Any successful software nowadays must support better user outcomes and business differentiation.
However I still see teams putting huge efforts building internal frameworks where off the shelf solution could be used. Different reasons; reusability, speed. Never the right ones.
Sometimes the user outcomes are not obvious or indirect.
An improvement on the strategically les important for business software, helps unburden some of business operations and costs and yields business value on another part.
Jan 3, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Needed: Strategic innovation with software using a pragmatic guide, one that brings the c-suite to the engine room into harmony. That's what @VaughnVernon and I provide in our new book, "Strategic Monoliths and Microservices."…
One of the many challenges that quickly face authors when writing a book about innovation and supporting software architecture is that readers expect pragmatic answers so they can deliver software. So, yes, we understand what forward-thinking readers need.
Nov 6, 2019 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
"I made up the term 'object-oriented', and I can tell you I didn’t have C++ in mind." Alan Kay, OOPSLA ‘97
What 'objet-orientation' means is always discussed when someone is talking about some concepts of OOP like inheritance in the light of languages like C# and Java.
We may hear from time to time sentences like "You're not talking about the REAL OOP", "What OOP you're refering to?", etc.
Unfortunately it's how OOP is understood by a large part of developers (yes, that part of people knowing this concept from Alan Kay is very small)
Oct 11, 2019 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
My Friday rant about abstractions' design or rather how abstractions are seen by most of the developers myself included 😅
We often think about abstractions in terms of "what it is" but the important part that we often forgot about is to think in terms of "what it is not".
This is about finding the right balance between the concretness (more close to the implementation) and the abstractness (so abstract that it looses its meaning) of such abstraction.
In both extremes such abstractions are pretty useless.