issues related to social media evidence, both from a legal perspective and a practical one. ca.news.yahoo.com/trial-social-mā€¦
Sep 4, 2023 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
#cdnpoli #cdnpolitics #unions #workers #deceptiveadvertizing
Poilievre had a job at Telus doing corporate collections by calling businesses. At the age of 16, Poilievre sold Reform Party memberships for Jason Kenney and also did telephone canvassing for him. He also later worked briefly as a journalist for Alberta Report, a conservative weekly magazine. He created his own robocalling company. He became a Carleton MP, has remained one for 18 years and cheated his way into CPC leadership.

Poilievre's history is one of attacking #unionizedworkers to whom Canadians can attribute better pension benefits, protection against management harassment, and seniority rights when it comes to scheduling, vacation, and job security.

Poilievre knows nothing about the struggles workers face. As a member of Stephen Harper's government he attacked pensions and voted for #antilabourlaws. Poilievre also voted to cut support for unemployed workers and repeatedly attacked workers' rights.

"Pierre Poilievre has used populist rhetoric to hide away his real agenda. But his long track record of attacking workersā€™ rights and siding with profitable corporations over everyday people makes clear the kind of leader he would be if he gained power,ā€ warned Bruske. ā€œWhile Mr. Poilievre talks loudly about inflation, he cannot be counted on to push companies to increase workersā€™ pay to keep up with skyrocketing inflation.ā€

Poilievre's double-speak about #CPP being a tax reveals he wants to get his hands on our CPP fund, which ise not government revenue and is not available to government so it cannot be used for any other purpose.

Poilievre is also a major proponent of bringing US #RighttoWorklaws to Canada. Right-to-Work laws weaken the labour movement by making it more difficult for unions to collect membership dues which pay for the collective bargaining process. Wages and benefits are lower on average in US states with Right-to-Work laws.

Though Poilievre's and his party pander to corporate agendas they claim to be "friends of the working class" And, we older Canadian workers know the claim is bogus advertising crapola aimed to gain votes. But, thanks to huge donations to Poilievre's CPC for advertising that purports the opposite of the truth, and to history ignorant younger union members some polls indicate that the CPC is their top choice.
Multiple biographical sources: @OttawaCitizen, @Wikipedia, The Canadian Encyclopedia @CdnEncyclopedia