🗿 Woe to those who dwell upon the earth 🗿 Profile picture
“I tell you if these were silent, the very stones would cry out."
6 subscribers
Feb 28 5 tweets 1 min read
People haven't wargamed why Grok, OpenAI, Amazon & Apple are pouring so much effort into voice interfaces with AI. The hidden motivations are extremely bad, and are rapidly going to do tremendous harm to billions. (A brief thread) /1 1) Vocal conversation is deeply personal, intimate, & emotional. All the effort now on the voices is going into their emotional inflection & ability to pick up on those cues from us. This is going to cause seemingly real bonds to form between person & corporate datacenter. /2
Feb 9 4 tweets 1 min read
Should you hear stories about FBI agents fearing for their livelihoods, their reputations, and the welfare of their families, remember this photograph, and harden your heart against them all. Image And never forget why they really died. Image
Jan 31 28 tweets 6 min read
A modest proposal for how Apple can come to dominate the AI race without ever actually matching with the current leaders:

Apple has always been a hardware company because it wanted to be, & a platform vendor because it had to be. Without the OS, their hardware wouldn't matter /1 Image There are only two platform vendors in the world that have ever mattered: Microsoft & Apple. Being a platform vendor has wildly different considerations than simply being a software vendor. Platform sw work is meta-work that enables everyone else to do their own work. /2
Jan 20 15 tweets 4 min read
One of the most pressing problems in evaluating AIs right now is testing to discern knowledge from memorization. Lots of models score near the limits of existing tests, until a few trivial details are changed, then the scores plummet. This is a crucial definition of reasoning. /1 A machine that can spit out 4 every time it sees 2+2 could either understand functionally how addition and numerals work, or it could simply recognize the pattern and repeat it. That's how trivial the changes are that are breaking the scores for some major models today. /2
Jan 18 12 tweets 3 min read
Once again, and tragically, Tate isn't entirely wrong here, although he has no idea why. The solution to Tate isn't for everyone to read more books. Passively reading a book is sitting in the cuck chair watching a better man think. Reading makes most men far stupider & worse. /1 By far the most wildly idiotic, braindead, irrational things I've ever heard have come from avid, moderately "intelligent" readers. It quickly becomes a vacuous lifestyle no different than video games or sportsball, a hypocritical "identity" that someone else said was upright. /2
Jan 17 22 tweets 6 min read
"Identity politics" is an extraordinarily subversive term that relies on deliberately inverting basic ideas and then telling a brazen lie with the result. Here's how they pulled it off. /1 Image Identity has a very specific, narrow, established definition. Going back thousands of years to its Latin root, identity means sameness. An identical thing is exactly the same, not merely similar. Webster 1828 explicitly separates identity from similarity. /2Image
Dec 30, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
Since techbro work hours are on the docket, here's the trajectory of someone who started at Apple as a contractor working 100 hour weeks and ended up managing a team where making sure nothing like that ever happened to my guys was paramount. /1 Image My first five months at Apple in 2000 were as a Volt contractor. Contractors are even more disposable than H-1Bs. But at the time there was still a realistic path to full-time employment. The upside of contracting was you were hourly, not salaried. /2
Dec 29, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Even in this post-Christian West, our notion of "gods" is entirely shaped by the Christian relationship with God.

Every non-European race has preserved their gods too, but those relationships are so wildly alien, we can't see their aftermath right before our eyes. /1 Image Even semi-accurate depictions of Greek or Roman life capture the essence of the problem. They had gods with myths, domains, and rites. But the key distinction was the utterly transactional nature of the relationship between god and supplicant. /2
Dec 27, 2024 26 tweets 6 min read
Since Silicon Valley hiring has everyone’s attention, here’s the experience of someone who was a hiring manager for over a decade during Apple’s meteoric rise 20 years ago. No dirt, big reveals, or criminal conspiracies; just thousands of tech bro resumes later. /1 Everyone who worked at least ten years received one of these very heavy lucite trophies. Image is from reddit, but they're all the same. I managed the team in Software Eng. that kept 3rd party apps working when we shipped new OSes. We worked with QA, but we weren’t QA. I hired mostly new college grads who were engineers, but not to do engineering. We were debugging other people’s code, but without their code. /2
Dec 26, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
Trump's H-1B implosion is an object lesson in the sort of soft power few on the Right comprehend. Understanding our role in the incoming administration matters more than the policy fight of the week, because getting this right means shaping all future fights. /1 Here's what did NOT happen: Trump didn't bide his time until he tricked everyone until he could fill up his administration with envious, bitter brownoids, which was his real plan all along. The only sort of person with these reads is a whipped puppy with zero agency or spine. /2
Nov 7, 2024 22 tweets 8 min read
This statement must be opposed by all men, Christian and pagan alike. It is a gross abuse of Scripture & reason, and is a subversive attack on the most core matter of our day. This brief 🧵is just a cursory glance at the most glaring, irredeemable errors contained therein. Image The definition & body go out of their way to avoid that Nations are quite literally races, and that the places/jurisdictions God appoints each race are downstream from that. A Nation isn't the happenstance collection of "particular" "people" (another racial term) on a grid square Image
Sep 6, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Will Spencer first DM'd me last December after enjoying the EO episode. We talked on and off intermittently until the beginning of May when he was getting much more into Stone Choir. He had been reading both of us on X for some time. He asked to have us as paywall guests. /1 Image I had no agenda or goal with him. We were just friends chatting. I knew he was a full-blooded jew, but from what I had seen online, he seemed a genuine Christian who had left that wickedness behind. We discussed WWII frankly (at his prompting) and were in agreement. /2 Image
Aug 4, 2024 8 tweets 7 min read
A long screenshot thread of my cross-examination of Claude to get to what I already knew I'd find when I started, but it was fun getting there.

A brief history of hebrew black magick, and other contributions to Christendom: 1/🧵

This is occultism they picked up 2700 years ago, but its roots are much deeper than that. They simply preserved what everyone else (thankfully) lost. /2

May 16, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
The Right is a fractured, schizophrenic, roiling mass of conflicting values & agendas. To the extent that there's any unifying cause it's probably that we've gone too far as a society, & need to roll some number of things back. The conflicts are about which ones & how far.

🧵 Within the Right, many different personalities rise to prominence as impactful "voices" for the rest. Some are fantastic at branding, some are incisive analysts, some are simply astroturfed as part of a non-obvious controlled opposition play, & some are just entertaining posters.
Jan 14, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
Did you know that there's corn liquor in your gas tank because of the riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago?

The modern preëminence of the Iowa Caucuses came from the aftermath, & lead to the disasters we have today. This is how history is really made… 🧵1 Image Held from August 26-29, 1968, the Chicago DNC convention occurred only months after both MLK and JFK were assassinated. The country had been rocked by race riots and antiwar protests. Things seemed much closer to the cusp of implosion than even today. 🧵2 Image
Jan 5, 2024 14 tweets 9 min read
Yesterday, I asked Grok a number of questions related to my account, centered around posts that could be a problem. Even when it gave evasive answers, it still listed beneath half a dozen or more of my own posts that clearly related to my query. So I deleted them all.

These charts show the change for my account in the subsequent 24 hour period. My posts' reach today was 3x my average, and by far the biggest day I've had in nearly six months, despite having twice as many followers as I did then.

In this thread, I'll share some of the responses it gave that outline things which are clearly impacting everyone. The change was instant as soon as I began deleting old posts that no on will ever even see again anyway.

The data will appear almost entirely in screenshots because one of the things that is affected is any discussion of this very subject.

Here's what I learned...Image
I first asked for specifics. All of these are undoubtedly correct for my specific account. I then asked follow-up questions to get some more details. The list it mentions isn't complete, and we all know the name of one particular one that rhymes with rub black. /2

Jul 19, 2023 37 tweets 11 min read
Have you ever heard someone refer to God as "Yahweh"? That's just the English for His revealed name in the OT, right? That must mean it's the ancient Christian practice!

In Stone Choir spirit (link in bio), let's look at the genealogy of this one, because it is wild. 1🧵 N.b. this thread is *not* about "the secret name of God," or YHWH, or Jehovah, or vowel pointing, or any other such debate. It is solely focused how & when the six letters "Yahweh" came into common use in English.

* denotes url links at the end since twitter suppresses them. 2🧵
Jan 26, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
🧵This rambling, incoherent essay is a master class in precisely why the boomers must all be removed and silenced.

Sound harsh? Let's take a look at just how bad this guy's grasp of the situation is.
/1 "I have no idea what's going on, and let me tell you why one side is wrong."

Calling a groundswell of righteous outrage that began exclusively with laymen and rapidly spread throughout the remnant of faithful pastors is hardly a "bonfired of the vanities." Utter slander.