Tory Gavito Profile picture
Democratic Strategist, President/Co-Founder @WaytoWinAF. Texas Forever.
Jan 6, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
Thread alert 🧵🚨👇🏽 After Trump won in 2016, the math was clear & I had one guiding mantra: the Republicans could lose the South for a generation. The New South was rising, but many failed to see it and believe it… Like often happens, pundits and power brokers underestimated women of color, their plans, and people’s power to change their own destiny.
Oct 24, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Two MSM headlines this week are calling out for a Thread🧵. TL;DR: The shifting 2020 electoral map isn’t weird or an accident, it’s because of a fast-growing young and multiracial majority that, despite its unbelievable power, is often ignored by campaign spending & the story. First, this:…, could be renamed the Relentless Centering of Whiteness.