Zahra Zaraa Danejo Profile picture
Proud Future Gov Adamawa,Ribena Enthusiast (Always)Adikon Zamani #DivorceDiaries Zahraun Baba(Always)
Mar 20, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Since nobody taught you I say let me teach you some Ramadan manners:

1. Give people enough notice before showing up for iftar. Don't pass by for iftar. Don't branch somebody's house for iftar. Let them know before asr prayer that you will be coming. 2. When going for iftar, ensure you hold something like fruits, chocolates or drinks for the family of the host. Showing up empty handed is rude and reeks of selfishness & entitlement.
3. When you are invited for iftar, ask your host if it is okay to come along with others
May 27, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
You could be married 35 years and one morning he wakes up and sends you home.
There’s no security and it hurts. Imagine going back home after being married for so long,building a life and so on.
We need protection I don’t know why our society accepts talaq that’s casual and petty. Talaq is not meant to be a power flex. Shouldn’t all those years of marriage mean something? Is it so bad that one “mistake” cannot be resolved without resorting to divorce?
Mar 24, 2019 17 tweets 2 min read
My husband had one of those annoying friends;rude and entitled. You know their type, show up at odd hours unannounced and complain about the food.
I wasn’t his fan Mainly because he felt entitled to our time and our food. He would show up at any time and refuse to leave.
Worst of all,he always had something to say about my food.
Husband friend o!
Dec 12, 2018 27 tweets 4 min read
It is important to clarify that what is advocated for in this instance is not that the permitted should be rendered prohibited. In the development of the Shari’ah, it is permissible for the State to adopt a policy to prevent harm the Doctrine of public interest (maslaha) or that of encouraging good and preventing harm (hisbah). Consequently, what is being advocated is that the State should weigh the advantages of a practice against its disadvantages, in order to identify its usefulness or otherwise,
Aug 6, 2018 9 tweets 1 min read
We as women spend so much time and energy on "keeping a man" and other such nonsense that we ignore our children.
Buying kayan mata upandan but your son is becoming a junkie.

We need to face reality You waste your prayers on holding to a man who most times isn't even worth it. So much energy on stopping him from marrying another wife and blah blah

What about the children ma?
Jun 2, 2018 32 tweets 3 min read
This is Northern Nigeria

Everybody be hypocritee
Everybody be double speak This is Northern Nigeria
This Bazawara she must marry and remarry but not my son Auzubillah