tipatat Profile picture
VR AR AI Metaverse investor, GP @thevrfund
Feb 10, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
One week with the #AppleVisionPro and I can't stop thinking thinking about potential killer apps for it. Here's a list of some of the apps I most want to see (and reach out if you are working on any on them and want some funding from @TheVRFund) : Personal Time Machine: Takes your existing photos, uses GenAI out painting to convert it to a 360 panorama, 2D to 3D for stereo conversion, maybe some GenAI soundscape and image to video for some light Harry Potter living portrait like animation 1/x
Mar 7, 2019 9 tweets 7 min read
Rant: Seven Reasons I know current VR/AR technology is succeeding for consumer and enterprise

3 Years of actual market data tells us that VR/AR are viable industries so let's stop with this VR/AR is dead or not going to work nonsense

retweet if you trust data over opinions! 1/9 First HMD sales: True consumer VR (6DOF) was off to a slow start, but year after year the market has grown and there is now an install base of over 7+M (3+M PSVR, 4+M PC VR) 2/9 Thanks @RtoVR for the nice graphic