🗿 Woe to those who dwell upon the earth 🗿 Profile picture
“I tell you if these were silent, the very stones would cry out."
Maram Profile picture Aaron Yaeger Profile picture 2 subscribed
May 16 19 tweets 4 min read
The Right is a fractured, schizophrenic, roiling mass of conflicting values & agendas. To the extent that there's any unifying cause it's probably that we've gone too far as a society, & need to roll some number of things back. The conflicts are about which ones & how far.

🧵 Within the Right, many different personalities rise to prominence as impactful "voices" for the rest. Some are fantastic at branding, some are incisive analysts, some are simply astroturfed as part of a non-obvious controlled opposition play, & some are just entertaining posters.
Jan 14 11 tweets 4 min read
Did you know that there's corn liquor in your gas tank because of the riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago?

The modern preëminence of the Iowa Caucuses came from the aftermath, & lead to the disasters we have today. This is how history is really made… 🧵1 Image Held from August 26-29, 1968, the Chicago DNC convention occurred only months after both MLK and JFK were assassinated. The country had been rocked by race riots and antiwar protests. Things seemed much closer to the cusp of implosion than even today. 🧵2 Image
Jan 5 14 tweets 9 min read
Yesterday, I asked Grok a number of questions related to my account, centered around posts that could be a problem. Even when it gave evasive answers, it still listed beneath half a dozen or more of my own posts that clearly related to my query. So I deleted them all.

These charts show the change for my account in the subsequent 24 hour period. My posts' reach today was 3x my average, and by far the biggest day I've had in nearly six months, despite having twice as many followers as I did then.

In this thread, I'll share some of the responses it gave that outline things which are clearly impacting everyone. The change was instant as soon as I began deleting old posts that no on will ever even see again anyway.

The data will appear almost entirely in screenshots because one of the things that is affected is any discussion of this very subject.

Here's what I learned...Image
I first asked for specifics. All of these are undoubtedly correct for my specific account. I then asked follow-up questions to get some more details. The list it mentions isn't complete, and we all know the name of one particular one that rhymes with rub black. /2

Jul 19, 2023 37 tweets 11 min read
Have you ever heard someone refer to God as "Yahweh"? That's just the English for His revealed name in the OT, right? That must mean it's the ancient Christian practice!

In Stone Choir spirit (link in bio), let's look at the genealogy of this one, because it is wild. 1🧵 N.b. this thread is *not* about "the secret name of God," or YHWH, or Jehovah, or vowel pointing, or any other such debate. It is solely focused how & when the six letters "Yahweh" came into common use in English.

* denotes url links at the end since twitter suppresses them. 2🧵
Jan 26, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
🧵This rambling, incoherent essay is a master class in precisely why the boomers must all be removed and silenced.

Sound harsh? Let's take a look at just how bad this guy's grasp of the situation is.
/1 "I have no idea what's going on, and let me tell you why one side is wrong."

Calling a groundswell of righteous outrage that began exclusively with laymen and rapidly spread throughout the remnant of faithful pastors is hardly a "bonfired of the vanities." Utter slander.