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Dec 8 6 tweets 2 min read
@TruthsSyria In 2007 Gen Wesley Clark recounted that a general in the Pentagon told him "on or about the 20th of September [2001]... 'We've made the decision we're going to war with Iraq.' I said, 'We're going to war with Iraq? Why?' He said, 'I don't know.'"
@TruthsSyria On the very same day, 20th September 2001 - just 9 days after 9/11 - Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the US Congress; his entire speech is included in the Foreword to the 2001 Edition of his 1995 book "Fighting Terrorism" which Prof Sachs refers to here.
Netanyahu said that
Nov 27 6 tweets 2 min read
@RealScottRitter is on 🔥🔥 in this long interview - and rightly so.
In 1962 JFK and RFK saved the world by talking to Russia AGAINST THE WISHES OF THEIR OWN ADVISERS.
Nuclear war was averted when Russia withdrew missiles from Cuba and the US REMOVED THEIRS FROM TURKEY.
1/ @RealScottRitter In 1962 JFK opened a hotline to Khrushchev, a phone at his home.
On 10 June 1963 he gave his American University speech, where he not only outlined a plan to curb nuclear arms, but also "laid out a hopeful, yet realistic route for world peace."
Oct 18 8 tweets 2 min read
@LetsGoBrando45 It was at 1996 elections consequent to the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, architect of the Oslo Accords, that Netanyahu became PM for the first time.
1/ 🧵… @LetsGoBrando45 In his 1996 election campaign Netanyahu hired a notorious American strategist, leading to a perception that "Mr. Netanyahu is too much a product of American packaging ... [Arthur] Finkelstein is the preferred consultant of political figures on the right
Sep 13 9 tweets 2 min read
@2ETEKA Indeed. This is exactly Douglas Murray's argument in his chapter "The Marxist Foundations" pp 51-63 in "The Madness of Crowds".

At University in the 1960s I learnt that "Left" is power under control of the great mass of ordinary people. "Right" is retention of power
@2ETEKA in the hands of a small class of monarchs and aristocrats. "Centrism" is where power is held by a small minority which is not hereditary and where government is close to business - as in "public-private partnerships". Fascism is Centrist.
"Far Right" is a label slapped on
Sep 10 8 tweets 3 min read
Life Site News reports that "Singapore launches COVID-style quarantine, vaccine campaign for monkeypox".
1/… Its report is based on one by (Singapore).
Sep 7 5 tweets 2 min read
Moshe Menuhin was "Zionism's first dissident".
1/🧵… In 1974, when he had reached the aged of 80, Moshe Menuhin re-published two of his works in a single binding:
"Jewish Critics of Zionism: A Testamentary Essay"
and "The Stifling and Smearing of a Dissenter".
2/ Image
Aug 26 6 tweets 2 min read
@bobscartoons The UK government also adopted an Operation Warp Speed policy. So where did it originate?
From 2012 the Pentagon's DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) worked on mRNA technology. On 5th March 2020 - just 6 days before WHO declared a
1/🧵… @bobscartoons "worldwide pandemic" - US Military Medical Leaders spoke to the press about their "Vaccine Development Against Coronavirus".

As the PM's Chief Adviser in March 2020, Dominic Cummings was given some control over "covid" policy. In May 2021 he testified to a HoC Committee

Aug 25 11 tweets 3 min read
Robert Kennedy Jr worked for most of his career as a lawyer specializing in cases of environment pollution. He kept clear of child health issues until a group of women, after attending one of his lectures, deposited a huge stack of documents on his doorstep and refused
1/🧵 to leave until he read them. That was nearly 20 years ago. On the evidence RKF Jr became an important voice in Children's Health Defense and a leading critic of childhood vaccination in the USA.
Aug 19 6 tweets 2 min read
@MarkSeddon1962 On Tuesday 10th October - just 3 DAYS after the 7th - Israel launched an air strike on the al Ahli hospital in Gaza, "a Christian-led hospital run by the Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem, which has been operating in Gaza since 1882.  Medical staff look after all patients,

1/🧵 @MarkSeddon1962 regardless of ethnicity, religion or ability to pay.  In peace time, the hospital treats more than 45,000 patients each year."
The Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Revd Graham Usher, was visiting the hospital at the time.
Aug 13 7 tweets 2 min read
Bill Gates says he's a scientist but has NO university degree. His qualification is his wealth, built on a key event in 1980 when IBM approached his nascent Microsoft about software for its upcoming IBM PC after his mother had a word with IBM's CEO.
In the UK in March 2020 key covid policy decisions were overseen by the Prime Minister's chief adviser Dominic Cummings. In May 2021, giving evidence to a House of Commons Committee , Cummings referred to Bill Gates no less than 9 times, venerating him
Aug 12 6 tweets 2 min read
@MarioNawfal The 2015 Labour Party rules allowed members (+supporters) to elect the new leader. The result was a landslide victory for Jeremy Corbyn, long-time backbench MP and campaigner against war and injustice, including the rights of Palestinians in Israel.
1/🧵… @MarioNawfal The New Labour Establishment was horrified: Peter Mandelson (friend of Jeffrey Epstein) was recorded saying he was "working every day" to bring Corbyn down. In 2016 Labour MPs held a vote of no confidence and by 172-40 called for Corbyn to go.
The 2017 General Election was
Aug 5 4 tweets 1 min read
@Tracking_Power Of course it's now quite well established that 9/11 was a false flag operation, not directly by Osama bin Laden in a cave.
Apart from the accumulated evidence since 2001 the question must always be asked "Cui bono?" And the answer is Israel.
1/ 🧵… @Tracking_Power In 2007 General Wesley Clark stated publicly that soon after 9/11 he was told that the US was going to war with Iraq. Later, when bombing of Afghanistan had started, he was shown classified information that "we're going to take out seven countries in
Aug 3 8 tweets 2 min read
@son2008 @thecoastguy A short🧵about "Baron Walney". John Woodcock was the epitome of a right-wing Labour MP, starting as a SPAD to Gordon Brown and John Hutton. In 2018, after allegations of sexual harassment, he had the Labour whip withdrawn and then left the Party.
1/… @son2008 @thecoastguy Woodcock was an enthusiastic participant in the campaign to undermine Jeremy Corbyn with false allegations of antisemitism #ItWasAScam.
In 2020, when the Jewish Chronicle was in financial crisis after a deluge of fines for libel, Woodcock was a member
Aug 2 13 tweets 3 min read
@BowesChay Of course there's much, much more. I read John Gerassi's book when it was published in 1967.
1/🧵… @BowesChay On the first "9/11" in 1973 Salvador Allende was overthrow and killed in Chile. I was then working at the University of Zambia and posted on my office door an extract from the famous 1954 "resignation" speech of Guatemalan President Juan Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán,
Aug 1 8 tweets 3 min read
@robinmonotti 4700 Readers' comments.
People agree that before March 2020 "our NHS" was failing terribly and now is much worse.
Yet the UK govt (with NO "Opposition") followed instructions from the #WHO - acting on orders from "Globocap" (as C J Hopkins calls it)
1/ 🧵… @robinmonotti - to "lock down" and "Protect the NHS" when the UK had 460 "cases" and 8 deaths and had posted that COVID-19 was no longer categorized as a HCID because its death rates were low.
Jul 30 8 tweets 2 min read
A 🧵on "Covid corruption".

Yesterday a Labour MP asked "whether the £9.9 billion spent on unusable or defective PPE could be clawed back by the COVID Corruption Commissioner."

Last week, announcing the appointment of yet another Commissioner (WHY do we use the term Tsar‼️), it was reported that "the Chancellor is understood to believe £2.6bn of public money [was] lost to fraudsters during the pandemic".
Jul 30 6 tweets 2 min read
@denisrancourt Gosh that's even more than the "20 million lives saved by the COVID vaccines - a line regurgitated when Tucker Carlson took questions from Australian "journalists" recently.
Tucker: "If they can force people to take these jabs, what won't they do?" @denisrancourt A 🧵on that encounter a month ago.
At 27:27 Tucker is taking questions from the Press, and Paul Sakkal of the Sydney Morning Herald tries to attack him for interviewing Bad Vlad Putin. TC mocks him and then asks "Did he [Putin] make you take the
Jul 30 10 tweets 3 min read
@BunsenB61592999 There are many Jewish historians (some of them former Israelis) who somehow are NEVER invited onto MSM.
Ilan Pappé is director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies at Exeter University (Devon, England).
1/🧵… @BunsenB61592999 "Renowned Israeli historian Ilan Pappe's groundbreaking book revisits the formation of the State of Israel. Between 1947 and 1949, over 400 Palestinian villages were deliberately destroyed, civilians were massacred
Jul 24 5 tweets 1 min read
An update to my 8th July🧵on the business career (2001–2015) of Rishi Sunak.
1/… In 2001-2004 when Sunak worked at Goldman Sachs,
his manager was Richard Sharp. That's Sharp-the- businessman who became chairman of the BBC in February 2021 and had to resign in 2023 after an inquiry into the process that had led to his appointment.
Jul 24 8 tweets 2 min read
@32202n07f0und @KortkampJanice @RepMTG If I may adapt your words: no true Jew will condone genocide & murder of children. Judaism is a way of life. One cannot say they are Jewish when they pick out of the bible what pushes their narrative.
@32202n07f0und @KortkampJanice @RepMTG The rejection of Zionism by the Jewish people has a long history. The 1917 Balfour Declaration was subject to a wonderful critique by the only Jewish minister in the British Government.
Jul 23 5 tweets 2 min read
@TheCradleMedia @KhalilHarb1966 Sounds like a resurrection of the Trump admin's "Abraham Accords" / Biden admin's "normalization process".
1/🧵… @TheCradleMedia @KhalilHarb1966 @Lowkey0nline
The Transnational Deep State has finally switched from "Trump bad" to "Well anyway, Trump is better than Biden / Harris / Clinton2 / Obama2 /... And look how
G-d saved him from 'assassination'".
Forget about Trump and Zionism.
