Tarini Parti Profile picture
White House reporter @WSJ, Tar Heel. Previously @BuzzFeedNews @Politico. Still working on my twitter snark. Send tips/hate mail to tarini.parti@wsj.com
@AlgoCompSynth@universeodon.com by znmeb Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 27, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Some background on these Trump Org execs that have been coming up:

Calamari has been one of Trump's most loyal aides. He first got Trump’s attention while working security at the 1981 U.S. Open, where he ejected hecklers seated near Trump. Trump first hired him as a bodyguard. According to a 1993 biography of Trump, Calamari repeatedly responded “Yes, sir” when Trump asked him,“Would you kill for me, Matty?”
Feb 6, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
Donald Trump’s State Of The Union Bipartisan Dreams Were Divorced From His Own Reality buzzfeednews.com/article/tarini… Trump attacked Pelosi all week and reportedly called Schumer a "nasty son of a bitch" hours before his address in which he called on lawmakers to "reject the politics of revenge, resistance, and retribution" buzzfeednews.com/article/tarini…
Jan 31, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
The Trump 2020 campaign's Q4 expenses show $8 million going to American Made Media Consultants, the entity created by the Trump campaign to handle it's media buying. Trump campaign also paid political director Chris Carr $90k between Oct 1. and end of 2018 alone.
Jan 25, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
RNC members just unanimously passed the resolution offering the president “undivided support” for his “effective presidency.” The resolution also called Trump “a bold and innovative communicator” and a “courageous leader.” A RNC member wearing a MAGA hat just took the floor to announce that they would always proudly wear the hat in support of "Donald A. Trump." Then corrected to "Donald J. Trump"
Jan 25, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
The RNC is expected to pass a resolution today here in New Mexico, committing to give Trump "undivided support" – just a few hours after Roger Stone's arrest. RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is now praising the party's accomplishments in the 2018 election. "We minimized our losses in the house, in the face of a record 43 retirements."
Jan 4, 2019 10 tweets 1 min read
Trump expected to make a Rose Garden address after his meeting with Democratic leaders in 5 mins Reporters can spot the president, Kushner, Nielsen, Scalise, Mulvaney in the Oval ahead of Trump’s Rose Garden appearance
Nov 29, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
Trump repeatedly says Cohen is lying, but then adds: "Even if he was right, it doesn’t matter because I was allowed to do whatever I wanted during the campaign." So Trump's defense in the aftermath of Cohen's plea deal:
- Cohen is liar and weak
- He hired him because a "long time ago he did me a favor."
- Everyone knew about the Moscow project.
- Even if Cohen is right, "it doesn’t matter. "There would have been nothing wrong."
Sep 19, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Per pool, during Trump's briefing in NC, he asked a state official, “How is Lake Norman doing?” Lake Norman in Charlotte is where Trump National Golf Club is located.
Trump also said “I love that area. I can’t tell you why, but I love that area.” The president is currently about 300 miles/a 5-hour drive away from Charlotte, but still asked about his property. He brought up his golf club in NC earlier this month when he was last there as well.