Toni Profile picture
Trauma aware peer specialist in men’s mental/emotional health & workplace wellbeing. Author #MVAWG Have #LongCovid Loves📚&🧁
Patch Panda Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 19 13 tweets 4 min read

Let's talk about how the below 'advice' isn't just naive but harmful.

This is a long 🧵and I make no apologies for that. 1. Much of the ABC is offensively ignorant & naive to the realities of modern day policing. Despite the media narrative, most services have less officers/staff to residents & less resources due to austerity.…
May 13 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵As someone who supports a lot of men with their mental & emotional health I'm going to share why I think this is such a potentially dangerous message, putting aside the obvious issues for neurodivergent and disabled people... 1/ From an early age, men are taught to be 'physical' & get into sports, both participating & watching/supporting. To not enjoy a sport or be good at one can lead to bullying by other boys (& girls) - they're 'othered' with comments they're weak & need to 'toughen up' etc. 2/
Mar 7 14 tweets 4 min read
Let's talk about the ride-along, a scheme which allows members of public out on shift with police to see what they do:
There were just 7 officers on shift for Exeter (approx 130,700 residents), who were all young & very young in service (2 not even out of the 2 year probation) 1/ Sitting in briefing, I was reminded how banal policing can be - a carousel of criminality & people already known. There was specific mention of prioritising DA/sexual violence cases which was good to see as @DC_Police had been in special measures 2/…
Oct 28, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
⚠️🧵A lot of men are suicidal & don’t realise it because they sit with something known as “passive suicidal ideation' so, let’s talk about it, and some of its relatives.

Please look after yourself whilst reading this thread & don't leave judgemental comments... It’s important to say that suicidal thoughts in themselves are not normal for every man but they *can* be a normal reaction to severe life stressors/trauma, especially with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) or other traumatic experiences in adolescence.…