Tracy Beanz Profile picture
Editor-in-Chief @UncoverDC & | Host of the “Dark to Light” podcast | Contributor-The HighWire #CARNIVORE
EricStoner Profile picture Ultra Dark Maga Tex Profile picture Hecate's Crossroad #QVArmy Profile picture Bagwon Pro American Profile picture ❌BigMamaTEA❌ Profile picture 87 subscribed
Jun 8 5 tweets 2 min read
🚨THREAD: I want to make sure everyone understands this appellate decision about a COVID vaccine mandate at LAUSD in the 9th. Plaintiffs allege that the COVID-19 shot isn’t a vaccine, but a therapeutic. The court MUST accept that statement as TRUE at this stage of the suit. Because they must accept it as TRUE (they aren’t DECIDING FACTS) - they remanded the case back down to the district court. This thread is really good, but I already see people running wild with this.Image There are several concerning things here, one of which is very old and relates to smallpox. The SCOTUS had ruled that a compulsory mandate for the smallpox vaccine was constitutional because the public safety risk SUPERSEDED individual liberty. That’s the ruling that the defendants in this case used to justify their motion to dismiss.
May 29 43 tweets 9 min read
🧵🪡 "The only thing that matters is right now. We could sit here and tell you a story of the world ending, or a story of tragedy, and fear. We could tell you the story of the poles shifting on the planet, or about fire, brimstone, disease, and despair. It would be quite a story…

But is this your story?"Image Have you ever heard of the theory of resonance?
Everything on the planet emits energy. All things are vibrating. As we have discussed, our brains emit wave patterns in the form of energy that correlate to different states of consciousness.
May 22 14 tweets 3 min read
🧵You get more of what you are. I hope this will be a helpful thread for folks as they navigate the social media landscape and beyond, especially in light of disagreements we all have from time to time.Image Social media algorithms work (in a very simplistic form) by delivering to you more of what you want to see. Algorithms are a commonly accepted thing in society. We all know they exist, and generally how they work.
May 20 32 tweets 10 min read
🚨🧵THREAD: A conservative activist (@TPV_John) is suing the ADL, for defamation, no less. Often these lawsuits are dismissed. Not this one, and it could impact every conservative on this platform and elsewhere. Here is what you need to know about this groundbreaking case. Image The suit was filed on 10/3/23 and Sabal is represented by the Binnall Law Group, and attorney Jason Greaves. I know that Greaves is an amazing attorney because he represented me, and he represents Gen. Flynn in his lawsuit against the government. Sabal is suing for $25m dollars. Image
May 14 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵Something interesting is happening.

My thread on Human Consciousness and the Gateway Experience did very well. I have met people I never would have met and learned things I never would have learned. But that isn't the interesting part.
Image Since writing this, obviously, the algorithm has shown me a lot more about the topic - something I am actually grateful for. But what I didn't expect was to see DOZENS of interviews about this and the Monroe Institute themselves doing an entire series on it. Now. Years later.
May 11 22 tweets 5 min read
🪡🧵I went to a concert last night with my son - his first ever. It was in Atlanta so I left with him at 8AM to make the drive. Read this thread. I think you’ll enjoy it. Image The above picture was us waiting in the hotel parking lot because the room wasn’t ready for check in. The concert started at 8, doors opened at 7. We finally got checked in around 4.
May 6 54 tweets 13 min read
🟣The Gateway Experience: How the CIA and US Military Explore Human Consciousness.

Part III: The CIA Memo (Section 1)

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration"Image To understand the Gateway Experience, you’ll need to have read and have a cursory understanding of Part I of this series – What is Consciousness? If you didn’t read that yet, it is imperative that you start there and come back here.
Apr 25 39 tweets 14 min read
🟣The Gateway Experience: How the CIA and US Military Explore Human Consciousness.

Part II: Who is Robert Monroe?

This will be a thread with excerpts from an interview Monroe gave along with some details about his life. You will hear him explain Hemi-Sync in his own words. I couldn’t begin to cover the entire life of Robert Monroe in this thread. I aim to give you an overview to understand what came first – the government or the man. The answer is the man.
Apr 25 5 tweets 2 min read
💡🧵Before I get into Part II of the Gateway Experience (which will wait a bit more now), it is important to talk about this. What do you see in this photo?

Some may see an old lady looking down, disapprovingly. Others may see a young woman dressed to the 9s staring away.
Image I think everyone will take from the information presented based on their perspective. If they are in a place of fear, they will walk away from the series thinking about how demonic and evil it is.
Apr 24 41 tweets 12 min read
🟣The Gateway Experience: How the CIA and US Military Explore Human Consciousness.

Part I: Background.

You'll want to read and share this thread. Every single human being on this earth can do what is discussed here.Image *Disclaimer: The information in this thread is BEGINNER level. I am WELL aware of the level of information available and its applications. Only some things will be covered here; don't assume I am unaware of it if it isn't.
Apr 23 23 tweets 5 min read
A thread🧵:

Lately I’ve been in a really good space mentally and spiritually. I know that may sound counterintuitive given everything that’s going on around us. If anyone knew some of the professional things I’ve had going on they’d think it crazy too.

Here’s how I’m doing it:Image In the depths of despair and what felt like a prison of my own making, I started a practice. Every day when I open my eyes I do an inventory of what I am grateful for. I cherish my blessings - every single morning before I do a single thing I am practicing gratitude.
Apr 23 4 tweets 1 min read
🧶OUTLINE- Human Consciousness, the CIA and US Military - The Gateway Experience:

Alright, after recalculating votes, the Gateway Experience folks actually won. So, get ready. This is a story in a few parts. Coming tomorrow morning - Part I: Background

Human Consciousness, Quantum Physics/Mechanics, Observation Theory, Sound and its effect on, well, everything - and what in the hell is a binaural beat. Part II shortly thereafter -

Who is Robert Monroe? A short biography - What is an OBE? What was his experience? What is happening scientifically and the early history of the Hemi-sync technology
Apr 17 9 tweets 2 min read
🪡🪡This really blows my mind. You’d think any good human would WANT to know if a drug was killing and maiming inordinate amounts of people, and young people in general. But these people dont. Read on. They will WRITHE around and attack and abuse you because you are trying to save lives. They will fight you with everything they have. Why? Well, I think there are several reasons and I’ve discussed them at length but let’s do it here basic style.
Apr 16 36 tweets 11 min read
🚨🧵Military Readiness: The US Government is providing gender reassignment surgery for active-duty military, and this thread is going to detail our military readiness. Everything in this thread should be viewed through the lense of military readiness. Could an ADSM ever be combat ready based on DoD standards if they have gender reassignment surgery? This will be a detailed thread explaining the answer. The answer is NO.
Apr 9 40 tweets 14 min read
🚨🧵Did you know that the US Military is enthusiastically (and frequently) performing gender reassignment surgery on active-duty service members using your tax dollars? I received a tip from a doctor at a military hospital and investigated the policy. I was stunned by what I found. The doctor who contacted me wishes to remain nameless for fear of retribution but said these surgeries are happening weekly and perhaps multiple times per week.
Feb 16 18 tweets 6 min read
🚨🚨BREAKING EXCLUSIVE (Actually): First release of COVID V-Safe text data available. @ChelleWards @HighWireTalk

The first release is available here. It’s deeply concerning. Please read and I’ll have more details to follow.… Remember, the data provided starts from the earliest entries received - many people had JUST gotten this shot. The safety signals are insane. Tachycardia, chest tightness, metallic taste in mouth, parasthesia, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, blood sugar issues, temporary blindness, people fainting, kidney issues - you name it. It’s here.
Feb 12 5 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨Missouri v. Biden: Congressman file Amicus in support of free speech in Missouri v. Biden - set to be heard by the SCOTUS on 3/18. Words aren’t sufficient to explain how important it was that Liz be elected AG. Louisiana delivered. This brief is great because the Judiciary committee subpoenaed the social media companies and received responsive documents OUTSIDE of what the government has already provided in the case, giving another angle to the malfeasance. And there’s no doubt at this point that it was malfeasance. See next post.
Feb 2 23 tweets 8 min read
🚨READ: The first presentation of the FL Grand Jury investigating COVID.

Note: they state they aren’t finished yet.

I will offer perspective and thoughts once I’ve read this.

Image Federal officials and agencies refused to testify and can’t be compelled. Further, report acknowledges inflated numbers due to cash incentive benefitting hospitals. Image
Jan 14 40 tweets 14 min read
🚨🧵V-safe Data Release: A serious review of this case, this decision, and its implications is in order. Follow along with me, and bookmark this for reference. This thread will also be found on my highlights tab. Since the COVID products were placed under EUA, the government has told us they were "safe and effective." When some doctors and members of the public began to suspect that may not be the case, they turned to VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
Dec 12, 2023 37 tweets 12 min read
🚨THREAD: Rumble is suing two individual Plaintiffs who run "Check my Ads" in connection with Media Matters. They are seeking punitive damages and an injunction to stop their conduct, among other things.

This will be my ongoing thread analyzing this lawsuit. Please bookmark it, and you can also find it on my highlights tab.

@rumblevideo @chrispavlovski
LINK:…Image As per the suit, Check My Ads, while purporting to combat the "global disinformation epidemic," has been involved in its own campaign to censor, silence, and cancel speech by defaming people they are ideologically opposed to - and they do it by attempting to persuade advertisers to leave platforms, like Rumble.Image
Dec 1, 2023 62 tweets 22 min read
🚨🚨This will be my ongoing thread and analysis of Texas v. Pfizer. Bookmark this thread and come back often for updates on the case. It will additionally be included on my Highlights page.

@KenPaxtonTX filed a whopper of a lawsuit against Pfizer. You will need your thinking caps for it. The petition can be found here: You will likely remember the constant drumbeat that the Pfizer mRNA shots were "95% effective." The filing starts "The COVID-19 vaccines are the miracle that wasn't."

1. More Americans died in 2021 with the vaccine available than in 2020 - with the vaccine available and the majority of Americans taking Pfizer's.

2. By the end of 2021, in some places, a greater percentage of the vaccinated were dying from COVID-19 than the unvaccinated.

As per the filing, the Pfizer shot was plainly not "95% effective.

The suit gets in to the why and how shortly.