Tom Huang Profile picture
Assistant Managing Editor for Journalism Initiatives @DallasNews. Editing Fellow @Poynter. Board member @NPCInstitute. Alum @MIT. Email
Apr 9, 2021 18 tweets 3 min read
I am leading my favorite @Poynter seminar, the Power of Diverse Voices, where we nurture and amplify the voices of journalists of color. The irony is that, for the past year, I have lost my own writing voice. For seven years, I wrote about my parents' decline and how my siblings and I struggled to take care of them. Ever since my mother and father died, in the span of three months, something left my soul. I grew up with words and stories, but now they don't come as easily.
Mar 15, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
Yesterday morning, a young colleague told me he was worried about our staff -- especially the folks on our breaking news team who are at the tip of the spear of our coronavirus coverage. Our newsroom is running & gunning, just like yours. This is our calling, this is our mission, to serve our community. But my colleague reminded me that if we're not careful, our relentless pace can come at a cost. Burnout, anxiety, physical & mental health issues.