How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App’s goal is to “thin out” Gaza’s population. Israel has purposefully rendered much of Gaza uninhabitable so that many people will leave if given an opportunity to live their lives elsewhere. That way they can call it “voluntary migration.” Of course, it’s ethnic cleaning.’s the most concerning development. It’s that people are seeing images out of Gaza (despite efforts to suppress it all in news/social media) but Israel has successfully muddied the waters to the point where people just feel it’s “too complicated” to do anything about. course, as we saw during his first term, Trump will accelerate the formalization of this process. For example, moving the US embassy to Jerusalem & recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian Golan exposed reality for what it is, but it changed little on the ground. one should have to explain this, but Muhammad is a very popular Arabic name. In fact, it’s famously the most popular name on earth!, Al Jazeera shared footage of Israeli forces shooting Palestinian civilians as they tried to reach air dropped aid. The video shows one man being shot & injured only to be shot again & again as he desperately tried to crawl away. They left his body to be eaten by dogs.