Tom Trotts⏳ Profile picture
God Bless Trump. Nationalism before Globalism.
Dec 11, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Today is the 666th day (not kidding) of Bill Barr's term as AG.

He has now eclipsed do nothing Sessions.

Jeff Sessions was fired and remains on bad terms with @POTUS.

When will @realDonaldTrump fire AG Barr?

@WhiteHouse @MarkMeadows @DonaldJTrumpJr @RichardGrenell AG Barr Worked (hard) to Keep Hunter Biden Probes From Public View During Election

"The attorney general knew for months about investigations into Biden’s business and financial dealings"…
Dec 4, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Lin Wood has felt the wrath of the establishment, the wrath that @realDonaldTrump has dealt with the last 4 years.

I can only imagine the amount of heat when you really hit a nerve as Lin Wood did this week.

I remember one time when it was especially hot for even Pres. Trump... ...the day he met w/ Putin in Helsinki.

Even his allies and all heavyweights of the establishment came down on him that day. People like @newtgingrich and @AndrewCMcCarthy.

@marthamaccallum of @foxnews had criminal @Billbrowder (who Putin had just called out) on her show....
Nov 20, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read

"There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public."

- Medical specialist in pathology/virology Dr. Roger Hodkinson

"There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus, other than protecting older more vulnerable people. It should be thought as nothing more than a bad flu season. This is not ebola, it's not SARA. It's politics playing medicine and that's a very dangerous game."
Nov 9, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
(1/4) Complete List of Suspected Fraud Issues in 2020 Election Sorted by State with Recommended Actions on How to Address

1. Manually recount any state results where Dominion Vote Machines were used to tally results… (2/4)

2. Focus on closely contested and swing states
3. Focus on cities (i.e. Milwaukee, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Minneapolis, etc)
4. Focus on absentee and mail-in Ballots
5. Investigate Biden only votes
6. Identify dead people who voted
Nov 8, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Frank Dikötter, Chairman and Professor of Humanities at the University of Hong Kong who knows a bit about China and Communism made a speech in 2019 in which he praised @realDonaldTrump's ability to handle China, unlike any President before.

"For the first time you have a President (@realDonaldTrump) who seems to know how to unsettle (the Chinese Communist) regime profoundly. (He) understands that the biggest threat to your freedom...comes from the People's Republic of China -
the largest organization on...
Sep 18, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Add @vanmorrison to the list of musicians that are breaking out of groupthink and actually acting like rock stars.

@ianbrown has also just released a song that calls out
a "false vaccine" and features clips of Bill Gates.

@liamgallagher @richardashcroft @NoelGallagher Ian Brown shares anti-lockdown song ‘Little Seed Big Tree’ and hits out again over coronavirus…