Tom Tanuki Profile picture
weekly videos usually on the latest in aus radical, activist, fringe and/or gross political scenes. independent as fuck.
Feb 24 7 tweets 3 min read
Sharri Markson & Sky News have obtained a list of 500 Palestinians who received some sort of visa enabling them to leave Gaza. 81 are in Australia.

They are using the list to doxx these people - these victims, who fled Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza since October.

Report: The crux of Markson's allegations against Zaher Abuamro, one innocent Palestinian in Australia, is that he liked 'pro-Hamas' tweets from October 7 & 8 which celebrated Gazans' escape from their political prison and capture of Israeli soldiers.

For example, he liked this post. Image
Dec 13, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
This year I looked at sovereign citizens a lot.

I began 2022 with a big 2 hour doco on them, still a peak introductory resource on Aussie sov cits imho.

At 43 mins I touched on a few Aus examples of gun-hoarding enclave sov cits. Following the US trend.

I covered the problems Indigenous communities face with penetration by sov cit rhetoric in part 2.

I also covered the work of Indigenous legends like Leah House, Lorna Munro, Jack Latimore and many others to counteract these conspiracists.

Dec 13, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
One of the Queensland shooters, Gareth Train, appears to have a pretty prolific comments presence around Australian conspiracist and sov cit sites. He wrote this piece for conspiracist oniline site Cairns News on November 29, 2021. Consistent with most of hgis comments I could find online, Gareth goes on at length about 'Jesuit World Order' power conspiracies, false flags, mind control and Masons.

Dec 11, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
lol so forgive me for sharing a bit of Telegram for a moment: hypermasculine National Socialist Network warriors have forensically watched my recent video about defending LGBT+ family events from fascists.

they particularly watched the bit where i said this anyway i'll pay the laser focus on the lip licking. i laffed

the fun thing about this line, as i thought when i wrote it, is that it's a bit Rorschach: no, to a neo-Nazi trainwreck a boy in a dress is NOT better than an ASIO watchlist

the point is that it is to... everyone else
Dec 11, 2022 8 tweets 1 min read
cannot BELIEVE how many replies, quote tweets & shit zings I am receiving from these TERF people. you make one tweet and they sit there passing it around and jerking off for DAYS and DAYS on END. is their aim to bully me into conformity with a barrage of notifications? stop searching for the word TERF online to find people to talk about genitals with and have a cold shower
Apr 21, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
You may have seen this photo going around - it's Blair Cottrell with Todd Sampson.

Todd makes documentaries, and is working on something re: radicalisation and social media.

I was invited to potentially contribute to the project with an interview, perhaps help w/ research etc. In an initial chat with the producer they talked about including reformed ex-fascists.

But I saw something in a follow up email about 'current' Nazis... So I emailed this, to be sure.

(my 'coded msging' line is a bit naff lol, but I felt I was speaking to newbies in the space.)
Apr 19, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

Here's Palmer's security, Gatecrash Security. The owner of that business is one Mark Ellis. Image Mark Ellis' campaign run for One Nation got derailed a few years ago when someone found this pic of him sieg heiling a Swazzy he'd mowed into his backyard. Image
Sep 20, 2021 83 tweets 15 min read
Bunch of anti-vaxxer 'CFMEU members' rallying outside Setka's office now over mandatory vaccines. Setka came out after 2 hrs to try to speak but they wouldn't let him, chanting 'FUCK THE JAB' & 'STAND DOWN'.

Spotted one founding UPF member there - I doubt many are even members. A comrade noted they seemed to be fucking up union chants. Suss.