Travis McPeak Profile picture
Security, mgmt, startups, investing, 🏋️‍♂️, 🚵. Founder/CEO @Resourcely prev: @databricks, @netflix; He.
Dec 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I believe time is the most precious resource - this applies at home and work. As a manager, my calendar is awful. Seriously. There are three things I always prioritize: 1. Weekly 1:1’s with people that report to me. I do not cancel these, no matter how crazy things get.

2. Interviews - the highest leverage thing I can do is bring the best talent to the team. Candidates’ first view into the company is usually me. If you snooze you lose.
Aug 21, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Grow your best employees or lose them, a 🧵 (1/10) Obviously company culture, business growth, coworkers, and comp. are all major factors, but I believe personal growth trumps all of these. I invest in growing my top talent with regular growth conversations, here is how they go. (2/10)
Aug 15, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
When I was a student studying security, I always wondered why companies don't just patch. Everybody knows patching is in the top three most impactful actions for security. Software vendors make the patches available consistently, why not just apply them? 🧵 (1/11) 1) Patching impacts stability – new libraries, packages, and operating system components cause software to fail. Companies can screen for this with automated test suites, but many bugs will only pop up under specific conditions. (2/11)