Tom Watson Profile picture
Author, Podcast Host, Chair of UK Music | Management:
May 10, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
I’ve just seen this thread from Andrew. What he says is that the night before Labour decided it’s 2017 manifesto, the team around Jeremy knew that the version leaked was not the one I had seen. I want to tell you what happened to my staff over that period. When Andrew rang me to say the manifesto had been leaked, I was aghast. He told me that only jeremy and I had seen it. It sounds preposterous now to say it but my first thought was has Jeremy left it on a train?! I was astounded when Andrew, asked me if I’d leaked it.
Oct 31, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
1. The Hacker House saga continues – DCMS’ ‘review’ of the grant award is a whitewash.
No one reading Hacker House’s grant application would give the company a penny, let alone £100,000 of tax payers’ money.
Let’s take a look… 2. Jennifer Arcuri claims she wants to set up “the Netflix of security” and that she needs 100k of public money to do it.
Jul 3, 2019 17 tweets 5 min read
Here's a long thread on where Boris Johnson currently stands on the sugar tax, obesity and pandering to the regressive right... 1) Let's start with the statement sent to journalists last night. In it Johnson calls for a review of “sin taxes” including the sugar tax, proposals for a milkshake tax, and the ban on energy drinks for the U16s.