Tobias_Petry.sql Profile picture
The Database Guy. I am helping you get better with MySQL and PostgreSQL. Building: @stackbricksapp
Oct 13, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
The improved PostgreSQL driver for Laravel is getting better and better.

Like the last release, this one again improves performance with a lot of new indexing functionality and some other nice improvements.

👇 All new features explained one-by-one PostgreSQL 10 introduced the concept of identity columns: It's generating unique incrementing values, you can use as (primary) columns. By specifying the always constraint ONLY the database is allowed to set them, it's protecting you from accidental overwrites 🔥
Sep 30, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
🎉 PostgreSQL 14 has been released today.

The amount of new features EVERY YEAR is incredible and there are again many nice features greatly improving your daily life. Most important this year is JSONB!

👇 Keep reading for an overview of the most important features. 👉Improved JSONB

If you never stored any JSON content in your tables you are definitely missing out on some very great features of PostgreSQL. From now on, you can use an improved syntax with much simpler support for updating nested values.… Image
Sep 21, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
I finished a large chunk on improving the enhanced @PostgreSQL driver for @laravelphp. The new version has a lot of new indexing functionality to make your database queries really fast and use all the power of PostgreSQL 🔥

👇 All new features explained one-by-one Image With partial indexes you can limit an index to only handle specific rows to build smaller indexes or even do things you couldn't do before. You can e.g. make the email address now unique by ignoring duplicate values in soft-deleted rows.

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