🥩🥩Tim Hayward🥩🥩 Profile picture
“He’s gone, man. Solid gone!”
Sep 6, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
There's suddenly an enormous amount of talk about bloody tinfoil down the back of the radiators and turning off 'vampire' appliances... all of which shifts the blame for all this back to the consumer and it gets me spitting mad.
A while back I installed some American kit... ...on my 'fuse box' so I could track electricity usage and it's a total eye opener. The key part of the system is that it measures Kilowatt Hours, the standard unit for consumption, and then allows you to view that information different ways.

Here, for example, is the house...
May 18, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
There’s a lot in the news at the moment about food prices being the biggest problem in the cost-of-living crisis. Particularly how it’s been caused by Ukraine and the pandemic.
Way before War or Covid, we were all writing about a crisis in food supply and retail… We were writing about supermarkets and chain restaurants driving prices down by exploiting employees, farmers and producers. About paying less for our food than we should. We wrote about successive governments who failed to bring any of this under control…
Oct 3, 2018 17 tweets 3 min read
You should probably mute me now. This is going to be a rambling thread.
I’m not sure if it’s possible to blame Thatcher for this, but I think it happened on her watch.... whats worrying me is a kind of cultural/social ‘way of seeing’ that could actually sit behind.... ...a majority of our problems -social and political... even our mental health. It’s what we might usefully term the ‘Doctrine of Excellence’. The basic idea is that your aim and target in everything you do is to be the best, that striving for the exceptional is the only path.