How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App theoretical foundations underpinning this stuff are just unsound. If your framework derives from critical readings of 19th century literature you're gonna have a bad time. You sometimes get descriptive stats of "disparate impacts" but rarely good public choice analysis. there is one branch that will not be reconciled or amnestied in a post-war Syria it is the airforce (and its associated intelligence service). Just too much blanket murder and suppression. other day, I saw a tweet advocating for the "global south" to found their own international court in response to France possibly refusing to honor the Bibi warrant. And I am just absolutely dumbfounded what hodgepodge of states they think will commit and comply at all. few formations somewhat capable of maneuver warfare alongside Russian and Iranian advisors. These units were, in fact, networks that eventually developed identities of their own, which made them politically problematic. As part of their effort to consolidate the state there's a war on and you're on charge of a small squadron of ground attack aircraft. Suddenly intelligence rings you up: Their system intercepted a call off a cell tower that had all the wrong buzzwords. A quick translation suggests it's a man ordering an armed attack. reason people concluded Arafat and the PLO were really not serious about a two-state solution was that, even though they privately understood the terms, they proved politically unable (or unwilling) to accept that compromise - or even articulate a non-maximalist alternative. mir gab es z.B. mal ein ganzes Jahr Verzögerung wegen eines Wasserschadens in irgendeiner Kaserne, wegen dem meine Personal-Mappe (- eine physische Mappe!) nicht vor einem bestimmten Termin an die nächste Stelle weitergeleitet werden konnte. Pech gehabt. happened after 2014 was that the Houthis captured enough territory - and especially coastline - and ballistic missile facilities from the Yemeni military for the assistance program to go into overdrive to where the Houthis could become a proper southern Hezbollah. data is pernicious. Unless you assign some kind of uncertainty/weight based on source analysis and do some proper investigation and inference to offset uneven coverage, the bad data that you're including for the sake of completeness will stain your good data as well. wait till it finds out what you said about the Zune Einstein, this seemed like a silly way of thinking about science. In his view, physics needed to do more than solipsistically predict the outcome of experiments. It needed to offer some kind of description of the world as it was. Otherwise, the enterprise was pointless. is arguably the most careful and comprehensive IIT report yet. It relies on thousands of documents, 66 witness statements, 70 samples as well as independent modeling of key ballistic and dispersal events. It again attributes the attack to Syria's so-called "Tiger Forces." in Deutschland ist seit 1949 eng mit dem Erhalt und Ausbau der europäischen Friedensordnung verknüpft. Wer diese fortlaufend gestalten will, muss sich aktiv einbringen. Unsere aktuelle Politik sichert uns einen Platz am Tisch - aber was braucht es, die Agenda zu setzen?