Tim Carden Profile picture
Co-Founder at https://t.co/1ocm7Vmvwi. Building your favorite personal brands on X | 100M monthly impressions for clients | Obsessed with media leverage
Jon Norton Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 26 15 tweets 4 min read
Mark Zuckerburg stole Facebook from him.

So he sued Zuckerburg for $1.5 million.

Now he's a tech billionaire.

5 lessons from the wild story of Facebook's forgotten co-founder: Image In 2004, Harvard student Eduardo Saverin co-founded Facebook with his friend Mark Zuckerberg.

As CFO, he provided early funding & business expertise.

But as Facebook grew, tensions rose...
Jul 16 21 tweets 7 min read
Recognize this face?

Luke Belmar flew to the US from Argentina aged 16 with just $200 in his pocket.

Today, he’s earned over $50 million online and built one of the most exclusive communities in the world.

His 5-Step Playbook for printing money on the internet: Image 1. Find where you're going

Without a goal, you don't know your destination.

But this is how most people live their lives...

Aimless. As If they've been put here by accident.

To separate yourself, you need to ask one question:
Jul 8 12 tweets 4 min read
The man who can predict the future:

Naval Ravikant.

He was an early investor in Uber, Twitter, and Notion.

And he just said, "The internet has eliminated the barrier to becoming wealthy."

5 predictions on the future of wealth creation (and why you should care): Image 1. AI won't take your job, someone using AI will

The only people who consider AI a threat are the ones who don't know how to use it. But the winners of tomorrow?

They aren't fighting against AI. They're partnering with it...
Jun 28 13 tweets 3 min read
You probably don't recognize this girl.

But her 11.8 million YouTube subscribers can't get enough of her.

And it's allowed her to build a $100 million coffee empire by age 21.

The story of this high school dropout turned Internet sensation: Image Emma's rise was meteoric. She went from 0 to 8.5 million YouTube subscribers in just 18 months.

How? By pioneering the "vlog-umentary" style—raw, unfiltered glimpses into her daily life.

This authenticity resonated deeply, especially with Gen Z viewers.
May 3 12 tweets 3 min read
An interviewer asked MrBeast what the secret to going viral is.

His answer will blow your mind...

Here’s what he had to say about getting over 100 million views every time: Image "If people are clicking and watching, then it gets promoted more. That's literally all the algorithm does." — MrBeast

The key to virality is appealing to human psychology more than trying to game the algorithm.

@MrBeast breaks down the YouTube algorithm in 46 seconds:
Apr 25 13 tweets 4 min read
According to legendary marketer Seth Godin:

“Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but about the stories you tell.”

Fortunately, storytelling is a skill.

10 storytelling techniques, so people beg you to take their money: Image The Hero's Journey

The ultimate storytelling framework. It's been used for millennia, from ancient myths to blockbusters like Star Wars.

The hero leaves the ordinary world, faces challenges, and returns transformed.

@thejstoobs on The Heroine’s Journey:
Apr 24 13 tweets 4 min read
Aristotle was a big believer in walking.

Not just Aristotle — Steve Jobs, Virginia Woolf, Nikola Tesla too.

If you walk less than 60 minutes per day, open this: Image Throughout history, the greatest thinkers were avid walkers.

Tech entrepreneurs including Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg are known to support walking meetings.

Walking dissolves mental blocks, boosts divergent thinking, and connects ideas.
Apr 22 12 tweets 4 min read
I used to have no idea what to do with my life...

Then I spent 100 hours+ binging every single Naval Ravikant podcast online.

Here’s what I found.

The Naval happiness protocol: Image Go on Epic Adventures

I visited Patagonia and it was transformative.

The trip cost me < $1k and those memories will stay with me for life.

Epic adventures provide for what @naval calls “actions that are complete & of themselves”:
Apr 19 13 tweets 4 min read
I just discovered this ancient Japanese concept I can’t stop thinking about…

The 80% rule: Image It's called "hara hachi bu":

An ancient Confucian teaching that instructs people to eat until they're 80% full.

The Okinawans have practiced this for centuries. Average lifespan in Okinawa:

80.27 for men and 87.44 for women.
Apr 17 12 tweets 4 min read
Robert Greene's work will change your life forever.

But his books average 500+ pages and take 100s of hours to read. I’ve curated his best ideas, so you don’t have to.

8 of his most powerful ideas: Image Find Life's Task

Discover the intersection of your natural inclinations, skills, and passions.

This is the seed of your life's purpose.

Water it and let it grow. Don't let the voices of others drown it out.

@RobertGreene says it well:
Apr 11 14 tweets 4 min read
I bet my life-savings Alex Hormozi will become a billionaire by 2030.

Not because he spends $2.8M/year on content.

Because he found the infinite money glitch (it’s so simple I couldn't believe it): Image At first, no one knew how big YouTube, Facebook, or IG would be.

But now the numbers are clear.

Guys like Lex Fridman and Mr. Beast reach billions of people per year.

There's a simple reason their approach works:
Apr 9 13 tweets 4 min read
I'm 22.

I'm obsessed with learning how to learn.

So I read 40+ research papers from MIT, Stanford, Harvard…

I’ve discovered a research-backed way to learn like an Ivy League student: Image You can literally build genius.

Your brain is like a muscle - it grows through exertion and nutrition.

In other words, feeding your brain new information and fostering self-belief will make you smarter.
Apr 4 22 tweets 6 min read
The KING of online business:

Luke Belmar.

He flew to the US aged 16 with just $200 in his pocket.

Today, he’s earned over $50 million online and built one of the most exclusive communities in the world.

The Belmar playbook for escaping the matrix: Image The Power of Goal-Setting

Without a goal, you don't know where you're going.

Most people walk around in life like accidents.

Luke's first goal: Get out of his small town of 19,000 people in Argentina.
Apr 1 27 tweets 7 min read
You’ll never achieve anything significant in life if you’re complacent.

If you suffer from complacency, read this: Image It’s easy to get stuck in the trap of complacency.

Its effects are far-reaching:

• Stunts growth
• Creates stagnation
• Prevents new opportunities

Don’t let complacency keep you from pursuing your dreams.
Mar 26 18 tweets 6 min read
I’m 22.

I used to be a broke, depressed uni student with no idea what I wanted to do in my life.

Then, I discovered stoicism, and the philosophy changed my life forever.

My 15 favorite takeaways: Image We Control How We React

Epictetus, a former slave, said, “The chief task of the philosopher is to determine what’s up to us and what’s not up to us.”

That’s the definition of stoicism: We don’t control what happens to us. We control how we respond to what happens to us.
Mar 25 19 tweets 6 min read
The GOD of billion-dollar brands:

Ryan Reynolds.

Companies he co-owns or has sold are valued at $14 Billion+.

Here’s how he does it: Image If you study Ryan and his success, you’d notice he:

• Is always on the lookout for opportunities
• Actively markets the businesses himself
• Becomes the face of the brand with his goofy personality
• Creates creative ads that are one-of-a-kind
• Moves fast, follows trends
Jun 19, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
In 2019, Sam Altman (Founder of OpenAI) published a blog post on How To Be Successful.

It's a phenomenal blueprint for maximizing your chance of success.

Here's how I'm applying his rules: Image Compound Yourself

Everything in life compounds — including yourself.

I'm making sure to compound myself by

• Building a personal brand
• Learning a bunch of skills
• Investing in my health
• Reading religiously

It’s all going to pay back 100x.
Feb 16, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
11 one-minute habits that give you a 100x return on investment:

1) Taking calls on walks Choosing to take calls on walks is a game-changer.

Not only do you stop getting burned out by calls, but you also

• Get sunlight
• Get out in nature
• Get your 10K steps in

A much more enjoyable and healthy way to do your calls.
Feb 14, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
You spend 1/3 of your life asleep.

And your bad sleeping habits are killing you.

Here's 6 easy ways to improve your sleep: Image 1. No food 3 hours before bed

Eating before you sleep causes the digestive process to interfere with your sleep.

Metabolic activity and increased insulin production will interfere with the physiological process of sleep preparation.

Which results in lower-quality sleep.
Jan 25, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
19 Tim Ferriss quotes to live a happy and successful life: Tim Ferrriss "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."

Pick your tribe carefully.

Surround yourself with high-value individuals that push you towards your goals.

Not degenerates that put you down for dreaming.
Jan 24, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
You won't win 2023 if you procrastinate.

Here are 8 simple ways to stop: Focus is the key to achieving your goals.

And procrastination is the arch enemy of focus.

So if you can destroy procrastination, you can focus and achieve your goals.

And achieving your goals = winning.

Make sense?

Cool, let's beat procrastination.