Tony Tellez Profile picture
Host/Creator of Popcorn Tribunal (@popcorntribunal) a movie review podcast found on all platforms
Sep 19 4 tweets 1 min read
Silly Republicants. Blocking an IVF Bill because Ted Cruz's "memo" got turned down and didn't even allow a vote.... Well, here is Cruz's bill.

And here is Tammy Duckworths, you voted down.…… Cruz's is a memorandum to Social Security... describes IVF, says insurers and health organizations are not required to cover it... and literally that is all. It's right there, in plain text. Duckworths bill even has an entire section on assisting veterans and
Aug 29 5 tweets 1 min read
In case you are confused about why @realDonaldTrump is blaming Biden for the withdrawal from Afghanistan, here are the facts. (which you will ignore) 1. The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.
Nov 22, 2021 14 tweets 8 min read
Let's have a chat. This will be a few tweets.

So, a few months back @Apple introduced iCloud+. Now, I have had two Apple ID's tied to iCloud since was introduced. I was paying for additional storage for my primary icloud, and my secondary. (cont.) Then, after upgrading to @apple #ONE for my multiple products I pay for monthly with Apple, they automatically, and without my permission changed my 50GB of storage to 200GB of storage, and shared that space with my 6 family members. Leaving me with 30GB+/- instead (cont.)
Oct 14, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: RE: NY Post story about Hunter Biden and the Ukranian scandal.

Background: I am an Apple certified Mac technician who worked for Apple for five years.

Please read the entire thread. A. What model macbook pro? Apple stopped using spinning drives between 2013-2015. Opting for flash storage. An organic board with memory modules on it. This board would have been damaged by the same water that damaged the laptop as a whole.