Tony McDonough Profile picture
Award-winning business journalist with more than 30 years' experience in the media. Now at Liverpool Business News ...
Oct 30, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
A thread…

1/7 Since the rise of antisemitism in Corbyn’s Labour began to be highlighted, those voices of denial have been loud and persistent. They ignore the McPherson principle which states when a minority perceives racism the initial assumption is that they are correct… 2/7 But worse, they have consistently tried to shift the focus away from the embedded cultural problem of left antisemitism and made it about stats and process. Thus, they will pluck a figure out of the air… ‘only 0.06% of members have been disciplined for being antisemitic’…
Aug 18, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
1/9 Thread..

Today I saw the best of Merseyside and the worst of it.

Sarah-Jane Morton, a @UKLabour councillor for Liverpool Clubmoor (an area I know well), called her party leader @Keir_Starmer a ‘Brylcreemed sh**house’...… 2/9 She talked about a ‘class war’ and warned Starmer and his deputy @AngelaRayner for their jobs’.

As adolescent brain farts go it was right up there with the best of them...