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Jul 22 5 tweets 1 min read
Dear @andrealeadsom
I'm so sorry that your name is trending on X after
JD Vance said that Kamala Harris is a “childless cat lady”.
I recall that in 2016 you were the victim of entrapment by Times "journalist" Rachel Sylvester, one of the “The Dangerous Sisters.”
@andrealeadsom The story of 2016-2019 shows how important it was for the powers that be to have a PM who was opposed to the Brexit that millions of us had just voted for.

Secondly, I think you have said that although you might have won the Conservative Members' vote for Leader,
Jul 22 16 tweets 4 min read
I stumbled upon your interview with "urban warfare expert and scholar" @SpencerGuard which was posted on 10th Jun 2024 to your 8 million YouTube subscribers and which has so far had 312,088 views.

@jordanbpeterson Just 3 days ago @SpencerGuard had an op-ed in Newsweek: "Vilifying Israel's Use of 2,000-Pound Bombs Only Ends Up Costing More Lives."
Jul 21 7 tweets 2 min read
More on #OllieRobbins
Yesterday I posted this.

In 2019 Robbins left government service [sic] when PM May stood down. He then worked as a Fellow at the Blavatnik School of Government in the University of Oxford, and for Goldman Sachs.
In 2023 he joined Hakluyt.
Jul 20 4 tweets 1 min read
Dear Laura Dodworth
I enjoyed your 2021 book "A State of Fear" exposing the UK govt's use of propaganda on "covid-19". So I was shocked and disturbed that you organized an "October Declaration" petition so soon after October7th. Why didn't you wait to
@BareReality verify the headlined reports about "Hamas atrocities" and the "worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust"?
Worse still, 7 months later you wrote "I am a Zionist.
It's not an insult. We should all be Zionists".
Jul 20 14 tweets 3 min read
2 weeks ago Dr David Starkey mentioned that "Sir" Ollie Robbins may be brought into the Starmer administration.

On 6th Feb 2024 The Standard reported that "Alleged [sic] Remainer Olly Robbins tipped to run Keir Starmer's government" and "is rumoured to become one of the most powerful men in Britain."
Jul 19 5 tweets 2 min read
#JustStopOil #XR
There are almost 6000 readers' comments so far on this report.
Here's mine before it gets "moderated".
1/🧵… Follow the money. The single biggest individual donor to Extinction Rebellion is British billionaire Sir Chris Hohn, a notoriously aggressive activist investor. His hedge Fund TCI (the Children’s Investment fund) was "the biggest winner"
Jul 17 7 tweets 2 min read
@umyaznemo Saree Makdisi teaches at UCLA. His books include "Tolerance Is a Wasteland: Palestine and the Culture of Denial" (2022). His article on the US student protests against Israel’s genocide in Gaza was published on 12 July.
"Jewish students on our
1/🧵… @umyaznemo university campuses are in danger. They are facing the threat of assault and arrest by overzealous riot police, suspension by universities such as Columbia, Princeton, and UCLA, character assassination and doxing by well-funded lobbying organizations and individuals, and

Jul 16 11 tweets 3 min read
"Pro-Palestine ‘aggression’ raises UK assassination risk, says violence tsar Lord Walney".

So who IS Lord Walney? And who appointed him?

1/🧵… John Woodcock was Labour MP for Barrow and Furness from 2010 to 2019; before that he worked as a SPAD to Gordon Brown. In 2018 he was suspended from the Party and had the whip withdrawn following allegations of sexual harassment. He then resigned
Jul 15 5 tweets 1 min read
@RyanRozbiani @DrHananAshrawi I'm sorry but the BBC is very particular with its guests and you have to question why Dr Ashrawi was invited. The answer is surely that she doesn't contest the #Hasbara narrative that Hamas committed atrocities on October 7th. In reality it was a false flag event.
1/🧵 @RyanRozbiani @DrHananAshrawi Israel intentionally enabled a "lapse" of security on the "impenetrable" Gaza border and grounded its IDF response for several hours (it should have taken 5 minutes).
Israel then announced that Hamas had slaughtered 1400 Jews, beheaded 40 babies, thrown a baby in an oven, and
Jul 15 6 tweets 2 min read
@ReeseJones224 @RyanRozbiani @DrHananAshrawi "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" by Ilan Pappe documents in horrific detail the atrocities committed by Zionist terrorists during the 1948 establishment of the State of Israel. And also the disgraceful behaviour of the British authorities in
1/🧵… @ReeseJones224 @RyanRozbiani @DrHananAshrawi Palestine, mandated by the League of Nations since 1920. They left prematurely and failed to protect Palestinians from the Zionist terrorist organisations which were already committing crimes against humanity - and whose leaders formed the Government of the State of Israel.
Jul 15 10 tweets 3 min read
On 24th October 2023 Laura Dodsworth @BareReality
started the "October Declaration" in support of Israel against Hamas.
Some of the comments reflected my own reaction,
eg "Having read Laura Dodsworth’s State of Fear during the Covid hysteria ...
🧵… @BareReality ... I am very disappointed to see her turn towards virulent denunciation of anyone daring to express dissent from mainstream orthodoxy on the latest round of Israel’s decades-long war against Palestinians."
Instead of interviewers asking the questions
Jul 12 9 tweets 2 min read
@umyaznemo The British government's Balfour Declaration was strongly opposed by its only Jewish minister, Edwin Samuel Montagu (1879-1924). One of the major points in his Memorandum, submitted to the British Cabinet in August 1917, was that a "Jewish State" would foster Anti-Semitism.
1/🧵 @umyaznemo "Zionism has always seemed to me to be a mischievous political creed, untenable by any patriotic citizen of the United Kingdom.... It seems to be inconceivable that Zionism should be officially recognised by the British Government, and that Mr. Balfour
Jul 8 15 tweets 4 min read
A short🧵on the business career (2001–2015) of Rishi Sunak.
2001-2004: Sunak worked as an analyst for the investment bank Goldman Sachs.
1/… 2004-2009 (a partner from 2006): The Children's Investment Fund (TCI), a British hedge fund management firm founded by Chris Hohn in 2003
Jul 1 16 tweets 5 min read
@davidicke In 2011 former UK ambassador @CraigMurrayOrg wrote about then Minister of Defence Liam Fox taking his unvetted personal friend Adam Werrity with him on an official tour. "My source told me that what really was worrying senior officials in the MOD
1/🧵… @davidicke @CraigMurrayOrg FCO and Cabinet  Office was the possibility that Fox could be being used as a ‘useful idiot’ by Mossad, Israel’s far-reaching and extremely effective intelligence service. Key funding sources for Werritty were from the Israeli lobby and a rather obscure commercial

Jun 13 7 tweets 2 min read
#Moderna. From 2016: "Ego, ambition, and turmoil...
Stéphane Bancel spent most of his career in sales and operations before becoming CEO of biotech startup Moderna.... Interviews with more than 20 current and former employees and associates suggest

Bancel has hampered progress at Moderna because of his ego, his need to assert control and his impatience with the setbacks that are an inevitable part of science. Moderna is worth more than any other private biotech in the US, and former employees said they felt that Bancel

Jun 12 6 tweets 2 min read
"Multiple Ukrainian officials have complained to British daily The Times about the growing power of Vladimir Zelensky's chief of staff Andrey Yermak, who they say de facto runs Ukraine."

1/🧵… Yermak has a history before becoming the producer of Zelensky's comedy shows. "In the 2010 Ukrainian presidential election, Yermak was a proxy of candidate Arseniy Yatsenyuk". In 2014 Yatsenyuk was installed as Prime Minister after the Maidan coup.

May 30 10 tweets 3 min read
@georgegalloway @Lowkey0nline

When war started in 1914 the Suffragette newspaper was suspended for 6 months. By the time it resumed the movement had agreed a deal with the government: to support the War in exchange for limited franchise (in 1919).
1/🧵 @georgegalloway @Lowkey0nline Sylvia Pankhurst (who campaigned among working-class women in London's East End) dissented and split from the mainstream suffragette movement.

Lenin's 1920 '“Left-Wing” Communism: an Infantile Disorder' was partly an attack on a recent article in which Sylvia Pankhurst

May 28 7 tweets 2 min read
Two weeks ago I posted this thread. In March 2020 the UK govt took the advice of "people like Bill Gates and that kind of network".
1/ 🧵… But today I've read Sasha Latypova on Antony Fauci. She writes that Fauci was the highest paid federal employee, being "appropriately compensated for being the 'chew toy' diversion from the Pandemic Preparedness Cartel."

May 13 7 tweets 2 min read
@WallStreetSilv In May 2021 Dominic Cummings told a committee that the UK govt had looked for advice on treatment for this deadly disease [sic] to "people like Bill Gates and that kind of network".
1/ 🧵 @WallStreetSilv Sajid Javid told the #covidinquiryUK that PM Boris Johnson was content for his chief adviser Dominic Cummings to oversee many of the key government decisions. A BBC report quotes Dominic Raab saying that ...
May 3 9 tweets 3 min read
@NormanBrennan Yesterday I had a vote for the Avon and Somerset Police & Crime Commissioner. I spoilt my ballot with a message about fake democracy.
None of the 4 candidates bothered to send out even 1 leaflet, presumably relying on their Party affiliation
1/ 🧵

@NormanBrennan (Con, Labour, LibDem, Green). @ClareMoody4PCC was elected for Labour, replacing the Conservative PCC.
Some information about Clare Moody. Although she has worked mainly in the Trade Union movement, her background is interesting: she grew up in the

Apr 22 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵Gideon Falter insisted he was only trying to cross the road down which the demonstration was passing, but this is disputed by an officer in the new footage, who said Mr Falter had deliberately walked head-on into the crowd and accused him of being
1/… "disingenuous" and seeking to "antagonise" the marchers. The officer said: "Unfortunately, sir you took it upon yourself to go from the pavement right into the middle of a pro-Palestinian march, which is why I asked you to go away." He added: "You are looking to try and